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I listen to a popular podcast with two broadcasters who were wanging on about the vaccine and saying how glad they were to have it and why wasn’t there a booster now. Omg. Have they really not read any news about this? I’m so dumbfounded it’s made me want to unsubscribe. They also read out an email of someone who was vaccinated but had had Covid 5 times and they were amazed. I mean, REALLY?
Why is it okay for people to say they are glad they did not have the vaccine but when someone says they are glad they had it… shock horror! 🙄
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That's an awful but extraordinary case and I still believe most people do not know a healthy person who died.

Yes I agree Covid really did a number on a lot of people's health, but that doesn't explain why the government aggresively pushed a new vaccine when it's long term effects cannot have possibly been known and the number of people who contracted covid and made a full recovery was so high.

It's just strange.
because they wanted to look like billy big bollocks on the world stage? Because they were hoping to get society back to normal asap and parade it to the world? Because the lockdowns were concerning for the economy and they wanted to get people back to work and spending money? I mean take your pick honestly, there’s about a million reasons why the government would push a vaccine
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I'm that Diva

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As a matter of fact there is, concerning mutations found in a Chilean man.
I was reading something the other day (can't remember where) that said it only has a couple of mutations to make it highly transmissible in humans. I'm guessing quite a few fingers in pies are probably making sure of that.🙄
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Yes people would have suffered for standing up for their rights but to let yourself be injected against an illness that was killing 0% of healthy people is a step too far.
Was there anything definitive about the % of non healthy people it was killing? The stats weren't always clear.
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It is whopping cough I was thinking of too hah not smallpox. It's just whooping cough and seasonal flu offered when pregnant (and covid). I don't remember getting any pressure to get either though when I was pregnant, a midwife went through the benefits and mentioned some risks and gave a leaflet and said book if you'd like.
I think they were a bit pushy with the flu vaccine if I remember right, I didn’t get any vaccines in pregnancy, didn’t even take my medication for a condition I have good job it goes away in pregnancy once the immune system dampens down, but I was immune to pertussis, rubella etc so didn’t need it anyway.

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I refused a flu jab this year because I was seeing so many people having some horrendous reactions to theirs. I normally get mine every year without fail because getting flu can cause hospitalisation for me due to pre-existing issues but I'm just self isolating instead this winter, feeling grateful I can do that and have support who understand.
Really sorry to hear of your bad reactions to the 2 covid vaccines, Lilyann. I agree with Struggs123 that vaccines were massively effective in altering the pandemic's trajectory, in a postivive way. This only happened because enough of the population got them initially, so you definitely shouldn't feel bad about that decision but that is not to downplay those who've experienced unfortunate side effects.
It would seem sensible if someone wanted to have both a covid booster and an annual flu shot to get them separately, say two weeks apart (not a medical opinion just my thoughts). I thought Biden's 'that's why god gave us two arms' phrase was unfortunate and cringeworthy.
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10 years mRNA research and development still challenges so why is it that CV is safe and effective?

If the process was speeded up what data was there to provide information on risks / side effects for the public to make an informed decision?

Quality is another part that will impact the safety and effectiveness that would be interesting for everybody to discuss especially the people that are taking CV
Surely that data is still being gathered.
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going on holiday soon and i'm almost tempted to still wear a mask on the plane? even if not for covid, it might stop me from picking up a cold or whatever other germs are transmitted through the air con.. i don't know, it's just a thought really. i wonder if many people still do
I didn't see anyone do it in October when we flew but if you feel better wearing one then go for it.
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These questions to Prefrontal fall classically into one of the main logical fallacies of vaccine arguments, see this explanation:
10 years mRNA research and development still challenges so why is it that CV is safe and effective?

If the process was speeded up what data was there to provide information on risks / side effects for the public to make an informed decision?

Quality is another part that will impact the safety and effectiveness that would be interesting for everybody to discuss especially the people that are taking CV
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i read online that china are preparing to go to war with the west sorry I was meant to put west not usa.
Lucy the UK politics thread might be a good place I think there’s also thread on war in Europe

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If Jesus himself came down and told me to get the vaccine I'd have still refused it. Definitely wasn't listening to a bunch of brainwashed Pfizer shills.
Definitely your right to choose not to have covid vaccines. But why the nasty ridicule of those who support them/had them? I never understand this about some of the more truculent posters on this thread, preaching freedom of choice and free will about vaccines, them lambasting anybody who chose to take them or who offeres a different opinion. 😩😬
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I do know people who have died from Covid. My lived experience of Covid is crap.

I have made a judgement and happy with it. People dropping dead (as you put it) is from many things - not always the vaccine. You obviously have a different opinion on the pandemic and vaccines to me.

You know healthy people who died from Covid?
Not elderly or with illness - perfectly healthy individuals with healthy immune systems?
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Thank you, you are very kind. :)

Mostly, I'm fine. Just that specific news upset me. It was quite a shock out of nowhere, after everything.

I can understand that it could have that affect and be be triggering. Do you also have a good support network in real life?

It's just the exact same things my therapist has said to me over time. The "gentle best" is his line from last week too. He's a practising Buddhist and has really influenced me as well.

I posted some other general things that might be helpful for you too just about how to cope during tough times on the conspiracy theory thread .
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So any poster who speaks for the vaccine, the studies, gets nothing but rude comments, people twisting their words, insulted etc. BUT anyone who goes on about not getting it and being unvaxxed gets a pat on the back. Gotcha. 👍🏻

Double standards. ✅
Echo chamber. ✅
One sided perspective. ✅
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I accept that but the comment at the end “Okay...shame for the children affected by these decisions” was not necessary and sounded abit high and mighty. Its also a shame for children who are vaccine injured too there are two sides but I would never try shame someone for getting their child vaccinated as I dont expect to be shamed for not.
I understand how it came across but when you factor in that (if I'm right) the poster works in pediatric healthcare, and has described before seeing the awful effects of, say, pertussis in babies, that might go some way to explaining the exasperation in the comment. Doesn't mean they'd be telling anyone what to do as it is in the end the parents' decision.
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Question was open to anybody in original post you responded but not to that part so I followed up, fair play to you for being the only one that is willing to engage 👍

People are constantly being labelled it’s the accepted line so I wanted to know if you and others on these threads thought it was fair and accurate because to me it isn’t
Do you think is fair and accurate that people who chose/choose to have the vaccine are called sheep, in denial and are more often than not insulted?

People say they do not care if people are vaccinated but the conversations that follow say otherwise.
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