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The thing that tickled me is he's an anaesthetist yet touched the middle of his mask while talking. :) Surely he should know better than most that it's unsanitary to handle a mask in that way.
I've been to hospital appointments and I've seen the reception staff with masks under chins chatting away, not surgery but they're not setting the example of strict mask rules.

The staff in the video are not prepping for surgery they're there for the aesthetics of Sajid after all surely the NHS are too overwhelmed to stand around chatting to him??
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Maybe? They’re setting up vaccination hubs in the schools come Monday ( uk 🇬🇧)
I heard that too. Makes me sick. In one school they converted the cafeteria into a test and vax centre. So where are the poor kids eating, out in the cold? I don't know who in their right mind would get their kid vaccinated.
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I am in a union and I’ve seen the NHS100k stuff on Twitter. . I’m just too nervous that there won’t be a u- turn in time. It’s not a hill I think I can die on. Like I said I’ve got no financial fall back. I get a pittance from my useless ex and I don’t know what else I could do as a job. This is all I’m trained to do.
It’s a desperate situation and honestly I think a lot of HCP’s are in the same situation as me and wil cave and get the jab against their will because they need to work.
I honestly hate this government and it saddens me how much people support this bullshit.
They were happy to work us like dogs through the worst of the pandemic but now we seem dispensable.
I completely understand. I feel so much for you and you shouldn't be having to go through this. It makes me hate the government and all the people that think this is an acceptable way to treat people. If it means anything at all, I would much rather be treated by an unvaccinated you than someone who doesn't believe my body = my choice and I know lots and lots of others feel the same.
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I cba quoting everyone so...

1, there's no such thing as mild myocarditis. It's only 'mild' if caught in time. We know that millions were ill informed about the vaccines and that serious life changing cases have happened. Even 'mild' myocarditis is dangerous, so let's not down play that fact.
It's funny how it's only 'mild' with vaccines, but more serious if you catch covid, which just isn't true.

2, suicides will have been overlooked due to the fact that a coroner has to determine the cause, and we know that wasn't happening. There were huge delays, or deaths were put down to something else
Monga is completely right that MH referrals have soared. As I've said before it's not even my primary job, but I can refer 3 a week.
The time to watch is now that services are completely overwhelmed as anyone seeking treatment won't get it in time.

3, Since time began people who have caught viral infections have taken months to get over it.
Long flu? Never was a thing until Long Covid rose it's head, yet now its being said that it's been overlooked for years. Will anything be done about that? No of course not.
Someone like Derek Draper has been left disabled because his body shut down due to a virus.
Maybe I sound heartless, but I'm going to say it anyway. That's not long covid, that's just damage and disability after a disease ravaged his body.
If we're going to use that term then we can have long stroke, long heart attack, long cancer ect
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I remember when covid first took hold my brother would say its all to get us vaccinated, he said they will bring out a vaccine and you won't be able to go anyway unless you have it (the vaccine wasn't even being mentioned at this point) I told him he was crazy and to shut up.

Then when they started talking about a vaccine I was like I don't think I will have it as its been pushed through too fast for a virus they were still saying they knew nothing about... At this point I still thought my brother was crazy. Then the vaccine arrived was just for the vulnerable and elderly so thought nothing of it, then I got covid, was fine, so knew I wasn't going to take the vaccine for something I already had gotten and recovered from.... Then they started with the everyone needs the vaccine, then you can't do this unless you have the vaccine, then people were still getting covid after being vaccinated and some still dying, then Seeing and hearing stories of people dying or getting poorly from the vaccines, so I was glad I didn't get it and nothing will make me get it.... Even the threats by the government of not allowing unvaccinated do anything..... That just made me know I made the right decision (for me) as its not about covid anymore it seems.
Like your brother I was ready for it, had been expecting a virus for a while. T CT groups would all say "here we go" whenever there was a "outbreak" of Ebola or Zika on MSM. We knew the vaccines closely followed by the passports and then the chips would be coming. Its been like watching a film of a book you have read. Not once have I been worried or scared. just a very short while at the very beginning did I take precautions because at that point I didnt know if it was going to be a real deadly virus or an overhyped one. once I see it was mostly a virus on the media and government platforms. and not in my real life I relaxed about it.
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Chatty Member
I’ve held off commenting on these threads although I read it all.
Without being too specific and outing myself I’m a HCP who left the NHS after 20 years in surgery to work in the Private Sector.
The jabs are mandated for all CQC registered providers which includes Private Hospitals. I have not been jabbed and don’t want to be for a variety of reasons but I have received my letter this week informing me I will need to be double jabbed or will be dismissed on the 31st March.
I can’t be redeployed so I have to make the decision to have the vaccine or walk.
I’m a single parent with a family to support. Much as I want to to stick to my guns that won’t pay the mortgage or feed and clothe my children.
It’s a heartbreaking situation and one I never thought I’d see myself in. I’ve spent my entire career supporting the choices and autonomy of my patients.
And yet here I am being told and I have no choice over what happens to my body.
Apologies for the rambling but this has been a very difficult week. I keep hoping for a u-turn in time but honestly I don’t see it happening.
I am so angry on your behalf. I hate the fact that I have to rely on a service that is forcing people to do this. I wish you the best.
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My friends mum had a severe reaction to the first jab and ended up in hospital after having seizures. For some unknown reason she was also given the second jab which again landed her in hospital for over 3 weeks. She’s not been then same since :(
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Sorry to jump on this thread, I am always lurking! I am unvaccinated and just tested positive for Covid. Just wondering if anyone on here has had covid and no vaccine and how they found their symptoms? I am having a major freak out and everyone I know is vaccinated so I just can’t gauge how bad this may or may not be 😢
I’ve had covid unvaccinated, recovered fine without needing any medical assistance. It’s a strange virus, effects everyone differently, but outside of headache and fatigue I was fine. Wishing you an easy time. Try not to freak out t too much. I went through the same emotional stress response, but like I said,I was fine. Hopefully this helps put your mind at rest.
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There's a lot of information here :

