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VIP Member
I'm pretty sure most of those temporary morgues were not even used.

They only see and hear one side. It's damn right bizarre.
not sure why you would be questioning a nurse who worked in the hospital where the article is based who worked in ICCU during covid who sent patients there on a daily/ weekly basis

also to add to the article which it doesn’t mention was that because some wards faced the temporary morgues , they used a makeshift tunnel from the hospital doors to the morgue doors so patients didn’t have to see porters wheeling the trolleys there


Well-known member
Mabye everyone’s catching covid from them minging sanitiser dispensers at shop entries, don’t even want to think about how many dirty hands are touching that on a daily basis 🤢
That's why I like the foot-operated ones, but you have to go to posh shops for them so it's only a rare treat :confused:


VIP Member
I wonder is it 67% are considered fully vaccinated i.e some that will mean 3 doses and others will be 2 doses and before the 6 months so not needing a booster yet?
It could be ? but I don't think all those other countries have started boosters yet ? ( if that's how they're compared on the chart ) I saw a doctor on earlier in the week saying they only had 13% take up in her area so I'd say it's definitely slowed down ,Boris said earlier we need to get the booster before the next wave lands the storm clouds are brewing and we know what happens when the rest of Europe is surging so even he doesn't sound convinced .

Just wondering how long the doses actually last should we be seeing such a big jump from July when a lot of these people would’ve had a second dose in March/April after they changed tack from the 3 weeks to 3 months from January.

Jesus H Christ what is going on there must be a new variant :oops:


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VIP Member
To be honest I think his mums doing the best she can in her circumstances, she’s working from home full time while looking after him. He didn’t get a nursery place and she’s a single mum with little support now that her parents refuse to mind him so I think the tv buys her time. He is outside a lot in their garden in fairness so I don’t think he watches it too excessively.

I think young kids are really impressionable and when they see their favourite characters or role models doing things they want to do it too.
Your in England? If so she should contact the local council every child is entitled to a nursery place for pre school. The early years dept of education would help her find a place.


Boo hoo. So does having your business closed due to months of lockdowns, but I’m sure being able to taste your dinner is more important than families being able to pay bills and feed their kids.
It can be not nice to lose your taste and also awful to lose your business.


VIP Member
She wasn't. It is already on my notes and my previous midwife has respected my decision however this one made it clear it would be discussed in every appointment, simply because she didn't agree and thought if she kept pushing it, she'd scare me into it eventually. It's luck of the draw whether you get someone who respects your choice or if they don't - but if it's the latter, it doesn't matter how many times you say no.

I don't owe anyone a reason, no is a full sentence. That is the beauty of consent, or should be if we hadn't lose sight of that as a society.

"Would you like the vaccine, this is why we feel you should" "No thank you" "Ok we don't agree but respect you right to choose, if you change your mind in the future let us know" should be the complete conversation.
Fair enough, if you also don’t like your midwife you can use freedom of choice to get another one!

And how is that ok 🤨
I’m not saying it is 😂


Chatty Member
@Influenced I couldn't quote as the thread was locked so have copied from the last thread

Just because you don't know anyone doesn't mean that it's not happening. People have been confirmed to have died, over 30,000 women have had their menstrual cycles messed up, children have suffered heart problems. Maybe that's worth it just so long as you don't catch covid 🤔 Even though triple jabbed people have still gone on the catch it

Immunocompromised people can have the covid vaccines though, it just might not offer the same kind of protection.

Even if everyone on this earth took the vaccine the virus would still exist. Its a virus, that's what they do! The only viruses to ever be wiped out by vaccine is smallpox and polio.
This is a coronavirus, it will always change/ mutate just like the flu, but you don't care if I get my flu jab and neither do the immunocompromised.
I think without the vaccines we would be in a much worse place right now. Also do get a flu jab, they are safe and very effective. This isn't the flu though.


Chatty Member
So their business was still open even though they lost their taste and smell. What’s the issue?! The point is businesses shouldn’t be forced closed because someone’s lost their taste and smell.
The point is that some peoples livelihoods depends on their sense of taste and smell. You can't just dismiss a percentage of people catching an easily-spread virus and losing their livelihood as "no big deal" and then be like "oh think of the poor businesses that were force to close" because there is a distinct possibility that because of the side of effects of catching COVID and it running through an unvaccinated population recklessly, some people have lost a key skill required to do their job. It's disingenous.


