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VIP Member
I'm not sure why it's so hard to believe that two covid denying arrogant reckless arseholes with a God Complex have got covid.
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VIP Member
It's Biden's fault. It's the media's fault. It's the justice system's fault. Nothing to do with him. Change the record. If he had of admitted shagging a porn star, or not shagged her in the first place while his 3rd wife was at home with his new born, or paid her out of his own pocket, or not shafted his lawyer Cohen, or just plead guilty, he wouldn't be in this mess. He had plenty of off ramps here and he took none. But sure, he's the innocent one.

After the January the 6th insurrection, his attempts at overthrowing democracy (just get me 11,000 votes/failing to acknowlege electoral defeat), the stealing of classified information, his sexual assault case which was actually rare, his cultish poisoning of party politics, him having an affair with a porn star and paying her off to dupe voters, on tape using the n word and now being a convicted felon...then whatever about this demonstrable cretin then for anyone still wishing this guy to be their President again needs to take a good long look at themselves.
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Donald Trump and his father before him has strong ties to the mob and he is Vladimir Putins puppet.

I follow american politics closely and just to highlight his campaign manager is in prison for years for corruption (involving Ukraine) , his lawyer is in prison for corruption, his national security advisor has been found guilty of working with a foreign country to the detriment of the USA and is awaiting sentencing plus at least 2 others, that's 5 at least all found guilty since Trump became president.

He is addicted to adderall (amphetamine) he is absolutely off his tits in some of his rallies and interviews and he is a pathological narcissist . This is just the start of it.

Hes also heavily involved with the Jeffrey Epstein female sex trafficking.

This all sounds SO far fetched, you wouldn't believe someone like this could become president of the USA. They will make a film about it all one day when hes gone and it all comes out!

Personally I think he will either have a stroke or be bumped off soon.
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Who cares?

New member
I get the idea that this is not a very American board, so I wanted to reply here. I'm not necessarily a Trump fan; just someone who has lived through a few impeachments now.

There's not enough time for congress to convict. This is all for show. Even if they somehow manage to convict and remove him, Pence will pardon him. Nothing will happen to him once he leaves office. It would set a precedent for every president thereafter to be hounded for the rest of his/her life with charges and no one would ever do the job again. I doubt if he is broke. He donates his presidential salary and has a private jet.

Four years is a long time and the American people have the attention spans of gnats. Two weeks after Biden is in office, a new shiny will blow by and they'll lose focus. Democrats are going to want to get some agenda passed before 2022 elections and covid is far from over.

There will be nothing legally preventing Trump from running again, but it's hard to say whether or not he will. If he wants power and feels he can't win, he has 3 children old enough to run in his place. Plus Pence is a karma Houdini who will owe him favors. If Trump has started a new media company that is doing well in 2024, things are going to be very different here.
I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. This was an attempted coup, Trump tried to become a dictator. There is going to be revelation after revelation about the level of planned violence as well as how and why the Capital was so poorly protected despite the open planning of an attack on the internet and direct warnings to relevant departments. Not impeaching Trump could set a precedent to ignore democracy and a legally binding vote. It is very important for world peace, the far right is on the rise across the western world, that Trump and his supporters are seen to be dealt with appropriately. Laurence Fox is taking the place of Yaxley-lennon and Katie Hopkins and that nasty needs to stop.
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Sarah honeysuckle

Chatty Member
Guess what, he’s POTUS, that doesn’t sound like a loser to me. It sounds like a winner unless you’re thinking everyone who voted for him was wrong and you were right.
In an election that was rigged by the Russians and where he had far less of the population of the country actually vote for him?
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VIP Member
Freedom of speech is being violated by the mass taking down of peoples social media profiles and ‘fact checking’ that only appeared recently


Ahahaha, You are entitled to your opinion, I respect that. Unhinged?are you ok? Since when have facts made people unhinged? Cognitive dissonance is at an all time high and people that are curious or critical are labelled ‘nuts’ Maybe try doing real research, not the stuff you hear on the BBC, CNN etc. see which same people/companies own the news and tv stations. (Its the same with beauty products, most the high end names all go back to one company) You are given the illusion of freedom,
Trump so far:
Lowered taxes 56% of americans are better off
Lowered drug prices
Given millions to trafficking survivors
Taking down P e d o rings daily, saving our children - yet msm fails to talk about that.
brokered an historic peace deal in the middle east
Got nominated for three nobel peace prize awards
DOJ has just confirmed Hunter Biden is being investigated for money laundering amongst other things.
massive refurb done at gitmo
Has 30% of the latino and black votes
Could go on...
You hate Trump because msm told you to hate him. Politica hate Trump because he is unraveling corruption from within. Ask yourself why would a multi millionaire give up his lifestyle to become the most ‘hated man’ he is the only president ever who has given up his salary since he was sworn in and will continue to do so for his next term. No other pres has done that!
Its also interesting to note how agent Wilson who subpoenaed Bidens laptop specialises in child crime. But you know, im just some nuts conspiracy theorist who knows nothing, according to you 😆

