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I am probably in the minority but I don't actually have an issue with him. I don't think the left are doing themselves any favours out there by the way they carry on against him.
Their hatred is what made him president I feel. Would love it, if it is true that he became President by accident :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Can you imagine doing it as a stunt and actually becoming president.
....... I think it comes from a certain place of privlege and perhaps a bit of naivety to assume that how Donald Trump is conducting isn't an issue to you since it doesn't directly affect your life. I don't think the thousands of children locked up in cages will agree with you or anyone who is a minority (from POC to the LGBTQ+ community, women, etc). And what happens in the States to an extent still has an effect around the world. Democracy is still important to maintain and I much prefer it over an authoritarian rule like what is utilized in certain S. American countries, China, and Russia.

The "left" are doing their job which is to make sure the President is conducting in a way that is legal and not putting the nation's security at risk for his own personal benefit. I'm not sure if you haven't read any of the charges against him, seen or heard all the testimony provided by career experts who have worked decades in civil service and have never seen such rampant disregard for the law, Robert Mueller's report, or just look at the revolving door of Trump lackeys who are currently waiting to be sentenced or already have been founded guilty.... The only nay-sayers are his ardent supporters who are brainwashed by Fox News and the Republican party who puts party before country.

I had to sit and think about putting out this post because I know how touchy and divisive politics can be. And yes, Donald Trump is only a symptom of a larger problem at hand in the States, particularly the direction the Republican party is careening towards. I think any person who really does the research and carefully reads the evidence laid out will see that Trump is guilty. It is pretty obvious. He's is the most corrupt modern US President to date.

It is in no way okay or acceptable for a President to blackmail a foreign country to help him in an upcoming election by seeking political dirt against his opponent. To use campagin money to pay off a mistress. To not fully divest his businesses--as all previous modern presidents have done so-- and instead use his Trump properties to personally line his pocket with taxpayer money. Nepotism, bribery, adultery, racism, discrimination, denying science, breaking emoluments clauses, being the least transparent president to date, etc etc-- no one should be celebrating someone who is so awful and yet so dumb to be a leader... or to wave it off as it being perfectly acceptable behavior in any individual.
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I'm just not that bothered by American politics and let's be honest there is never a good choice. By the time peole make it to leadership roles they are all slightly or completely corrupted. Just look at the Clintons and their "foundation".

Anyway I stand by what I said I don't have an issue with him as he is not my president
Fair enough. We can agree to disagree. Maybe I'm young and stupid but I tend to care about things more than just my own personal well-being and try to look at things critically and not be so dismissive of people from all walks of life and different backgrounds. Or even people in different countries from my own.

Look, I'm not a Clinton fan at all but if we are going to criticize foundations and charities. Maybe look into the DT's personal foundation and what became of that. Those two ran in similar circles so they're not far off. But only one of them is wholly dependent on Putin for their survival both politically and financially atm. I don't think we can say Putin is an ally to both North America or to Western Europe.

