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Chatty Member
Scared of what ? Surely the majority of people know not to believe random strangers on the internet , I tell it to my kids all the time ,although there are gullible people in every walk of life that just go with the flow without question.
They evidently don't though lol plenty of people say they won't get x because y said z with no critical thought applied.

The whole covid vaccine debacle was the catalyst for me to get me questioning any type of vaccine. Before that I just blindly followed and did what I was told or didn’t question, I didnt get the covid vaccine or get my child vaccinated with the MMR as by that point the whole media push for the covid vaccine was in full swing and that is what put me off getting my child vaccinated anymore, the more they pushed the more I backed away. Its all the media and governments fault - they played themselves, the constant nagging and fear mongering pushed people to look into things further, surely if people have to be manipulated into getting something then it cant be good for them. I still worked throughout the first lockdown and could see people were not dropping down dead around me, it didn’t seem like a deadly pandemic to me, just the old and vulnerable in society at risk (which is the same for any illness), so I thought why do I need a vaccine, why do I need to be coerced into taking something I dont need and since when do the government dish out freebies for people.
What's the MMR vaccine got to do with the covid vaccine?
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Healthy people did die as a result of Covid-19 infection.

People with underlying health conditions (who would have lived for many years) died as a result of Covid-19 infection.

Many people have been left with long term complications (long Covid) post Covid-19 infection.

Worldwide the number of people who have died from Covid-19 is a lot higher than what it currently due to countries under reporting, not reporting at all or the way stats are counted/lack of.

That's terrible.

Shame they never created a safe and effective vaccine.
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Same old argument so I'll repeat
No-one here is ignoring other contributing factors.
And again.
No-one here is ignoring other contributing factors .
What we are doing is NOT ignoring the covid vaccines contributing factor to peoples ill health and even shortening of peoples lives.
Really Poddular? It wasn’t that long ago when posters where telling people on here that long Covid does not exist and it is an attention seeking disease…oh and also asking for ‘evidence’ when posters said they were being treated for long Covid.
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You know healthy people who died from Covid?
Not elderly or with illness - perfectly healthy individuals with healthy immune systems?
I'm not the original poster but I do know sadly of someone young and healthy who passed away from covid. I also have a young male relative who got very ill and had to be put on ECMO and it was very touch and go - he survived thankfully but is still struggling now 2 years on with side effects.
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My own experience is all views are more than welcome but some pro cv ONLY contribute to criticise the thread or the posters, instead of contributing their views on new information ,experiences or facts. It's tiresome and adds nothing except bad feeling. It's all about the attitude not the viewpoint. Those of us who aren't vaccinated are surrounded by loved ones who are. Most of us are trying to make sense of it all as more and more information is coming out. Any new information from any side is welcome but we aren't going to stop posting what we feel is important just because someone might not like it.
I mean I am certain that our most prolific poster of new information is fully vaccinated and definitely isn't a ct. Infact the ct thread has NOTHING to do with this thread , but again some posters cant separate the two.
It's only an echo chamber if people don't get involved in the debates and just want to constantly criticise the posters not the content.
All views are welcome? 🤣 That is hardly true and you know it. Posters have contributed to this thread, shared their experiences and many articles regarding the pandemic and the Covid-19 vaccines.

They’ve either been scoffed at, laughed at or insulted. So when you talk about bad feeling perhaps look at how you and others converse. I shared my personal experiences of Covid and was told it was in my head and was also asked to prove it. 🙄
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Chatty Member
I think they were a bit pushy with the flu vaccine if I remember right, I didn’t get any vaccines in pregnancy, didn’t even take my medication for a condition I have good job it goes away in pregnancy once the immune system dampens down, but I was immune to pertussis, rubella etc so didn’t need it anyway.

