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Piff paff puff

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Isn’t it odd how it’s acceptable to speculate a person’s death was due to suicide or drugs but not vaccine related!
It's like a collective projection. I think it causes doubts in some jabbed people and they just don't want to think about that possibility.
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The vaccine or the covid cold? 😂😂😂🙊
Well he's had his fair share of the latter and if we are to trust then he's had his fair share of the former.
Working well then
No wonder he's obsessed with it 🙄🤪.

With respect there are bigger health issues at play here.
In plain sight.
Ones no one seems to talk about seriously!!!
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I completely feel like that too. At my 20 week scan she asked if I’d had my vaccines and I said I’m declining them, she then started lecturing me saying I maybe should reconsider and how its an awful illness etc etc. She then told me a scare story which didnt really turn out to be a scare story in the end 🤣 She told me her son got measles before he had chance to have his MMR, she said he was poorly but he was fine in the end and left with no long lasting effects. It was abit of a none story as at the end of it I thought so okay his immune did its job then? The thing is I’ll be exclusively breastfeeding again and with my first while she was breastfeeding she was never ill and if she was she fought illnesses off so quick, I think they should be educating women more on the benefits of breastfeeding and how good it is for baby rather than the benefits of getting shit injected into them during pregnancy.
Yes I completely agree with you. They seem to be more worried about pushing vaccines then they do encouraging healthy eating, weight, diet etc. I really struggled to breastfeed my 2 children (daughter was combi fed and son was formula fed after a couple of weeks of a terrible latch. I've even gone down a rabbit hole with breastfeeding now as I'm determined to breastfeed my 3rd. Even that has been taught to us all wrong as well! I've been following a lady called Dr Robyn Thomas who encourages natural latches rather than shoving the baby on your boob. And that the baby shouldn't be taken off you at all the first 3 hours after birth (unless there's complications of course). So many things I'm relearning this time around now I'm more awake.
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Is that your test @monga?
My youngest son’s, full of snot this morning, dark line straight away, my eldest has a really sore throat this past few days, his is neg , husband has a heavy cold from last week he hasn’t tested…I must be the healthiest of the lot, nothing yet 😅
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This I admit is going quite far down the rabbit hole but it's something I can't shake. Jerry Springer, Len Goodman, my father and my two neighbours all developed very aggressive cancers after the vaccine rollout - Len, Jerry and one of my neighbours passed away after "a short battle" (isn't cancer usually a years-long battle?)
The queen also passed away from bone cancer and she famously got the covid vaccine and I know for a fact my neighbours and father were vaccinated too.

Maybe this belongs on the conspiracy theory board because I know cancer is unfortunately very common, especially in older people but these were otherwise healthy older people who as far as we know had never previously battled cancer. To me it's strange that for example, my neighbour reached the age of 92 then his cells turn on him for the first time ever, coincidentally after the jab.

Then there's Jamie Foxx's stroke, which imo is far less of a conspiracy theory and more connecting the dots at this point.
Lots of doctors and scientists have been warning about links to cancers and mRNA vaccines. This one doctor in particular goes into detail about it. Bear in mind this interview was done at the start of the mass rollout so he was clearly warning about this before we have seen what is happening in real time.

I highly recommend everyone to watch this video.

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Whatever monga. You’ve done this before to other posters.
Done what? Made you drop the mask and post your true feelings on those unfortunates that died due to covid vaccines 🙄 jeez I’m some girl fir one girl 😂 … Maybe it’s my overly narcissistic personality, or deranged thinking.. who knows 😅
I was one, I think it was the scaremongering which went on, only had 2 (both az, and everyone I know who had that one has had side affects) will never, ever do it again.
Maybe one of the reasons it’s quietly disappeared 😉
The covid vaccine campaign was state backed psychological warfare. The ads, the government coercion. It even caused fall outs within families. It was disgusting what the government and media put us all through.
Some people are so scared they still can’t leave their home, the Irish gov had to launch a campaign to try and undo the psychological damage they created.
Hope those who did that had their hard drives checked, cringe
I’m sure there were ones bragging on here 😂
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Hopefully they aren't breeding themselves 🤣.
Wonder whether verbal diarrhoea is contagious.
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2 of my nieces had hair loss, one after her first jab and the Dr said it was stress and to take the 2nd jab! She has shaved her head as the bad patches are right in the middle of her head.
The other suffered hair loss after 2 jabs and had a lot of tests and now has thyroid issues.
Both late 20s.
@Poddular since being one of those affected ( thyroid )I wonder how common it is? … I’ve finally got my consultant appointment for next month and I’ll certainly be asking a lot of questions 👍🏻…it’s only taken 15 feckin months, I pity those not under consultant care and waiting on a first appointment 😬
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I can't get worked up about the tax for compensation. Rather that then more art and flags for no.10.

My cousin felt she was coerced into it, because of her ward consultant. My brother took it because he wanted to.

My aunt would have walked if they had forced it on NHS staff. She is already mortgage free and has no young kids depending on her though. Not everyone has a reliable second income to fall back on.
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This is what I said

@Prefrontalmedialcortex .

If the vaccine is effective, how come it needs multiple boosters? And how come you can still contract and pass on covid once you are up to date with them all

Just how exactly are you defining "effective here"?
Are you absolutely sure you aren't in massive denial ?
Not forgetting it was still those at highest risk from death still died regardless, that never changed and is still a fact today.
Was this guy struck off yet 👀
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Most of the arguments are zero to do with peoples views on vaccines...
And are mainly started by the same people...
Just saying.
Most of us want to post our views,thoughts, articles in peace and scroll on.
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Chatty Member
Really sorry to hear of your bad reactions to the 2 covid vaccines, Lilyann. I agree with Struggs123 that vaccines were massively effective in altering the pandemic's trajectory, in a postivive way. This only happened because enough of the population got them initially, so you definitely shouldn't feel bad about that decision but that is not to downplay those who've experienced unfortunate side effects.
It would seem sensible if someone wanted to have both a covid booster and an annual flu shot to get them separately, say two weeks apart (not a medical opinion just my thoughts). I thought Biden's 'that's why god gave us two arms' phrase was unfortunate and cringeworthy.

Where's the proof that vaccines altered the trajectory?

Also it wasn't Biden who used the 2 good arms phrase
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Well I for one won’t be excusing the gov ,although it shouldn’t be up to the taxpayers to fund gov/ Pharma failures.
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Canada seemed to have gone (and I think to certain extent still is, include Australia in that) batshit crazy where vaccine mandates are concerned.
View attachment 2120455
The way the Canadian government has behaved since Covid started has appalled and horrified me. They pride themselves on being a liberal country yet act like this, and people still voted that disgusting tyrant back in when they had the most recent elections...why!!!
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I don’t agree with evey death being attributed to the vaccine even when it is not and people are adamant when the cause of death is something else.

Yes I believe the vaccine is safe and effective, plenty of studies to back this up… but there are risks and side effects as with most things.
Over 10 years research and development with mRNA and there are still challenges to overcome but you are saying you believe the CV developed and deployed under emergency use is safe and effective?

Also sorry you didn’t answer my question do you think its fair or accurate to label those who refuse CV as anti vax and CT?
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That's good news. The train has fully run out of tracks thankfully! With most people forgetting about it & pretending it never happened. Some of us have good memories though 😉

I'm just back from donating blood. At least they don't ask if you're jabbed. Though with the way we were vilified, at one point I was nearly expecting them to reject the unjabbed from donating.

They weren't wearing masks this time either, whereas last time I went (4 months ago) they were asking people to.
I need to make an appointment. I do have the best blood as well as looks- O negative. 😛
Ref : this study.

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