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She’s like a child who’s wanted a puppy and promises to look after it, and love it, but when she gets the puppy, she quickly realised it’s a lot of work and gets bored and quickly discards it… oh wait, she actually did that to TWO puppies, and I’m not just metaphorical talking about her children!

She has always only been interested in what those kids could do for her. I’m sure she’s not crying about losing custody because she loves and misses her kids, she’s upset because now she won’t receive Centrelink benefits anymore, and has lost the one thing she counted on for content.

I’d bet money that she had them cleaning and doing all the chores around the house, we already know she said they cook and look after themselves. All she cares about is her image and she knows that it’s an unfavourable image to admit to not wanting to be a mother, as she has done in the past. She’s realised she gets more attention to shed crocodile tears about how she was the victim when her children were taken from her. She has never thought once about how her lack of stability affects them.
Like someone already said, she’s packing up Jonny’s bedroom because she has no intention of making the effort to bring him out for visits (if she is even allowed to have any contact with them?!), she’ll move someone else in so she can continue to lie about her “dream life” to swindle more unsuspecting people.

My money is on and impending mental breakdown and her moving to Bali in the next 2 months to be with “the love of her life”.
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Imagine being so unfit that you’ve lost custody of your kids two separate times, to two different fathers, but then pretending that you’re the victim in the scenario. Going out of your way to set your camera up in your closet to film sympathy porn to get attention. Pathetic.

Then she has the nerve to say that she has had such a big life that she wouldn’t change any of it? Oh, really, you wouldn’t change failing your children? Twice? And says that she needs to move on from being stuck where she doesn’t belong? As in she doesn’t belong close to her children and is “stuck” when she is? Then she calls herself a spirit led woman? Bitch, God did not lead you to neglect your children, you disgusting cow. She is rotten to the core.


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Deirdre Chambers

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This is all absolute MANIA.
Hate to break it to you Crystal, husband number 1 was probably right about what it takes to have a PROPER business. And if you are still following the brilliant ideas of husband number 2 about make a logo and an Instagram account… well we all know how well well that multi million $ turnover venture Design Twins ended up.

A successful business owner who has any right to be trying to sell “step by step” running a business courses…. Is not 10 years later needing a flatmate, a second hand laptop and a last minute $30 per night accommodation.

These eat pray love victims are in for a wild ride I fear.

I mean the day before your first retreat you are running, you think you’d have better things to be doing than ranting about your exes and trying hard to schill yet another course!?
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I was going to say, $990 for all of that, even in Bali, would be cutting it very close. Especially since she's promised "designer restaurant" dinners, whatever that means.

The way it's displayed on the site could absolutely be considered deceptive advertising. I have experience dealing with similar issues at a corporate level, and while the ACCC comes down much harder on large businesses, it's still not cool and it would only take one complaint from a buyer to get it investigated.
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Your dream is to start a cushion cover shop?
All your blathering on about chasing your dreams, open the bloody shop then!

Crystal, a meltdown over a laptop is not exactly a sign your business is thriving.
She’s selling an entire furniture store’s worth of furniture on her Crystal Bailey Studio linktree but you know what is not on there? Pillows. Make it make sense.
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Oh my god. How many times does Crystal have to be smacked in the face with a brick before she ducks? This is lunacy the way she keeps trying to make her courses happen. Absolute deluded insanity. NOBODY WANTS YOU TO TEACH THEM SHIT, you moron. That’s why every single course you’ve ever tried to sell has FAILED. At this point you’ve got to wonder if it’s not just a psychological problem she has but if she’s intellectually deficient as well.


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So the kid packed for two weeks’ school holidays in Tamworth, then said ‘please don’t make me go back to mum in Byron not Byron’.

It would be much easier to get a date in the Family Courts if parents everywhere just shrugged their shoulders about their children and ‘surrendered’ so they ‘don’t get exhausted and unable to put on retreats in Bali for strangers’.
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And now she’s not moving. What a shame actually.
It’s typical childish Crystal to immediately exclaim that she’s moving in the middle of a tantrum because she didn’t get what she wanted. It would have been the best thing for those kids though because, let’s face it, she’s never going to be the caring mum they deserve. She needs to be as far away from them as possible, she’s brings them nothing but chaos and pain.