Chatty Member
I know lots of people that have had covid now, all of them are jabbed. The only person I know who was hospitalised was my next door neighbour, in her 30s, immuno-compromised (had to shield), after her first jab. I did wonder but didn't mention it to her. She has since been doing lots of research and absolutely links the 2, and is very very anxious about getting a second jab, and even more so with the threat of boosters.

I heard Savid Javid had said 'Get your booster to avoid restrictions at Christmas' I would be so angry if I had had the jabs, followed what they'd asked and now they were still threatening us!
I haven't and will absolutely not be getting it. I'm pregnant and no I'm not remotely worried about catching Covid coming into winter. I'm fit, healthy, under 40, no co-morbidities, I'll trust my immune system for me and my baby thanks, over being a guinea pig.

Interesting at the ante-natal clinic these signs are up everywhere. Somewhat at odds with all the scaremongering in the press.

I too am sick of Greg James and his insipid vaccination song. I used to like him but now just see him as a foolish puppet.

I think with all the evidence now (for example just look at the latest BMJ articles on the jab); those that are steadfastly insisting there's nothing wrong here, are just stubborn people who refuse to be wrong and will argue the sky is pink just for the sake of their own ego's. In this day and age you have to keep an open mind, and know that you are being pelted with propaganda by the mainstream media and the Government. I know several people who say, 'I trust the science' without doing any research themselves. That is just beyond stupid. The 'science' presented to you had an agenda.

My work insists that we test twice a week. I've had a bit of a row with them as I only go in 1 day a week, and barely see anyone, and don't have a client facing role. So I test every so often just for peace of mind after being away, or a trip to London etc, but the rest of the time I just log the result as negative without testing as I'm so infuriated that I'm being made to do it, unnecessarily, when I know they can't enforce it. Our external HR company even told them it would be a very grey area in employment tribunal, I've just agreed for an easy life due to being off on maternity soon, but they know my thoughts on it and that actually they can't force me.
Totally respect what you’re saying but I am super fit and healthy and caught Covid at 35 weeks pregnant. It has absolutely broken me, two weeks later I’m starting to recover but physically, I can’t do anything and I had both jabs. Have no doubt that my baby may have made an early arrival or at the least I’d have been hospitalised without the vaccine. Hoping I can recover and regain some strength before he arrives. Just wanted to share my experience as it took me by surprise. I caught it from my husband who shook it off in 4/5 days, I just naively thought I’d get through it in the same time. On the plus side I’d rather have this battle now then deal with it when the baby has arrived!


There is a very vast amount of people, more so than from the fucking virus, who have been severely negatively impacted from the restrictions around this pandemic - e.g. job and housing losses, deaths from non Covid illnesses because of not being able to access healthcare, severe implications for mental health and suicide rates, elderly people left to die alone in care homes because their relatives can't visit or people getting into criminal trouble because they had a coffee in a public park and the police decided it wasn't "essential enough", the list goes on.

I'm sorry if I care more for them than enforcing totalitarianism so that less (in your eyes not mine) people will be affected by the virus and god forbid lose their taste/smell and have their social lives affected!
As I’ve already pointed out:
1. Losing sense of taste/smell can be a horrible thing to go through whilst all of those other things are awful.
2. Loss of taste/smell does impact well-being.

I’m currently missing a relative’s funeral. I was separated from my family for a year, including over Xmas, as I live outside of the UK so am I aware of how it can impact people in other ways. I mentioned the taste thing as it was being discussed on the forum. I’ve never said any of the things you’ve mentioned are worse or better than losing taste.
Nobody knows how many people are in the world so it will remain one of lifes great mysteries.
There’s far too many. 🤣

Same could be said for survivals of covid, many more could have had it and not known or not tested and survived. They’ve made an educated estimate I think it’s positive that it’s such a high survival rate. Gives everyone something to be hopeful about. Not all doom and gloom.
It isn’t all doom and gloom.

I can understand why you feel that way if you’ve had a bad experience. Objectively it is a reassuring statistic at least for us in the UK.
Thanks for your nice reply. As a figure I can see why it is reassuring.


VIP Member
It's not just that, it's comparing a vaccine that has a 100% transmission success rate against one that, well... MIGHT stop serious illness and definitely doesn't stop transmission
Very odd comparison! ..,This is misinformed apparently 🤷🏼‍♀️