I would think that the US, who is a key ally to the UK (as well as other European countries) would much prefer a leader who wasn't corrupted or directly influenced by Putin. Yes, it hasn't directly affected you yet and lolz who cares it's silly American politics! But countries like China and Russia want democratic institutions to fail. They want people to favor a more authoritarian government and have permanent presidents (not elected by the people) to be in charge. Democratic instability is the end goal. Why do you think Putin is trying so hard to influence politics in Europe too? It's not just isolated to the States only. I get the Royal family is symbolic for the British but I doubt you would want to go back to monarch rule again.
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I am probably in the minority but I don't actually have an issue with him. I don't think the left are doing themselves any favours out there by the way they carry on against him.
Their hatred is what made him president I feel. Would love it, if it is true that he became President by accident :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Can you imagine doing it as a stunt and actually becoming president.
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Nancy wants him impeached for inciting the capitol “riots” yet happily wanted Portland burnt to the ground and then some? Hypocritical witch.View attachment 396941
I mean, the people in summer were protesting for social injustice (I don't agree with the looting and violence). And the other group are right wing (some Nazis) who believe a fake conspiracy shared by the President that there was election fraud. You can't compare the two.
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I completely believe the conspiracy that he never wanted to be president. Howard Stien (the radio DJ) was the first to say it, and I reads all-white house books (Fire and Fury and the anonymous one) and it all points to the same direction - that DT never wanted to be president. Even Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 11/9 outlined this point in the documentary.
The story goes that DT wanted a pay raise from NBC for doing The Apprentice, so he thought he would announce running for president as a way to back NBC into a corner. Gwen Stefani was paid a lot more money on The Voice and this angered DT.
From what I read, he never imagined his campaign would go so far - he wanted to lose to crooked Hillary and be matra to his base of supporters.
If you don't believe me - watch his face just after he was announced as president and his mannerism when he goes to meet Obama just after the election. And also how he has behaved since taking office.
I believe deep deep deep down he secretly a little bit glad about being impeached but his ego is getting in the way.
I also believe he is in love with the power he has and doesn't want it taken away.
/Those are my two cents but the internet is filled with stories of how DT never wanted to be president.
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I love how Trump haters are such a whining bunch. Very sore losers indeed. They call themselves liberals but are the antithesis. The term liberal literally means “willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.” However, if you don’t hold the same views they display more or a fascist, bigoted attitude. Results speak for themselves, it needs no argument. If the COVID Pandemic hadn’t hit, Trump was on his way to being a President that delivered. Deny it if you like but apart from bringing up the same old rubbish there is no real evidence to the contrary. All the Democrats have done is try to derail his term of office at every turn, every time they have failed. They have spent more time on their witch hunt than making useful policies for the benefit of the people. I would be ashamed to associate myself with any group headed by the likes of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. Sense will once again win out. Trump for President 2020 KEEP AMERICA GREAT. PROMISES MADE PROMISES KEPT!
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Miss Begotten

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What example can you give of him being insane? As in something that would get him signed into a hospital.
I didn’t say he was insane. I said he was a fucking lunatic.
I mean, how many examples of his heinous behaviour do you want? These are just off the top of my head so I’ve obviously missed out loads.
Inciting the January 6th riots and his attempts to undermine the election he lost.
The fact that he’s a convicted sex offender.
Being impeached
Calling a bunch of violent far right idiots “very fine people”
Letting Steve Bannon anywhere near the White House
The attempt to ban Muslims from travelling
Suggesting that Covid could be cured by drinking bleach
Calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas and John McCain a loser
The ridiculous birther nonsense about Obama
Attempting to rig the election results ( Georgia)
The 90ish criminal charges against him
Stealing classified documents and hiding them in the bathroom at Mar a Lago
I mean surely no one who had done one of these things, let alone all of them and more should be considered for a second to be fit for any kind of public office, let alone the presidency.
He doesn’t need to be signed in to a hospital. The fucker should be in jail.
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VIP Member
well let’s hope DT is unpresidented!

Sorry to lower the tone....

Shag/ Marry/ Kill?

1. Trump
2. Biden
3. Bojo

Go! 🙈😉
Shag Bojo to see what the fuss is about. Why the fuck has he got so many kids?!
Marry Biden. Not got long left bless him and I still fondly remember his bromance with Obama. He’s be my little mate.
Kill Don. Will never forget that Central Park 5 front page. Or the kids in cages at ICE.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Are there really people who think Biden and Harris have done a good job?


Thinking that Biden and Harris haven’t done a particularly good job isn’t remotely the same as knowing that putting a deranged racist sex offender back in the White House instead of prison would be an absolute disaster.
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Chatty Member
Just get him back in, because make no mistake, Biden is a figurehead seen by the liberals as more relatable than the cuntish Clintons, and once installed, the illiberal liberals, i.e. Marxists will have a free hand.
that’s a load of nonsense. This is the lazy line trotted out by Fox, crying Lindsay Graham and Melania. Joe is a centrIst but will spend more money on healthcare and schools. That’s not Marxism. And it might be a good idea looking at some of the ignorant comments posted by people on here and posted in videos.

socialism to Donald is paying taxes. He doesn’t think he schould, and pays less than someone working as a nurse but will happily take the best medical treatment in the World.

Jared thinks anyone who isn’t successful like him ‘just needs to want it and work hard’ Donald thinks the same. They conveniently forget they inherited fortunes. And neither has been particularly successful.

Trump is a malignant narcissist. He has no business being in politics. He has made racism acceptable. He wants to reduce women’s rights as women are just pussy to him and he hates strong women with a passion. He likes

Tromp promotes authoritarism. He loves it. That’s why he loves Putin.
why don’t you go educate yourself on this.

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Chatty Member
How anyone can say ‘he isn’t that bad’ should give their head a wobble.

