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VIP Member
Thanks, I'm too scared to look tbh.
Just the usual big gobs upset by an emoji 🤣.
Even though they dish out worse 🙄.
But you and I know these people don't matter and the Internet isn't real life. Xx
Says more about them than you…second time I’ve used that phase in a couple of days 😂
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Emmelina Ball

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“Imo it’s way more fun to just laugh at them kicking off from afar” Deeznutslol

Loves it so much made a quote for profile pic wow

No misinformation imo by lemon it showed redacted and baseless accusation of fear mongering all this because the person thinks it’s funny

Is this person a pharmacy student is that what they said?

I’ve no interest in a discussion with you. Yet spends majority of their time bitching about you 😬
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This is where it really gets me because you and others speak about having freedom of choice but it seems it only applies to those who choose not to get the vaccine.

Anyone who gets the vaccine (their choice) gets insulted, told they are sheep, following the masses, stupid for getting the experimental clot shot.

So when you and others talk about freedom of choice, not caring if people get the vaccine etc. but then say things like the above it makes 0 sense.
So, I haven’t read enough here to know one way or the other, but I take it you chose to take the MRNA cocktail? If so, was it forced on you? Or did you choose to take it? The name calling…sheep, etc. is on both sides of the coin. The unvaxxed population doesn’t own the rights to that nonsense. Y’all, generally speaking, are quick to put a label on it too. Regardless, name calling, labeling etc. doesn’t change anything. I think it is sad people were duped into taking it. I’d like to think most who took it are not stupid. Maybe easily manipulated, but not unintelligent.
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I'm laughing, but not really as I was saying to myself " all this talk of people dying suddenly is bound to trigger a response from certain people who have had nothing to say to counteract all the other posts gone before "
And BINGO, sure as eggs is eggs 🙄.
I'm sorry for everyone going through problems and who have loved ones with health problems.
As monga says our health is our wealth.
And yes people have always died suddenly, young, of cancer. We know that! But what we are seeing around us isn't normal.
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Bird flu in the minkies
The old CDC director said that would be our next thing.


Thanks, rainbowlemon.

The pressure was obscene. I will never forget or forgive the way anyone was remotely hesitant about the jabs was called a "granny killer" and how there were calls to exclude people from society based on vaxxed status but having to go through all that emotionally feels even worse now it appears to have been for nothing.
The pandemic was called collective trauma by a therapist I follow. I do agree with that personally.

They hired the best psychologists for advice. You as a human, did your gentle best. Even as a conspiracy theorist I was also afraid for my family at the start. You did learn things through that experience however painful it was. You don't have to forgive or forget anything or anyone, I haven't, but try to focus on your present moment and find joy in the small things to find a way to move on.
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This is for you @monga and everyone else who is ridiculed or talked about elsewhere , by the ct labeling/tiktok obsessed ,for daring to question. .

"The world needs more conspiracy theorists/critical and free thinkers, people who will listen and read what is being offered to them and who’ll do research before forming an opinion. Modern-day life is confusing, and questioning aspects of it should not make someone feel like a rebel.
My basic human instincts frequently cause me to question things.
I will continue to navigate life with an open mind, considering all possibilities, and if people want to call me a conspiracy theorist along the way, so be it. I will smile and thank them for the compliment."
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Piff paff puff

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Mike Graham talking to Isabel Oakeshott journalist on talk radio this morning about the 3000 excess and possible causes. They discussed why gov did everything to stop deaths during covid but are ignoring this and surely it would help if we knew the demographics. Amongst causes they mentioned a possible connection of the jab and sudden deaths and younger deaths as injuries have been proven to exist.
(My opinion) Obv gov doesn't want to pay out millions to vac injured and deaths and the ensuing outrage. That is why they're being ignored.
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What about those that criticise others for making choices for their own children when they’re not even parents themselves 🙄
I’ve never twisted anything it was clear what was being insinuated,people just don’t like it being pointed out and how bad it makes them look.
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At least some families are being recognised not a lot of good to those 6ft under though.
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I wonder how those under 50 feel now that they’ve been completely sidelined , especially those that depended on the vaccines to keep them safe ( as per gov propaganda).
We only spent around £500 million on advertising the vaccines. Hardly propaganda. 🤪


Also remember the comment from the NIH director after he spent months making out that the virologist Jesse Bloom was nuts. Then just finally admitted months later.

"Covid data was not deleted, it was just made not available. "

The vaccines too have-not been banned. They're just now no longer available .

Can we please go back to paying homage to THE SCIENCE?



"We just don't know what is in those covid jabs"

We actually do, Just attached Pfizer's below:

For others:

"The full quantitative composition of each COVID-19 vaccine is exempt under Section 41* and Section 43* of the FOI Act."



Just took a court case to get that smidge of info above too.


Alas no google translate for redacted documents just yet.


Oh cool we also have separators for bits added to posts later instead of them being added to one.
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I'm hoping those of us who choose not to mask again won't get judged so harshly because I agree I see almost nobody wearing them now.

I've never been bothered by what other people want to do, am very live and let live, but some of the pro-mask crowd were absolutely disgusting at times and it's left a mark with me.
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Just to turn it on its head for the posters who only pop up to criticise other peoples posts.
So if you are fat,middle-aged or partial to drink or drugs then any illness or death cannot be attributed to an experimental drug and you are fair game to ridicule and speculation of a different sort?!
Just because they aren't in good shape or were addicts does not mean the vaccine wasn't a contributing factor.
So what about all the people who have lived a healthy lifestyle AND have been killed or affected by the experimental drug. Crickets!

My vegetarian mum was definitely affected, both immediately and long-term and has never smoked, taken drink or drugs.
Not a great attitude to have.
If its not happening to you and yours then it's not happening?
Disclaimer, I am not saying Craig Charles health concerns were caused by the vaccine BUT I'm NOT saying they can't be and we mustn't even speculate just because he's not exactly the picture of healthy living!
You would hope the attitude would change if, God Forbid, it was happening to someone they know or love. But in the meantime...

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Emmelina Ball

VIP Member
So you can make a choice for yourself but not for your own children 😂 what makes anyone think they know best for someone else’s kids and why does it bother someone what medical treatment someone else chooses to accept for their own kids? Weirdos
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Upset to see the possibilities of masking returning due to the new variant, as I struggled with that more than any other aspect of Covid restrictions last time. I was not too bad in the cooler months but as soon as it was even a bit warm I just could not cope with masks as I have pre-existing breathing difficulties (minor mostly but there's the potential for nasty turns and I've been in hospital for it a few times over the years) and allergies, and masking makes those things much more of a worry.

I'll have to get exempt like last time, and put up with the absolutely evil looks people gave me.
If you don't want to wear a mask don't do it.

I hardly ever seen anyone wearing one now outside.
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How many suffered "unintended complications " 😢😡
Although I’m happy these stories are now reaching MSM, I’m still annoyed that they’re scapegoating AstraZeneca when we all know the other vaccine manufacturers are causing similar reactions.
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