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VIP Member
Is anyone else struggling to book their booster? I assumed I was classified as clinically vulnerable and had my second dose very early May but still seem unable to book via the online booking service at the moment.
I had to wait for a text and email from the NHS. Once I had that, I was able to book fairly easily online - though I'm having to travel to another town for it as my local GP practice wasn't an option.

A neighbour of mine who's 75 hasn't got hers until early December because she can't/won't travel for it and our local GP practice (which isn't small) can't fit her in till then.

It's very different to the original vaccine rollout where my local GP practice called me when I was ready for both my first and second jab and did the booking over the phone for an appointment a couple of days later. That's what annoys me; the government keep urging people to get their boosters when - on the whole - it's not easy to book at all!
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VIP Member
It will be very interesting to see what proportion of the staff who leave have actually been vaccinated and are purely doing so because they don’t agree with mandated healthcare. I’d like to think that should be at the core of your values if you work for the NHS, everyone’s right to choose and to have autonomy over their own bodies.
And the vulnerable people they treat?

Odd how there's no complaint over other vaccines you must have if you go to certain countries or work on the NHS.
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Interesting news from Australia. Hospitals over-run. And yet the State has very strict border controls, almost no cases and very high vaxx rates - surely this points to only 1 thing ? "Delayed reaction to Covid". Right 🤔

Delayed reaction to covid or reaction to the vax.

Does anyone know whether they still test people over there. It may be that their infection rate is just higher than they think because they're not testing.
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VIP Member
I like to think mostly long-term effects are just fear mongering but I know a lot of women whose periods disappeared. They still haven't come back. I had no problems with my vaccine.

As if it matters - this sort of life we are in with restrictions, lockdowns every winter, et al is boot on a human face, forever. (Thanks China!)
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VIP Member
When I go for my booster instead of asking for two stickers I'll see if I can blag a whole sheet.
I remember I could almost feel the green of envy from here when I announced I had four stickers - if I get a whole page of them I will be able to heat my home with the incandescence of everybody's rage 😎
I think the fires of hell will be the only alternative we'll have if they hike prices any higher🔥🔥🔥🔥
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VIP Member
How can you compare and air borne and blood born virus
It's not just that, it's comparing a vaccine that has a 100% transmission success rate against one that, well... MIGHT stop serious illness and definitely doesn't stop transmission
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VIP Member
got one last time but not this time!

When my kids got their vaccines they were very annoyed that they weren’t offered candy or a sticker. 🤣
They had every right to be annoyed, and I hope you were too! The main question though, did you glue yourselves to the floor in protest?
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VIP Member
But leaving the house benefits me. So I'm happy to take that risk. I can also control my risk by crossing the road carefully.

The vaccine is no benefit to me. So why risk any possible known or not known side effects.

For me it's more like crossing the road with my eyes closed. A silly risk to take with no benefit to me, but it's a quiet road with a low speed limit, so I'll probably be ok
How can you say with confidence that it has no benefit to you? If it stops you getting covid and dying I'd see that as a benefit.
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Active member
Sorry if this has already been mentioned.. is there a 4th jab? I’ve seen a couple of people now saying they’ve been for their 4th jab??
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VIP Member
Well, I suppose it's easy to dismiss all nurses who disagree with your view as liars because then you don't have to deal with what they say. Convenient eh? :D
I beg your pardon? I never dismissed anyone or called anyone a liar?
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I definitely am and I’ll admit that unlike others who try and pretend they look at both sides of the argument when they definitely don’t. I will absolutely never get covid vaccines or comply to totalitarianism. I do wonder if some of the posters on this thread have always been fascists or they’ve just been coerced to think this way in the last 20 months.
I am pretty sure Prefrontalmedialcortex talked about his bad personal experience with covid, so her bias is totally understandable to me. Any personal experience (with covid or a jab) makes you biased, but a lot of people keep denying it when it's obvious.
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You don’t respond to any comments that show terrible effects of the vaccine. It comes across as either lack of empathy or refusing to hear a bad word about the vaccine. Or the latter
You don’t respond to any comments that show the great efficacy of the vaccines amd the number of lives they have saved. 🙃 Practise what you preach.
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