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I hear she's driving around Newbridge in a fancy range rover now. Personally I think it's in poor taste to buy a flashy car like that given most of her staff are on the pup pretty much all of the past year. She clearly isn't struggling whatsoever.
She's entitled to have whatever car she wants but I think the timing is awful.
She’s too smart to come on her story to blatantly show it off but has been showing it (purely accidental of course 🙄) the other day she took a completely pointless video selfie walking past it and you could clearly see the Range Rover symbol on the front.

See she put a question box up on her page, something like what content so you enjoy watching on my page? Of course all the sycophants were straight up licking her arse saying they love watching Beth. I’m sorry but nobody finds other people’s children that interesting. 🤷🏼‍♀️ If they even said it? Was it just another passive aggressive attempt to justify splashing her daughter all over SM.
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The photoshoot 🙄I'm delighted for her but she really does need to stop with the manifesting crap.It's such a bad message to send out to her followers that are struggling to conceive.What she should be saying is that sometimes when you stop actively trying to conceive and focus on others things, sometimes, and only sometimes, you might conceive (this happened me).She is a very driven lady, pushing hard to try and get her little girl signed up to sponsorship deals.Just let her outside, in her any old outfit at all, and let her play with the other kids.That's were children learn lifeskills - not on insta.
I like denise . But between the beth hi guys constantly and now posting literally every private moment and detail... it feels too much nothing private anymore... shes absolutely gorgeous and I'm so happy for her but I dont need to see her basically naked .. and I'm not a prude at all.. just feels too much... keep something private like
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I've always liked denise... still do I guess...but this beth ootd and hi guys every jaysus day is doin my head in... beth is only a child and I'm rolling my eyes when I hear her now which isnt fair as shes only a child..... she shouldn't be on social media this much... it's too much...
My little girl is the same age , and she wouldn’t have a notion about OOTD or talk about an outfit , she would be getting dressed and going to play or do what 6year olds should do ! I think that little lady is old fashioned before her time
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She should rename her page to Beth's name as Beth seems to be taking over .
She’s a lovely little girl but for Christ sake why has she got an American accent! And the ootd is not cute any more .. i just tap on when she comes on & pretty soon I’ll be hitting unfollow 😂😂
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New member
Camp was 10 until 1, I'm absolutely disgusted as my children also were in that camp.

just look at alidees time line
georgia sick on monday
kept home on tuesday -
still not well on wednesday so booked a test in the morning
did the test that evening
results thursday evening.

in my mind that timeline makes sense.
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She must know she's having a boy. The room & clothes are a dead giveaway.

It'll be a girl now I've said that 😂😂😂
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I could not follow her if I was haveing trouble conceiving.
I swear to God I would be so pissed off if I was having difficulties conceiving, and following her for inspiration. (I have had fertility issues in the past but went on to have two children naturally) This post is beyond insensitive.

She is the cockiest, most self satisfied, smug Mother on IG. The only time I have ever seen her remotely vulnerable was when she was caught out with the Belfast debacle. And that’s only because she could see the loss of revenue. The woman is a shark (in a very small pond)


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Have to
First off I have lite a candle for Denise and the baby please god they are both safe.

1. Wexford holiday when everyone else was in strict lock down
2. Big re opening up house party all the pelo staff had
3. Belfast shit show
4. All the posts of staff on the floor on top of each last few months
5. 9 months pregnant travelling to Belfast to open a hair dressers repeatedly.
6. Judge Roy beans ( someone should contact them sage contract tracing team ) all on top of each other
7. She smugly said a few weeks ago she wasn’t getting the vaccine. She should have manifested herself a miracle bubble to avoid covid instead of her miraculous conception
8. This is only what was posted - to post this to how ever many people without any embarrassment who knows what else - Beth at camps - where does mark work
9. We know all her friends are covid deniers anti vaxer s - Ellie Brendan etc
10. Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a little bubble to be 9 months pregnant and not have thought how covid would affect you
11. The story of Beth coming home from camp with a cough - and within 12 hours she had what booked a test ( perfectly healthy kid and she coughed how many times before apt booked, then apparently got an appointment and got results back within 12 hours - f*ck off yiu liar) - stupid blatant lie . We waited 12 hours for an appointment the same day and 26 hours for a result .

please god the baby is well and Denise isn’t too traumatised. But if she wants to make up a story to sell after this it should b to her friends about how being a covid denier is wrong and just because you are the self proclaimed virtue or health it can come to your door.
Or never mind that how about having empathy and protecting those who aren’t the perfect health or who you don’t know - by not being a d*k head and transmitting a disease

she should think about how her actions in the past 18 months might have affected others - and how her actions might have facilitated the spread and how it impacted people
Have to stop you there re appt for test. I’ve done three walk in tests with my kids and previous one we got within three hours of referral. So you can’t say that’s a blatant lie!