Loss of our freedom of speech right there

He also has pulled all US troops out of all the pointless wars. War = money. Can you imagine msm if these were any of Trumps kids acting like any of Bidens? Field day me thinks. GOD BLESS TRUMP. 🙏🏽

This is exactly my point 🤣 I don’t think you get it
60 minutes can’t find it therefore it must be true. You want me to send you records? Inbox me your email, ill get onto it...
I have not read through all the threads, just catching up.
America is a great place to live if you are wealthy and educated.
Never in a million years would I want to live there.
What about all the poor that live in America and are dying of Covid.
People losing their jobs, and no social welfare to turn to.
People who cannot afford to get to a hospital.
& as for all those who believe in having guns!!!
I work for an American company, and they are only interested in more money for themselves.
Give me the UK any day, despite all our problems.
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Chatty Member
I hate Trump/Republicans to the core but it's obvious there was some sort of fraud going on in the election
There have been recounts, audits, DoJ investigations, court cases.
No evidence of the fraud needed has been found. Just because someone says something repeatedly doesn’t make it true. But it can make lots of people believe it unfortunately
Look at the things people like Rudy Giuliani said at their press conferences versus the things they actually said in court. Competely different. You can’t lie in court and get away with it.

The current Trump defenders just want to court his voters. They don’t believe there was Fraud. They just want to curry favour with Trump’s base supporters and they are cowards.
William Barr has enthusiastically followed Trump’a orders but even her has said no fraud.

Trump has been telling minions to make it happen all his life. This is probably the first time that he hasn’t got his way.
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VIP Member
What’s a “classic Trumper” haha and brand websites?

Don’t kid yourself. Biden will spend the whole of his term being completely blameless from anything. He’s already caused a lot of upset from both sides due to his deeds upon taking office which are being answered with the “well, it’s not really him, it’s his administration” or “it’s the people around him...” spiel.

He's done more good in a week than Trump did in four years.
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Chatty Member
I had a quick look at it.
Dd (10) asked why do people support him as he’s
His supporters distrust science (some are taught
I have no issue with Trump. I'm not for him or against him. I think he says stupid shit but he has also done some amazing things for the US
He’s done some really amazing things ! Being openly racist and pro white supremist and misogynistic and people applauding him is pretty amazing

The leader of the ‘free world’ being a laughing stock around the world is pretty amazong

Having your supporters buy into the whole qAnon conspiracy nonsense is pretty amazing
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VIP Member
....... I think it comes from a certain place of privlege and perhaps a bit of naivety to assume that how Donald Trump is conducting isn't an issue to you since it doesn't directly affect your life. I don't think the thousands of children locked up in cages will agree with you or anyone who is a minority (from POC to the LGBTQ+ community, women, etc). And what happens in the States to an extent still has an effect around the world. Democracy is still important to maintain and I much prefer it over an authoritarian rule like what is utilized in certain S. American countries, China, and Russia.

The "left" are doing their job which is to make sure the President is conducting in a way that is legal and not putting the nation's security at risk for his own personal benefit. I'm not sure if you haven't read any of the charges against him, seen or heard all the testimony provided by career experts who have worked decades in civil service and have never seen such rampant disregard for the law, Robert Mueller's report, or just look at the revolving door of Trump lackeys who are currently waiting to be sentenced or already have been founded guilty.... The only nay-sayers are his ardent supporters who are brainwashed by Fox News and the Republican party who puts party before country.

I had to sit and think about putting out this post because I know how touchy and divisive politics can be. And yes, Donald Trump is only a symptom of a larger problem at hand in the States, particularly the direction the Republican party is careening towards. I think any person who really does the research and carefully reads the evidence laid out will see that Trump is guilty. It is pretty obvious. He's is the most corrupt modern US President to date.

It is in no way okay or acceptable for a President to blackmail a foreign country to help him in an upcoming election by seeking political dirt against his opponent. To use campagin money to pay off a mistress. To not fully divest his businesses--as all previous modern presidents have done so-- and instead use his Trump properties to personally line his pocket with taxpayer money. Nepotism, bribery, adultery, racism, discrimination, denying science, breaking emoluments clauses, being the least transparent president to date, etc etc-- no one should be celebrating someone who is so awful and yet so dumb to be a leader... or to wave it off as it being perfectly acceptable behavior in any individual.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
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....... I think it comes from a certain place of privlege and perhaps a bit of naivety to assume that how Donald Trump is conducting isn't an issue to you since it doesn't directly affect your life. I don't think the thousands of children locked up in cages will agree with you or anyone who is a minority (from POC to the LGBTQ+ community, women, etc). And what happens in the States to an extent still has an effect around the world. Democracy is still important to maintain and I much prefer it over an authoritarian rule like what is utilized in certain S. American countries, China, and Russia.

