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Well-known member
The weird thing is that Afghanistan started flying apart after they dumped their King in the 70's. He was an absolute ruler, but quite a nice man (allowed womens education, alcohol, religious tolerance, etc.).

Some things never change - it has always been an unstable and unconquerable region. The USSR couldn’t crush Afghanistan when they full-on invaded and genocided. China and India (and the kingdoms comprising of both pre-20th Century) ignored it.

The punchline was that famous Macedonian Alexander, who was either known as “the Great” or “the Destroyer” depending on which side of his phalanx your ancestors were located, had no choice but to bribe and pay tribute to the tribesmen of the area now known as Afghanistan to allow him easy passage in his quest to try and sack the wealthy Indian states of the time.

I guess the mineral and rare earth benefits of occupying Afghanistan has come to an end. Only the silliest of Metropolitan “Intelligentsia” and severely sheltered liberal types in academia had any illusions about bringing Western values over there. The rest of us goggled at the idea that a Saudi terrorist, with connections in that nuclear power Pakistan had anything to do with Afghanistan let alone its people. I feel really bad for the servicemen.


VIP Member
Anyone know if Fire and Fury is a good read?. It's hovering in my Amazon basket. I'm a Brit and can't fathom how Trump got elected. Have an American relative (through marriage) who thinks he's the absolute dogs bollocks!. Find myself very mindful not to get into Trump convo with her... otherwise she's lovely. Which bugs me even more
If you want an informative book that is balanced and fair and discusses his campaign and first few crazy years in office, this one is great. I read it cover to cover in a week.



Well-known member
E jean Carroll is as mad as a box of frogs. She’s doing the rounds on any tv show that will have her. I don’t even think the people who hate Trump believe this bullshit.
I had a quick look at it.
Dd (10) asked why do people support him as he’s
His supporters distrust science (some are taught

He’s done some really amazing things ! Being openly racist and pro white supremist and misogynistic and people applauding him is pretty amazing

The leader of the ‘free world’ being a laughing stock around the world is pretty amazong

Having your supporters buy into the whole qAnon conspiracy nonsense is pretty amazing
Yeah, I smell sour grapes 🙄
What did he say that was racist? And what white supremist groups did he support?

Sarah honeysuckle

Chatty Member
So his brother (also his best friend, apparently) has passed away, but #wrongtrump is trending on Twitter. Possibly in bad taste, but that has tickled me!!
Also no details of what he died from. Wouldn’t it be ironic if it’s Covid-19...
I think he fell over hit his head and had a brain bleed


Active member
It’s under investigation by the FBI as to whether the ‘hard drive’ is real as intelligence have been warning trump for months about Giuliani and some dodgy russians.
Interesting Giuliani's daughter has come out today against Trump. Nobody wants to have anything to do with the shitshow going on around him


Well-known member
OK OK OK!, just stating what Americans themselve were saying when asked 🤣🤣🤣

As for no cost of living crisis, that's certainly not what I've heard many Americans say, including some very pro Democrats friends of mine.
Exactly to claim otherwise is nonsensical.