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VIP Member
I agree there will be a certain amount of people who will just refuse to get any booster regardless of anything else. But they would get more people on board if they were just honest about it and stopped blackmailing and threatening lockdowns.
The UK uptake has dropped massively even in the old folk and they know it's supposed to protect them but even that is not an incentive ,people know the Gov can't afford repeated lockdowns . Life will just return to how it was through peoples behaviour maybe not for x amount of time but we will learn to live with it eventually it's just going to take a bit of time to find the balance.
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VIP Member
Kermit has admitted vaccines only slightly reduce transmission so even more reason not to mandate them

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VIP Member
Plenty of people have tried requesting this information on a freedom of information.
PHE conveniently don't have this information because it's too hard to work out. They direct to the MRHA yellow card system - when they know people won't believe that because fact checkers have told the public that anyone can upload anything to that. The yellow card system though will tell you what deaths there have been, but then we go back to believing the information you've been given.
Funnily enough PHE can give all the deaths from covid, including comorbitities, age ect, but not vaccine deaths excuse its hard to gauge.

So the answer to your question is that your answer is there, it just depends on what you want to believe in the perpetual circle of the pass the buck game 🤷🏼‍♀️

Eta, its already been posted here about an FOI on deaths in children
It's hard to work out though, because some of the people who've died after having had the vaccine may well have died anyway - so one cannot prove the vaccine definitely caused their death.

After all, no one who's had a vaccine has died of a 'new' cause -- i.e. they've all died of something other people died from before the pandemic.
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VIP Member
I don’t think that is quite how the conversation went down. Losing your sense of taste and smell is shit, losing your income is shit. People are shit. Fig rolls are the best.
Just to be clear my reaction there was 'on balance, a like' because fig rolls are not better than custard creams or garibaldis.
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shatcho shiek

VIP Member
serious question , i was tested for covid antibodies it came up as more than 0.4 can anyone advise me i I had not had covid wouldnt it come up complete zero.
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VIP Member
Interesting. I'm happy to wait my turn really as I imagine I will be offered one eventually. I blame it on my GP really as I'm eligible for the flu jab and they still haven't even contacted me about that. Got one from the pharmacy anyway.
A lot on my local Fb groups are going to drop-ins for thiers
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VIP Member
I don't agree with it at all, but it's only fair they're treated the same as care staff.

The 5 months is interesting, they know that they need to get through winter and so many staff will walk, so I wonder if social care will get a reprieve short term?

The problem will still remain in that around 5mths a huge amount of staff will still leave. It might not be the 140,000 that would leave if they brought it in now for both sectors, but it won't be far off.

I hope they do u-turn on carers and come next year u-turn on this as well
There's already 100,000 staff deficit can they afford to add another 150,000 ! even if there is a 5 month reprieve could they fill those posts before next winter ? as they keep reminding us covid is going nowhere fast .
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VIP Member
For those that haven't seen it, that last one is a compilation of clips from the excellent Four Lions, variously described as comedy, harsh satire etc.
I had no idea it had been used in any ofticial antiterrorism material.
Dark satire indeed 🙄

How long before Ugly Kid Joes Pfizers new jingle.

Seems that song has been used to push a lot of messages
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Chatty Member
Thoughts on them lying about covid hospitalisations to push the vaccine uptake?
What do you mean by lying?

Two different posters you mixed up there. one was posting about vaccine injury and death the other about death stats. Prefrontalmediacortex didn't debunk the one I was talking about or that you or @monga were talking about. Let's hope you do your job better than you do forums.
Thanks, I most certainly do. The manner in which data is presented to you in the industry is full datasets, organised carefully and sourced with utmost care and a long audit trail ensuring tracability. Not on a forum on the internet where people shout at you to "Do the research" if you ask to see their sources.
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Those heart inflammation/myocarditis studies were debunked some time ago. A lot of studies that come out are often debunked or have been wrongly reported on by media to increase the fear level (science reporting has always been rubbish and this fear and hysteria makes them lots of money!). All viruses can of course cause problems. The fact seems the vaccines in certain age groups/genders do cause these problems at a higher rate. If you are under fifty you are most likely going to be just fine. Over fifty getting vaccinated 100% makes sense and is a good choice. It should always be a personal choice though, and we should not have decimated society over it but that was and remains deliberately a political choices fro nefarious reasons imo.
Which studies are you referring to that were debunked?
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VIP Member
Looks like it’s all going to shit in Ireland defence forces may be used to help with boosters before the health service crashes.

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But that doesn’t account for everyone you said yourself they’re not 💯 so how do they pick the people that were definitely saved by having it ? As opposed to how much damage the virus did naturally.
I know it doesn’t. I didn’t say it saves 100% of people. I guess they measure by those who would be at most risk such as the elderly/vulnerable/immunosuppressed.
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VIP Member
I still don't think people would ,a lot of people don't take to repeated medication ,especially young people ,and the added worry of longterm implications on the body that nobody has an answer to .
I agree there will be a certain amount of people who will just refuse to get any booster regardless of anything else. But they would get more people on board if they were just honest about it and stopped blackmailing and threatening lockdowns.
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Chatty Member
There is a national database to check vaccination status so although they can lie to their colleagues it can easily be checked
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Sounds to me like you only want to find pros of the vaccine and no cons, personally I listen to both sides, the only pro I have found is that is might reduce your symptoms whilst infected and personally I would be at more risk of the vaccine than covid because of my age and health.
Out of interest, what are the risks of the vaccine that worry you? Surely you have researched enough to find at least one?
I am very well aware of the pros/cons and risks of the vaccine. There are risks and side effects to everything. I didn’t think Covid-19 would affect me the way it did because of my age and health and that was enough for me to take the vaccine as well as everything else I have read.


VIP Member
Interesting. I'm happy to wait my turn really as I imagine I will be offered one eventually. I blame it on my GP really as I'm eligible for the flu jab and they still haven't even contacted me about that. Got one from the pharmacy anyway.
I'm not sure how the booking system works in England can you not get a booster from the pharmacy too ?


VIP Member
Anyone with kids in school knows it’s inevitable that they’ll bring home every virus going otherwise they’d never be in school. It’s just part of life and we need to learn to live with viral illnesses not fear them.
It's easy for a person to say that if they're healthy with no underlying illnesses, etc.

But I'm on the vulnerable list, hence being eligible for the booster vaccine, so if I got it, I could be very ill with it or worse. I also know someone who's been in hospital with it for nigh on 8 weeks. I'm not sure telling his wife "you need to just live with it" is very helpful.
So you’ve had covid so therefore have natural immunity and you got the vaccine how long after being infected? Your vaccines would have been useless, or are antibodies not real anymore?
I am not going to be questioned by you about my choice to take the vaccine just like I am not here questioning you why you didn’t get the vaccine.


VIP Member
I see her father is a doctor who also had an adverse reaction after his second AZ maybe a genetic link ( although she says not)