I’m going to make a valid point here. Have you see any of the pelo salons announce any temporary closures or anything over this? No. But they should be. Every single one of them was in proximity with Denise over the last 10-14 at some stage, some of them numerous times. You think she’s posting this to give pregnant moms an insight ? Yet her business still hasn’t mentioned any testing for staff or rescheduling clients. Oh no, Denise won’t lose a penny. She will even tell and sell this story too in time to come. I wish her and her baby a safe labour, but there is a fucking covid cluster here, she’s bang in the middle of it, but that’s being absolutely ignored in relation to the salons.
The hse states a close contact is someone who has been in close contact two days/48 hours before the person becomes symptomatic. So saying those who were in contact with Denise up to two weeks ago a totally over the top
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I have no words for her coming on this morning rubbing cream on her face while in hospital with covid barely able to breathe. What the actual f*ck is going on?
Also she has been extremely irresponsible and selfish.
Unreal they will do anything to gain numbers put the fecking phone away
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So i saw a good few have cut ties with bperfection and have stated they won't be BA for them any more. Fair play.
Has anyone done the same for Pelo or voduz yet?
Jens journey
Shapes and shadows blog
Christine mcguiness
Melissa Riddell
Erin McGregor
Faces by grace

To name but a few of the BA's

Are these just going to keep quiet so they continue to get free hair cuts? Is there a back bone amoungest them??

Who else do i need to unfollow?
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New member
ok - well first of all , you may want to pull back on your combative tone. Its unnecassary.

let me walk you through the timeline as I understood her to have said to explained - and why I believe Denise was lying over Beths test -

morning - beth goes into camp perfectly healthy.
evevning - beth comes home with a cough at 5 . ( my assumption camp must have been over after 5 was this the day of judge roy beans )

so beth comes in at 5 with a cough - do you think Denise took her for a test straight away? I can only speak from my own experience but with young children i woudl sit and watch them for a few hours first or id have had my child up getting a test every week.

so all that so say denies took beth straight out of camp for a test tuesday evening. she arrives at the test center at what time 6 ?
how long do you think it was before she got the results - i can only say the same day i waiting 26 hours. so by my logic would have been wednesday night for result.

if you believe Denise who has clearly been a covid Denier - went from her child having a perfectly healthy child put into camp to having the results of a covid test within 12 hours - then thats cool.

but when someone is trying to sell me something - i like to use my critical thinking. And she was selling.
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I never followed or watched Denise, just went on for a nosy after the baby announcement. Had to clock out as quick as I clocked in. The fake ‘watching too much youtube’ American accent from her daughter just grinds me. That child is so young and clearly being exposed to too much online content. Its a no from me
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My heart kinda broke a little bit when Beth was talking about her school tour. As grating as the american accent can get, Id hate to think she has no friends in school😢 kinda sounds that way when she was talking about how she had to partner up with a teacher & sat beside another teacher on the bus😢
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Guys, come on. She’s in a maternity hosp. If she has a temp they’re looking after her. Denise is loving the views on this- nobody needs to be worried that she’s not being looked after. She will be fully aware of what the plans & options are but will post cryptic or leading posts to keep up the views. So many kind honest worried people here concerned- please, don’t mistake someone’s obsession with Instagram for someone in actual distress. ❤
Well said. Different breed of human, more worried about the insta likes than putting all focus & energy into her precious baby. You can send all the wellwishes you like but she brought this on their baby. She had a year & a half of warnings, told by the government to stay safe, given the option of a vaccine, given the option of a section. And she said fuck you to all of that. Give your support to the baby, she’s made her bed
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Stopped following her. Used to love her. And I do still think she's a nice person, but just incredibly stupid about social media, and I don't enjoy being a spectator to so much of a child's life as a complete stranger. Makes me feel really uncomfortable that I know so much about a child I never met, never will meet, have no relation to, and am forced to look at through a screen on an account that I didn't even originally follow for her, but for her mother. I'm out.
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That was last year. She was working all day with those girls Monday I don't see what the issue is with the meal. People like danni the mammi who has broke them for the past 18 months constantly even last weekend a party bus full of people drunk isn't getting as much hate.
But Danni isn’t pregnant.. I’m not saying what she done was right either but really Denise should have put her unborn childs health before everything else
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My friend was out with us for our Christmas party, didnt come in for a few days we were thinking fuck some hangover! Nope. She had a baby. Full term. No idea. She'd gained weight yeah but not a bump.

So it happens
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