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Active member
Oh i’ve never heard of Crystal Olivia before, just had a wee nosey at her instagram and just saw her post about having depression/stress, that’s such a shame glad she’s able to find confidence through youtube but I totally get you about people not having jobs then moaning about being busy and exhausted and it’s like try doing a days work lol 🙄
Yeah I’m glad that YouTube gave her some confidence and has helped her but something that really grinds my gears about Crystal is how she’s so desperate to become an influencer :rolleyes: she has openly said she wants youtube to be her job but she doesn’t even create very good content so it confuses me!

She recently went to London with her partner and when they got home from the trip said she had such a busy day because she had to put some washing on and unpack a tiny suitcase! She also said at the start of her vlogs that she was too scared to use the tube but then at the end of the vlogs said she didn’t even realise such a thing existed… she makes zero sense!
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Yes but then it goes back to how it was, one queue going quicker (with a much smaller fastpass line) and not having to plan your whole trip 6 months out. Fast passes are a relatively new thing, especially the way they are done now. It's not like you have to pay for fastpass, you just go on the day and go on the rides.

If people haven't I suggest watching the video, he explains it well and it makes a lot of sense. There is now so much demand disney are in a strong position.

It shows the difference that these days people go to Disney so many times where as 15 to 20 years ago it was more of a once in a lifetime or certainly saved up for a few years.
yeah, the video does make sense. I know all the vloggers are saying the lines move a lot faster without Fastpass, and the argument is, that not enough people will spring for the option of an expensive Lightning Pass, to slow down the regular line.

But I don’t find that to be true for Universal. Whenever I’ve gone, the lines were awful without Express Pass, at least for the rides that I really wanted to ride.

We’ll see what Disney will end up doing. I figure he is right: they are starting to realize they can charge whatever the hell they want, they can cut whatever they want. People want to be there so badly, it won’t change their bottom line. It reminds me of that scene with the lawyer in the first Jurassic Park film.
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whatsever you

VIP Member
Not everyone actually believes in what Blackfish said. It has been reported that the producers/directors edited what was actually said by some employees to aid their agenda. Its basically tainted now.
it's still true that they capture animals (thankfully not Orcas anymore) and take young away from their mothers. Disney take in animals for rehabilitation. Blackfish was an example, it's not the only media/literature on the wrong doings of Seaworld.
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VIP Member
I thought YouTube added ads then the creator could modify. Hannah rickets I think it was posted this on her story the other day - YouTube had put 9 ads in her video and she removed 8
Yeah I was just about to post the same thing. I have to say I found hannahs post a little surprising as her vlogs have been pretty ad heavy for years so I did wonder if that was really correct or she just hasn't noticed.
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Can anyone recommend any good UK Orlando Vloggers who maybe don’t always stay on site at Disney 😂😂 and actually venture to I-Drive, the malls etc.

I already watch despicable 3, jade billington, L&r dreaming. I’m really needing some nostalgic vibes 😂😂 but I’m really hankering for the rest of Orlando and Universal as well and not just Disney!
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Yes its the mail.but so far the US has generally followed us. Just got a feeling we are heading for a bumpy late summer and autumn and I just don't see Biden opening up for foreign tourists

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Well-known member
Did anyone see what the Yaz and Cash trip announcement was? I tapped into the live very briefly and they were talking about DLP so I assume that's where the trip is 🤷‍♀️ but not 100% sure
Yeah they’re going to DLP end of this month, they put up a post! Probs cause you can travel to amber countries without quarantine if your fully vaccinated! (Not that that had stopped them before)
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Chatty Member
Hello! I just created an account so I could finally comment - long time lurker though.

So I just had to chime in re: Tom Does Disney -

Not only do I think he's vile, and his attitude toward COVID was disrespectful and dangerous - but...

He recently had a live stream (bc i hate him i have to check in on him periodically to confirm why) for the SOLE PURPOSE of "fundraising" to help him pay his DVC loan and annual dues. He suggested that if his viewers wanted continued content - they should help fund it....
Someone asked what he was fundraising for - before they knew - and he said "for my DVC and anything leftover can go to a charity"....

Yeah i'm so sure.
He is utterly vile.
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Chatty Member
So Yaz and Cash have a trip announcement at 8pm tonight, which they've gleefully just announced on Insta

DLP again? Or WDW for next year?
Pretty sure they’re doing WDW this September for the 50th but they’ve already hinted at that

It really annoys me that they made such a big deal about having to rush to DLP for opening because Yaz won’t be able to travel for a while just to basically rush back again! My guess is either DLP soon or WDW in September.
Omg yeah completely forgot about their excuse for rushing to Disneyland Paris!!!
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Yaz and Ash can't make that much off youtube, their following and views is pretty small really. I also wonder how much their tshirt business makes.
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whatsever you

VIP Member
This 👆🏼 Discuss what they post but publishing someone’s medical history into the public domain should be considered against the law and should have consequences. It’s pretty shameful tattle is allowing this. How low has it got to sink…
Kinda agree, but tattle is literally for gossiping about people. What some people think is too far, others might not. I dont think you should be on tattle at all if you're gonna get offended by what some people said.
Of course what was said shouldn't have been shared but on pretty much every thread there is news that has come out about people- that I doubt these vloggers are happy with!
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I just watched Jackie's 50s Diner video, is she engaged now? Did she have that ring before?
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eloise b

Active member
Dev infuriated me in latest Vlog at Busch gardens,couldn’t bear to queue with everyone else so went and got quick pass so he could breeze past everyone
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VIP Member
Took one for the team and watched Yaz & Cash's first day in DLP. Clearly read here because Cash no longer says Dank. Instead every second word is Cool. Literally EVERYTHING is cool. Jeez, learn some new vocabulary!
They always over use the word cool in their vlogs, it's nothing new unfortunately
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whatsever you

VIP Member
She only got her first jab 6 weeks ago and hasn’t posted about having her second so I’m just assuming she hasn’t had it! I’d be very surprised too so just wondered if anyone knew anything I didn’t
pretty sure she said in a vlog she's had her second now. She was sat in her car when she said it if that helps lol.
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