Who is this woman posing with her? Anyone knowingly associating themselves with this toxic lunatic is a straight up dickhead.
100% it was mid tantrum she declared she was 'moving' but the boys Father obviously didn't give a flying fuck and cater to this chaotic fuckwit so now she is miraculously staying put. Spirit led right Crackhead?!
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And there it is, her tearful admission.
I hope prioritizing your trips to Bali over your kids was worth losing custody of them again!
Don’t bother with those crocodile tears, princess. If you really cared about your children they wouldn’t have been the absolute bottom of your priority list all the time. You’ve only got yourself to blame, you grub. You failed them. Again. So pathetic. 😡
So where is the other one, she said going back to no kids but only mentioned Johny???

Fucking bitch I have zero sympathy. She has completely fucked her kids over. Can't wait till she is home alone crying herself to sleep when she realises what she has lost. She is kidding herself that the last couple of weeks have been best ever. Those people will very quickly go back to being strangers and she will be left with no one.
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‘Tonight’s adventure’ is watching the state of origin in a brewery. Wow I’m so jealous of the glamorous life of this crazy travelling woman!

100% she’s pissed some neighbors off, again, and the house is probably full of backpacker soul sistas she’s collected while wine pissed at the Beach Hotel.
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So is she admitting she lost custody of Jonny or both kids again? But she acts like "oh well, all my other dreams are coming true!!".
Well she gets to go to Bali with a bunch of wannabe influencers and buy fake Marc Jacobs so it all worked out in the end 🤷🏼‍♀️
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She’s moving to Sydney. WTF. Just get a normal job and have some stability in your life. Filming yourself about to have a panic attack in your son’s wardrobe is just such a choice. I’ll never understand these dickheads that post all this shit to social media and ruin their own lives and their kid’s lives in the pursuit of trying to be famous influencers. Just get a normal, stable job and work on your relationship with your children FFS.
View attachment 2946550
Who the fuck loses custody of their kids and uses it for instagram content, posing in a wardrobe and pouting their sausage lips?

Where’s the second dog now? Has she abandoned another one?
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Does she actually know the meaning of I'm having a few days off social media. There hasn't been 1 day she has been off since she returned from Bali. Shes manic for sure but showing strong signs of Bi-polar disorder. These 'projects' she has are they real or a figment of her imagination and she's thinking of organising another retreat. Crystal stay home with your sons, go and visit jonny and see how he is going.
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I don’t know why she thought posting her tattle meltdown was a smart thing to do right in the middle of her retreat. You know those women are now going to be looking for it while they’re scrolling at night in bed. The last thing you should want to do is direct people who might not know how truly problematic you are right to the place with all the receipts. I’m guessing none of them had any earthly idea about what a pathological scammer and liar she is, how truly mentally unstable she is and that she’s just lost custody of both of her children again for the 2nd time in their short lives. Well guess what, Crystal? They will now! I hope you haven’t fucked any of them over because you have now just shown them where to come to vent.
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I clicked on the link to join 'her inner circle'. The usual name, where do you live, current situation, why am I applying for the mentoring, what do you hope to achieve, your biggest goal, what will get in my way of reaching said goals and how much am I willing to invest to build/grow the business and get the high level of support to transform all areas of my life. Starts at 1k up to 10k and then other. Then how committed and what would I like from her. Out of all that the part that stands out to me is the $$$. So, if she wants this to happen, she should offer the first consult for free. A lot of lawyers in the minor ranks do that, it's a starting point for them and it helps build a new business. More experienced charge you a deposit on a home. In my eyes I don't want to pay a grand for her to tell me about the curtains she had in Bunnings or the concrete she spent her last $10 on. End of the day she needs coin it's as blatant as the horsehair on her head.
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