Hi thank you but i follow them already on social media. Interested in knowing what other peoples experiences have been too

My aunt works in a london hospital lab. From her team she's not the only one refusing to be vaccinated. She has also previously been a whistleblower at her trust so is not one to be intimidated. She is waiting to be officially sacked if it comes to that. Don't give in now if being vaccinated is not something you want.
Im 99% certain i dont but also cannot afford to lose my job. I rely on my income/have struggled financially this year so feel they're putting us in a horrible situation as dont want to wait too long and end up getting the sack and if they follow through we'd need the first one in next few weeks ☹ Going to try hold out til as late as i can.
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I wasn't doing that Lisdiz.
So what were you doing? Other then being provocative.

I tell you what, even before the pandemic CAMHs was not fit for purpose, and even worse so now. Teenagers have gone through so much over the last few years. So have young adults.families. Men and women. Young and old. So making a flippant comment like you did to try and make some sort of point has just made you come across as ill informed, lacking in compassion and kinda arrogant. I was actually shocked to read such a comment…….

I don’t police what people say or do, but for god she just stop and think before you post something like that ffs

and actually, if I was suicidal I would likely take treatment being as I am planning on killing myself. Or I would be too far gone in the black clouds that I would refuse and just kill myself.

I have every chance of surviving covid without the vaccine. In fact I have.
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This could apply to so many places 😂 the irony of needing a health pass to go and get completely plastered in a nightclub and definitely prove you won't overstretch the NHS with an a+e appointment after you've been in a scrap on the street or need your stomach pumped 😂
The irony of an overweight person telling me I'm putting their health at risk 🤣
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It's scary how many people think like you on this point and you're just plain wrong I'm sorry to say. The vaccines do provide a level of protection against transmissibility. Also, if fewer people are getting ill with the disease then there are fewer people passing it on to others and continuing the spread.

The Omicron variant does look milder which is excellent news. However, the virus will mutate again the longer it keeps circulating so there is no guarantee it won't become more deadly again.

I find it hard to have care and compassion for those who fail to show any to their patients and fellow citizens. It's a struggle but I do try to in the end which is why I don't throw insults around and make try to make the discussions I have with people civil.
If you want to put your life on hold that's your choice ,don't include everyone in that ,most people want to move on especially those with young families if the next variant comes along so be it ,people have the option of a vaccine .
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As someone who was at school in the late 60s/70s and single vaccines where around I didn't need the measles one as I had had measles and we all had to have a test before our TB vaccine, I'm sure that this checked for immunity or for a reaction.
People are hysterical 🙃
In the 50s we would go to measles/mumps parties to try and catch the virus to build up our natural immunity. The vaccines I had as a child have lasted a life-time.
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Anyone else read the Guardian article "My bile rises..."?
Was honestly quite shocked by what the Dr had wrote, seems to be very based on personal morals rather than medical need. The dying cancer patient was rightfully referred to as a "patient" and a lot of space was given to humanising her by showing how her family were impacted by her care. Yet the unvaccinated patient was simply referred to as a "man" not a patient needing an ICU bed because he was a Covid patient, but an unvaccinated man. The article also claims he wouldn't have been so ill if he had been vaxxed, how can they be so certain? Does he have certain increased risks factors, in terms of lifestyle, health, housing? Did the cancer patient smoke 3 packs a day? Why is a medic making an article about the "deserving" and the "undeserving"?

Why also would a "dying" cancer patient be on an ICU ward? Surely they should be moved to palliative care and not forced to go through such invasive physically taxing care just to tell the family "we did all we could", at the expense of a bed that could help someone survive their illness?

Thought the Guardian would have been better than this, it's no different from right wing rags hating on patients with diabetes or obesity. The real failures are shutting everything and scaring people so they wouldn't go to get those early symptoms checked out, lack of staff and beds, lack of care home beds so people can get moved from hospital. Not something that seems perfectly usual... a dying patient being moved from ICU to a ward better suited to their needs, and someone in need of ICU taking that space, regardless of how both patients unfortunately ended up there.

Sorry for the rant but this is just creating division and hatred
I've not read it but I didn't know doctors and medical staff to be so openly judgemental before this vaccine rollout. 🤔It's disgusting and never stands up to scrutiny.

