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Chatty Member
I’ve not been on this thread since #6. Holy shit - it’s been like two weeks and it’s ummm a LOT. Whiplash. Chaos. Imagine living like this. Compared to people like Leila and Scamma, this one makes me feel so so sad. I know she is also trying to scam women but she’s so bad at it that she doesn’t seem to ever actually manage to scam them.

It seems like such an exhausting way to live. For her and the children. I wonder what her poor parents think about it all. It must be incredibly stressful. You never stop worrying about your kids - especially if they have kids of their own. 😞
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So is she going to move to Bris and just drive down for the day on weekends? She needs to go to parenting classes. This spirit led thing she is always on about gets old. She uses that phrase as an excuse about everything she does. Be honest Crystal, parenting is not something you can do, when you see London it's not a date its time to spend with your son, put the camera down and close the laptop and focus on him for a couple of days, it won't hurt you.
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I just listened to daily bailey, and it was riveting as usual, not. She touched on the Pvt Investigator revealing 'those women' who have been trolling her for the past 2.5 yrs and her friend for 7 yrs. She knows who they are, and she has asked them to stop because it's not in her to name and shame and hurt them. I'm sure someone will download the reels into here but what a load of crap. She scrolls through tattle on the reel and says she was shocked as its friends of hers.
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I was a single mum of 4 and I remember when my second eldest wanted to live with his dad it broke me. My exhusband and I lived 10 houses down from each other, I saw him nearly every day (the son), he lasted 6mths and was back with me and all was well with the world. I can't imagine having to hand my kids over once let alone twice. Shes not even mentioned when she will see jonny again. Her whole focus is going away and doing these pretend consults. You have one shot of being a good mum Crystal and you have blown it twice. Those boys are going to remember this for a very long time, and it will shape their lives and relationships as they get older.
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Is crystal not going to see her father or be there for her mum? Seriously ... Her parents have supported her financially and gave her a place to stay and covered her bills/debts and I'm sure many other things that they have had to assist her with. What a self-centered human being, and a disgusting daughter and mother Crystal.
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Look at the profile of the girl whose story she shared. Typical early 20s American on her eat pray love journey thinking she’s discovered Bali.
Crystal you’re a 40 year old mum of 2. Go home and parent your kids.
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That’s not his room that’s a spare room with a galaxy light. She has never wanted them it’s all a performance. I wonder what those church ladies on the ‘retreat’ think of her dream designed life coming home to no kids. She sure did a good job of creating what she really wanted. And that’s no responsibility.
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Do we think Jane (Showpo) reads here? Someone with a burner needs to message her and that other silly bitch that's paying her to help with her new build.
Showpo prob won’t care. She strikes me as a bit of a cheapskate, Loving the free labor Crystal provides for clout.
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From what I can gather it’s available from the 16th onward.
call me old and jaded but much like Lie-la’s busy psych bookings I feel that these retreats are a figment of C’s imagination and will not occur .. she has nothing to offer or teach anyone
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So, she missed her youngest child's birthday this trip. What a shit house mother she is. Shes in Bali doing fuck all like last time and it was her eldest child's birthday. As I said before she does not deserve those boys.
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He was nothing but a prop to her & I said it before. His father should refuse to let him see her. Period.
Agreed. Stop forcing this shit, it’s nothing but harmful. No contact, full stop. She’s just doing it for show anyway. She has stated herself that she resents motherhood but I’m convinced that she doesn’t even like being with her kids. Not even joking.

It’s so obvious that she has no interest in them beyond how she can use them to be beneficial to her. You just know she doesn’t spend a second thinking about them when they are out of her sight. As evidenced by the fact that she even makes them buy their own Christmas and birthday gifts. She has never done anything interactive with her kids, absolute nothing where she would have to engage with them at all. No weekends away to fun places, no trips to the zoo or museum or any of the shit she indulges herself in - whale watching, horseback riding on the beach. At most she’s dumped them at the community pool or water park so they can go entertain themselves while she sits back on her laptop.
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I guess you were all correct about having one of the children taken away. At least for some of the time. This is so heartbreaking. How can she be all happy and carefree. It’s so sad.
I knew it.
Her motherhood journey changed last week and now she’s starting to realize why, she says?
10-to-1 she’s moves to Bali before the end of the year to be with this new guy. Hell, inside of three months even.

It originally broke her heart but now she’s all good. It just took a good root and she’s on to other things. Spoken like a true loving mother.

I don’t find it heartbreaking at all. She never deserved those kids and I think it is the absolute best thing for them, it’s just a shame that she had them as long as she did. She wasn’t pissed at the ex because she wants Jonny with her so badly, she’s pissed at him because she thought he won. She needs to stop pretending that she cares about motherhood.

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It must all of the sudden now be a smaller group because she has realized she’s probably won’t sell anymore spots 😄
(Which would actually be lucky for her since she only has 5 bedrooms, despite claiming she has more)

She can’t keep her lies straight. She definitely started out wanting 6 people, which is exactly the same amount as the retreats next week, so today’s lie confirmed. Three days ago she claimed she immediately filled two spots via DM before she even released the offer, has 4 spots left. Then yesterday she said she filled another spot and there were only 3 left, and then 5 hours ago said she woke up to another spot being filled and interest in the last two. So always the intention was to try to get 6 spots sold.

Makes you wonder how many spots she actually has sold. It could all be bullshit so far. Leila may actually be the only person on board. 😄
Tarah will 100% not go. There will be a lie about some mystery illness because the scammy bitch can't afford a passport.
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So when she came home from Bali she said it was because she missed her boys and couldn’t be away… now she says she had a breakdown at the start of the week and had to work to understand someone else’s perspective and not react…

So as we knew she clearly didn’t want to come back from Bali, something forced her to.
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Today was the last day I’ll see my two boys for an entire month.. so I took them to a theme park, brought my laptop and set up my camera to film myself working my my laptop. I’m such a great mum!


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VIP Member
I knew it.
Her motherhood journey changed last week and now she’s starting to realize why, she says?
10-to-1 she’s moves to Bali before the end of the year to be with this new guy. Hell, inside of three months even.

Although I’ll say I don’t find it heartbreaking at all. I think it is the absolute best thing for those kids and it’s just a shame that she had them as long as she did. She needs to stop pretending that she cares about motherhood.
She should've shared the first paragraph of that post & not the 2nd one. It disgusted me the way she is so cavalier about motherhood. You'd think after 2 years of following her now it wouldn't bother me but it does. Crystal is all about Crystal. Always has been. Always will be.
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How will she film their crazy late night sista antics with a head shake and look off to the side and a lip bite if she’s not staying with them?
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