The "left" are doing their job which is to make sure the President is conducting in a way that is legal and not putting the nation's security at risk for his own personal benefit. I'm not sure if you haven't read any of the charges against him, seen or heard all the testimony provided by career experts who have worked decades in civil service and have never seen such rampant disregard for the law, Robert Mueller's report, or just look at the revolving door of Trump lackeys who are currently waiting to be sentenced or already have been founded guilty.... The only nay-sayers are his ardent supporters who are brainwashed by Fox News and the Republican party who puts party before country.

I had to sit and think about putting out this post because I know how touchy and divisive politics can be. And yes, Donald Trump is only a symptom of a larger problem at hand in the States, particularly the direction the Republican party is careening towards. I think any person who really does the research and carefully reads the evidence laid out will see that Trump is guilty. It is pretty obvious. He's is the most corrupt modern US President to date.

It is in no way okay or acceptable for a President to blackmail a foreign country to help him in an upcoming election by seeking political dirt against his opponent. To use campagin money to pay off a mistress. To not fully divest his businesses--as all previous modern presidents have done so-- and instead use his Trump properties to personally line his pocket with taxpayer money. Nepotism, bribery, adultery, racism, discrimination, denying science, breaking emoluments clauses, being the least transparent president to date, etc etc-- no one should be celebrating someone who is so awful and yet so dumb to be a leader... or to wave it off as it being perfectly acceptable behavior in any individual.
I'm just not that bothered by American politics and let's be honest there is never a good choice. By the time peole make it to leadership roles they are all slightly or completely corrupted. Just look at the Clintons and their "foundation".

Anyway I stand by what I said I don't have an issue with him as he is not my president
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
So as we know his pledges are to restore security, law and order and prosperity and to restore peace between countries. I'd vote for that.
Jesus Christ. That sounds like something a Miss World contestant in the 1970s would say when someone asked her what her ambitions were 🙄 You do understand he has no intention of doing any of those things?
And you’re completely fine with all the examples I gave of him being unfit for anywhere but prison?
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VIP Member
I didn’t say he was insane. I said he was a fucking lunatic.
I mean, how many examples of his heinous behaviour do you want? These are just off the top of my head so I’ve obviously missed out loads.
Inciting the January 6th riots and his attempts to undermine the election he lost.
The fact that he’s a convicted sex offender.
Being impeached
Calling a bunch of violent far right idiots “very fine people”
Letting Steve Bannon anywhere near the White House
The attempt to ban Muslims from travelling
Suggesting that Covid could be cured by drinking bleach
Calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas and John McCain a loser
The ridiculous birther nonsense about Obama
Attempting to rig the election results ( Georgia)
The 90ish criminal charges against him
Stealing classified documents and hiding them in the bathroom at Mar a Lago
I mean surely no one who had done one of these things, let alone all of them and more should be considered for a second to be fit for any kind of public office, let alone the presidency.
He doesn’t need to be signed in to a hospital. The fucker should be in jail.
If Biden had done any one of those things then Republicans would be screaming about how he should resign.
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Chatty Member
The impeachment has nothing to do with the welfare or justice for the people, but for her own selfish intention, to get at a colleague she personally couldn’t stand.

Where was the national guard when the properties and livelihoods of the people of America were being destroyed?

Only deployed for a panic-inducing publicity stunt and to heighten an idea of mass-violence under Trump’s watch after some rednecks pose for a few selfies in her office?

Ironic that the only rioting during Inauguration Day came from the hard left.
You realise Pelosi doesn’t have the power to deploy the national guard on the capitol? Not sure how Pence calling them in is really something you can lay blame at her for 😂
So many of your posts are just woefully uninformed and make little sense.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I kinda think that's a good thing, the world dictators are shit scared of him, they know he'll destroy them if they push him and dare to embarrass him.
It’s categorically not a good thing that the potential president of the USA is a fucking lunatic. I’m not sure they are scared of him - I would have thought most of think he’s a deranged laughing stock.
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Well-known member
I was going to say that I feel sorry for the Americans as their presidential role seems to be passed around various establishment types, billionaires and/or their puppets as some sort of reward for toeing the lines of embedded corporate interests.

Then I remember our Prime Minister in the UK is literally Billy Fucking Bunter and our MPs are all from the same private schools so am not one to throw stones in my own glass house.

But let’s not forget that Trump’s modus operandi / Mortal Combat cheat combo is uppercut, attack, attack deflect. Between losing influence in the Pacific to a strident China, American influence being chipped away in the Middle East by Russia and a pandemic and racial tensions at home, his attempts to deflect (especially in the run up to another election) are only going to get more spectacular.

I suppose at least oil prices are rock bottom, otherwise the nearest oil producing countries would normally be bracing for a diversionary invasion.
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VIP Member
Good grief this escalated very quickly to airlifted to hospital, presumably the white house has good medical facilities so it must be very serious.
It does, but it doesn't have a lot of the diagnostic machines they might want. I suspect they may be going now so they can have the optics of him walking to Marine One rather than him being in a wheelchair or stretcher. If the weather's good his security team will always choose flying over driving, less opportunity for an attacker to get close to him.

Slightly unfortunate captioning by the BBC though.
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