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I’ve been patiently waiting for Leila to have her own little rant about finding her haterz over on her account but instead she went private. 😂 These two are something else.


Kind of weird that she has proclaimed "we all fell so deeply in love with one another instantly" in the 5 days they hung out together. Okaaaaaay Crystal. Too bad you've never been "deeply in love" with your sons.

Also, this was the “best month of my entire life”. Ookkkaaaaaayy. Super psychotic thing to say about the month you lost custody of both you children for the second time in your life.


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You know, this post ... I’m torn. It’s a sweet gesture.
On the one hand it’s lovely that Crystal’s mum appears to be a million times more caring than she has ever bothered to be with her own kids. On the other hand it’s nauseating to me that her own parents, the people whose literal responsibility it is to have tough conversations with her and hold her accountable, seem to constantly smooth over her heinous behaviour. Maybe, mama Bailey, it’s way past time to stop blowing smoke up your grown daughters ass, hey?

She’s not incapacitated, she’s quite functional. She is surprisingly resourceful and manages to make lots of frivolous self-serving shit happen in her life. Just not the things that actually count. Like fulfilling her responsibilities to her kids and making them feel unconditionally loved and secure. Maybe mum and dad coddling her has only enabled her really horrid fucking treatment of her own kids? Maybe you constantly indulging her selfishness and irresponsibility has led her to believe that you endorse it? Maybe you not having frank and hard conversations with her has enabled the child abuse of your own grandchildren, have you thought of that? She is most definitely not a bright thread to her kids, she does not weave strength and beauty into every moment for them. She undermines their peace and sense of self. She emotionally abuses them, no two ways about it, and they will hurt from that abuse for the rest of their lives. Period. If you love your grandkids it’s time to stop placating her.
Yeah that definitely looks like enabling. If I acted like crystal my parents would be on the phone to me telling me to stop being a selfish cunt and be a mother to my children. Not sending me fluff bs
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That poor bloody kid could have completed his last year of primary schooling in Tamworth with his mates. And he could have completed those crucial first two terms of secondary school at the high school he will now be attending in Tamworth.

The two schools he attended in Byron are fine, but big, busy and can be cliquey. Hard going for a boy from the bush.

Crystal’s selfishness and inability to prioritise her children’s needs over her own wants actually astonishes me.
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There is no plausible scenario where Jane pays her to fly in to hang up $200 worth of mylar streamers and cheap balloon arches from Party Warehouse for her parties. If I had to acknowledge that I was almost 40 years old and the biggest highlight of my life was whoring out my labor as a cut-rate party decorator just so that I could post pictures of myself with a minor social media personality, I would take to my bed for weeks in desperation.


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Only Crystal could fuck up the point of "toxic masculinity" so badly that it ends up becoming a ham-fisted, idiotic dig used to shame women.

Crystal, I know you read here, and you are and have been one of the dumbest people I have ever known. Look up "internalised misogyny" and see if you can wrap your feeble mind around it. You have no business teaching anyone anything.
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Omg, your sons are not supposed to look at you like you’re ‘the only woman in the world’. It smacks of spousification on her part. The distance is a good thing.
Imagine her as a mother in law. She will absolutely be jealous of his partner and go on and on about how she’s his first and biggest love.
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Oh noooo, how scary! She hired private investigators and knows what we LOOK LIKE?! And a couple of you already closed down your accounts because of it?! 🤣🤣🤣 Try pulling the other leg Crystal. And good job directing new followers straight here. 🙄
Im going to wear dark sunnies and a hoodie when I go out in future. The Priv Investigator is going to hunt me down. I hope he's good looking, a bit of eye candy never goes astray.
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I really hope Johnny has some stability and a whole lot of fun now like a kid should be having at his age. The way he was clearly worrying about his Mum (from the texts she would post herself!) and having to act like the parent in the dynamic wasn’t healthy for him.
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As a corporate actual boss woman, I have an employee under performance management who reminds me so much of Crystal.
Actual delusions and in our meetings she off the cuff tells me things she’s achieved and I’m like… that didn’t happen. Or it happened and you left a trail of destruction behind you. Or it happened and it was nothing to do with you.
It’s exhausting. How do these people get through life?
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I think her over-explaining of everything is because she realizes that she is being judged for her impulsive and selfish bullshit. She then goes on and on about it because she is trying to justify, probably to herself as much as her audience, that what she is doing is actually fine because she’s just listening to her inner voice. What she refuses to face up to is that her inner voice is her narcissism and mental illness, not God.
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Let me get this straight. She has a six figure income for this past ten years yet has to buy a second hand laptop as a new one would cost 4K? 🤷‍♀️
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If this manipulative bitch continues to call herself a solo mum … 😡

She has technically lost custody of her kids four times now. With different dads they are not a package deal, they are independent of each other. So she lost London twice and Jonny twice. How pathetic. She was an incubator, that’s it. She IS NOT a mother, in any sense of the word.
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This delusional moron will NEVER get it. YOU are the problem. Poor Crystal is destabilized. You know who else is destabilized? Your sons!!

a few days off social media? Sure!
6 months of the biggest things in her life and you guys don’t even know?
We’ll see…
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She knows. She’s gathering. She’s going to use her voice! 👋🥱

You know… it’s a shame she never put as much energy into being a proper mother as she does getting offended that people have negative opinions of her about not being a proper mother. It’s a shame she constantly fails her children, who never asked to be born to a narcissistic, immature brat of a mum. It’s a shame that their tender little hearts are at the mercy of her nauseating selfishness.

Dickhead, you just lost your kids AGAIN and this is the shit you concern yourself with? Not on reflecting on how you continually fuck up your kids lives? Not on committing to do better and be a better person for your kids? Why don’t you do a little inner work on why you’re such a colossal fucking failure of a mum?


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Let me guess, it’s gonna go something like he’s her one true soul mate and she’s go glad she waited for him 😂

If he lives in Bali we’ll be watching Crystal forget she ever had kids and planning a move in 3, 2, 1…
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