My sister has been shouted at weekly at work about being unvaccinated but has held her head up high. Now she says even the die hards are calling for Boris's head.
I should be glad but where the f have these people been that this is what gets them riled 🤷🤯.
Imo these parties, gatherings and rule breakings have always been known about and could have been leaked at the time...
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Imagine a world in which people cared about others. 🙃
Imagine being a healthcare worker and watching healthy people die. Of ALL ages. Pregnant women have to have their babies preterm , and then die themselves in ITU. Alone. Imagine one of your eldest friends being in ITU right now due to Covid. Not hysterical just sad. And glad to their bit for humanity.
Bloody hell did I just go back in time.

I didnt think anyone still thought like this. How can they with evidence to the contrary.
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Disgusting. They are really taking drastic measures to force ppl to take that jab arent they. Desperate measures hey 🤔
Woah. I had to read that twice to make sure I understood that correctly. Now I'm pro-vaccine and all, but halting fertility treatments because someone is not vaccinated is absolutely heartbreaking. Unlike a vaccine which you can pretty much get at any time (as long as you're not already sick from the virus, I know I know), fertility treatments are dependent on your cycle and it is devastating to have your appointment cancelled/pushed back because they haven't gotten the job. I'm so angry and sad to hear about this.
I’ve just read some of the comments and maybe it’s lack of sleep but honestly I cried. Couples finding out in the clinics on the day their treatment that it was cancelled, that’s inhumane! The mental health fallout from this is going to be enormous 😔

The percentage figures are terrifying but 88% of what?? Where can I find the actual number of women they are talking about?

It’s terrified me as someone unvaccinated who is potentially planning a pregnancy that is higher risk due to my age. And I don’t have the added pressure thank the lord of ivf. And that’s another thing. It states about anyone worried about age will have the time added back to ensure they haven’t gone past the age of eligibility, that’s all well and good but you can’t physically have that time back and I wouldn’t trust them not to move the goalposts on that either!

I want to believe they are doing it for the right reasons but my heart breaks for these couples

Especially unfair when you look into how many women have had period problems since their jab.
One woman commented that she hasn’t had a period in the 10 months since her vaccine 😔
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Long Covid can also include heart problems/blood clots/delayed periods and a long list of other things. This isn’t a comparison of who is more ill than who. I simply shared an article, if people are offended by it, please report it/mods remove it.
Please don't be dramatic in the report to mods for deletion, because we all know there's nothing to report.

The point is you insist that long covid is a thing, but while posting an article that vaccine side effects are a 'Nocebo' (shite new word by the way, and purely done to segregate and gaslight)

Maybe long covid is a thing, but while posting you knew what would have been picked up on and you could have defended both sides.
Instead you go straight to defending something that you suffer with, and ignore that fact that millions of people have very different serious things to deal with because of vaccine

When will people like you admit that the vaccine is producing the same long term effects as the virus and that's wrong?

Have the vaccine, or don't, whatever.. but for God's sake be open minded and see that things sometimes aren't great either way
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As medicine apparently has moved on we are the most medicated yet sickest people in history. The more it moves on the sicker we get. Everything they prescribe costs money, nothing is free and every sickness needs more and more treatment, even childbirth is a multi-dollar industry.

I have many old remedy books that have helped me a lot and most treatments are already in most cupboards supermarkets, gardens or over the fields and woods.

I tried on another thread about a certain appetite suppressant like you to say about the past and I was laughed at and virtually told to piss off with my negativity and the "old days" had no voice in the new ways,and if they were unsafe they would not be allowed
No unlike the past they have learnt to hide side-affects in favour of the money god in my day these products were taken off the prescription list in favour of people's health, these days they have paid people trauling the internet making out these products work and shut down anyone who has failed or suffered enticing new people along the way.
Diet is another multi dollar industry and if they worked they would die out and no money made, so they cannot let them work, just make the buyer feel they didnt do it right.
It’s funny you say about being told if they were unsafe they wouldn’t be allowed…. This was also the argument they used with me “sure they wouldn’t give them to everyone in the world if they were unsafe”
What about the opioid crisis in America? Or Teflon? These are not safe but they are readily available!
But apparently I need to go and buy more tinfoil 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Lockdowns did work. There is very clear evidence in a reduction of infections when they were implemented. Fewer infected people meant fewer people dying from it. I don't doubt that some people have suffered mentally and financially but to save people's actual lives then yes I am ok with it.

I'm not angry or defensive at vaccine passports being scrapped or life heading back to normal at all. I do get frustrated by what I think are selfish views that some people hold that because they would have more than likely been ok if they caught Covid then sod everyone else. There is a real selfish attitude amongst some in this country and it's holding us back in my view.
The facts are that most people even the old and vulnerable would have survived. I hated that so many were made to feel selfish for daring to worry about their own lives and future.
Please tell me in what other capacity does the government give a shit about the CEV health, let alone anyone else's?
Never forget that people with covid were put into nursing homes and when the residents died they blamed the carers even though most carers didnt even leave their jobs but lived in and didnt even go home to their own families
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