He is a racist, a misogynist, believes in nepotism, he wants to be the ‘smartest person in the room’ so hires dopes - Betsey Devos etc.

He wouldn’t know the truth if it hit him over the head with a golf club.
He is ignorant and doesn’t want to learn, he trusts his instincts (which seem a throw back’ to the Rocky movies.

He has no respect for poorer people and finds white supremacist to Be ‘good people’

he justs wants to lie around eating junk, golfing, inciting hatred and insulting people. He has no class, he is trash and that is the view of America he presents to the world
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His Family seems to adore him, he can’t be all bad.
I'm sure Tiffany adores him, shes the daughter he said should have been aborted right ?

I do wonder what his kids think about him raping their mum too .

Donald Trump is a mobbed up criminal, both him and his father have ties way back to the mob. Why is Trump trying to shut down the investigation in SDNY? Could it be they are looking into his tax returns or is it because of Gulliani, or it is his links to Epstein;There are so many reasons in other circumstances it would be comical.

The GOP know they are toast that's why they are now trying to affect voting (I mean Mitch McConnell has slashed the voting stations in Kentucky from thousands to a few hundred), criminals.

History will look back on the 45th president as a shit stain on America, even Nixon wasn't this bad. When the truth comes out how Trump has stolen from the American people it's going to be unbelievable.
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While I agree that this woke-ness is going way too far (esp w this pathetic bitch and her sad excuse for a prince husband), you saying this “character assassination” in regards to Trump is utter bullshit. He’s a despicable vile pos. He’s the cause of so much destruction in this country. And it does matter and it’s not “old news” to hate on him. Letting him get away w all the wrongs he did is shameful and he should pay for all the lies, fraud, deaths, etc. I’m in healthcare and we (yes, we) hold him responsible for deaths that could have been prevented. So sorry but you’re glossing over his horrendous “presidency” and saying people against him are woke? Wrong.
I don't know what you think another administration would have done differently because the fact is this time last year nobody knew what the hell they were doing. My sister isn't dead because of anything anyone in the US did or didn't do. She's dead because she had always been susceptible to the flu, she was overweight and the CCP was far more concerned with saving its own ass than with saving lives. You can mire yourselves in a river of Trump hate for the rest of your lives but it will never stop the next pandemic from coming and who will you blame then? China needs HELP, not Trump hate. Those people need freedom, infrastructure, medical care and sanitation. They need education and the free exchange of ideas. My niece is Chinese and I would love for her to be able to go home to visit her grandpa someday in a clean village without having to be afraid of what to eat or say. You're right, Trump hate isn't woke. It's just a waste of time.
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Chatty Member
I agree on the liberal definition. They call themselves liberals but behave completely the opposite. If you don’t believe what they believe you are wrong. That smacks more of fascism to me. Same with Antifa, biggest bunch of fascists going. If it wasn’t so pathetic it would be funny. You’re correct, everyone is right wing, there is no acceptance or liberalism in anyone these days, it’s all about control. We are on very dangerous ground!
I’m liberal, I’m Irish - I thought that our countries were very similar, having grown up on a diet of American TV shows. But as an adult I’ve realised the main difference to me is that Europe operates a social model (the most vulnerable are protected) and the US doesn’t. Neither side want that in America. In fact ‘a social model’ is mentioned with such abhorrence by many in the US like it’s the same as communism.

In America you pray to Jesus because if anything happens to you - you’re on your own because bad luck is your own fault and you obviously didn’t work hard enough. But is that enough now to achieve the American dream for the majority ?

The American dream is getting harder to achieve for many. Education is expensive, or varied in quality. Medical care is hugely expensive. I don’t like guns (it’s not in my culture) but they are an essential part of the American dream. Enviromental and food standards seem as a basic right in Europe are a luxury in the US.

I’m okay with politics different to my own, but I think that Donald Trump is a bad leader. There is a difference. I believe he doesn’t want to represent all of America just his base. I think Joe Biden will look to be a leader for all
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Miss Begotten

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Was listening to LBC radio yesterday and a caller was calling him narcissistic. The presenters usually dismiss anything not factually correct but didn't. My point is though a narc doesn't care about anyone or thing but themselves but clearly Trump cares massively about his country. If anything he has a big ego but that's not a diagnosed personality disorder!
You seriously think Trump cares about his country?? Come on, the only thing Trump cares about is himself.
( I’m not suggesting Biden is much better but the bar for that is so low it’s on the floor).
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