I guess like anything it depends on the HCPs you see. I had both happily as I've been hospitalised with flu before and have treated babies with whooping cough before (not good). I guess like anything peoples experiences inform their decisions as well as the research and input from professionals.
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going on holiday soon and i'm almost tempted to still wear a mask on the plane? even if not for covid, it might stop me from picking up a cold or whatever other germs are transmitted through the air con.. i don't know, it's just a thought really. i wonder if many people still do
You will be in an enclosed space for an extended period of time you haven’t mentioned how many hours or if you have any respiratory issues so not sure if it would do you more harm than good or even help prevent you catching anything

For some people it makes them feel comfortable go with what makes you feel best have a great trip ✈
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Funny how the imodium team clutch their pearls in hypothetical horror at any parent deciding what is best for their child but seem to find vaccine injuries and contaminated blood hilarious. Getting embarrassing now.
Can you please stop taking things out of context and lying. No one finds the above funny.
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This is incredible news if it pans out - a bona fide cure for cancer, which would be life-altering in an unprecedented way. What's harder to see is how the major pharmaceutical companies will ultimately get behind these individually tailored cancer vaccines when they make so much of their profit from the many types of cancer chemotherapy drugs they already manufacture and develop. This much I know: doctors and scientists working on research & development at pharmaceutical co.s are constantly at loggerheads with profit-oriented bosses. Here's hoping the medics win out. 🤞
I’m sure it’ll be targeted at the private market, we may not have an NHS by that time lol, they have given the go ahead for one new drug but cost will be a big factor as per.
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With that in mind, I'd like to nom an early thread suggestion helpfully suggested by DeezNuts (I won't tag them as they said they like to mock from afar, so best keep them there)...
Covid-19 vaccination #24: The place where the Purebloods hang out

How does that work for a thread title? It’s a vaccine and general vaccine thread.
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@Prefrontalmedialcortex You have a position that you believe the CV is safe and effective and you also take offence when deaths are speculated on thats very clear

We are all entitled to have opinions but nobody can avoid the facts CV was granted under emergency use and the public were heavily influenced into making decisions without being fully informed

There is nothing illogical about refusing treatment that is under emergency use but those that don’t want CV are called anti vax and CTs does that make any sense?

That’s a genuine question for anybody that uses those labels to dismiss the position of others what makes you think it’s fair or accurate
I don’t agree with evey death being attributed to the vaccine even when it is not and people are adamant when the cause of death is something else.

Yes I believe the vaccine is safe and effective, plenty of studies to back this up… but there are risks and side effects as with most things.
Don’t know why I keep having to go over old ground but it’s very clear what you were insinuating, now you’re so desperate to claw back to damage you’re accusing me of being a liar aswel 🙄 you can always use the ignore button and go back to that other group of people that hate CT so much they spend all their time reading and obsessing over them , so much so that it seems they can’t tell fact from fiction ,as is the case here.
But not when it’s them speculating, talk about double standards.
I am not clawing back anything. It is clear what I said but you continue to twist my words and deflect. So you can continue to lie when I have posted my comments time and time again where it is clear that I said if we go by your logic AND I also said there are side effects risks with the vaccine.

Just a little reminder:
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Get your facts right love. I said long covid is an attention seekers disease.
Cruel to make a mockery of the contaminated blood scandal, perhaps educate yourself and maybe you’ll come back with your tail between your legs.
That is down playing the severity of Covid since long Covid is an effect of Covid, okay I made a typo as I missed out the word ‘long’ - you should look at yourself before making comments about others who did not mock contaminated blood. It was a discussion about thread titles not what Pod is saying.

I don’t need to educate myself on anything, thanks. 👍🏻
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That’s the fab thing about the internet. We can all have different takes. I would ask you to be kind and not sound rude, please, in your responses. I wouldn’t dream of responding to a post of yours with “what a ridiculous thing to say” even if I thought it was utterly ridiculous, because I respect everyone's opinions equally.

By the way, for all those questioning Rod Stewart‘s latest tour pull out due to illness, remember, he was the one calling the unvaccinated “killers” and demanding “vaccinated only” people around him at all times.

Oh dear.
It’s my opinion that what was said is ridiculous.
I'm laughing, but not really as I was saying to myself " all this talk of people dying suddenly is bound to trigger a response from certain people who have had nothing to say to counteract all the other posts gone before "
And BINGO, sure as eggs is eggs 🙄.
I'm sorry for everyone going through problems and who have loved ones with health problems.
As monga says our health is our wealth.
And yes people have always died suddenly, young, of cancer. We know that! But what we are seeing around us isn't normal.
People seem to be ignoring the many other factors such as Covid-19, the pandemic, the state of the NHS etc. No, it’s always the vaccine.
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