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Chatty Member
Can I run this by you tattlers?

Our head from secondary has released a video this week talking about the first week back in school. At the end of it he discusses the amount of vaccinated children in school, amount of positive LFTs etc he then goes on to say 'second vaccinations are now available so go and get your children booked in for their second jab'.

It's really bothering me that he hasn't remained impartial with his use of language.
This is on the back of a member of staff trying to get my daughter to do an LFT saying I had given consent when I haven't. I still haven't got a response to my email about that yet.

I'm finding it all a bit controlling and they are stepping out of their remit a bit.

What do you think?
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Fear makes you do and say horrible things. Those people are the same ones not questioning anything that is happening. As I said in the UO thread, anyone not questioning at this point is as thick as shit. I cannot put it nicer than that. They would rather question our intelligence in all ways (including spelling and grammar) than admit they might be wrong or that this is just not making sense.
I noticed none of them had any sympathy for someone who was forced to get a vaccine or lose a job they loved. but I did notice the same person was called a bully for daring to question why someone would be taking so many tests as it won't be good for their mental health. 😒
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Chatty Member

NHS protest re vaccine sacking
Thank you for posting this, it's made me a bit emotional to be honest.

My daughter is one of those members of NHS staff who is about to be served her notice 😭

It's great to see so many NHS workers put over their points of view so clearly, I just wish they were being listened to.

Edit: just to add I can't believe some people are more concerned about travel. I'm more concerned about needing any medical assistance in the next 12/18 months. I've told the kids especially youngest boy, DO NOT do anything stupid ie climbing trees etc because you do not want to be in hospital with no staff!
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What a shocker ! I bet they weren't expecting that . I wonder what his senior managers will have to say :sneaky:
Good for him 🙌 I'll ask my husband to see how this is going down on the doctor's discussion forum. I imagine this brave chap is getting an absolute pasting, and the GMC vultures will already be circling.
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Any shop/ restaurant /business that treats their unvaccinated staff differently I and 1000s of others will be boycotting, they deserve to go out of business

Myself, my daughter and my best friend are always in Ikea. No more.
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Well-known member
Can anyone else pinpoint the time when they decided not to or to have the vaccine?

I decided before it was even launched, it was when they were on the countdown to it being a breakthrough vaccine. There and then I said to my husband I'm not having any vaccine. I'm on immunosuppressants and for me there isn't enough research on reactions to other drugs, there can't possibly be with the length of time it's been available.

My decision was only enhanced when the info came out about it only reducing symptoms and you still being able to pass it on. I'd not had Covid at this point either.

We don't watch the news, we barely watched the press conferences. I couldn't even tell you about the vaccine programme and the types you can have with or without the other. I don't feel the need to know as I won't be having them.

I haven’t been locked in a room on the deep dark web trawling for conspiracy theories as some people assume!

My husband doesn't want it either and that is the right decision for us 🙂
Before the rollout when there was talk of the development of one. I was working in healthcare pregnant and didn’t feel “scared” or at risk enough from covid and thought it was suspicious how fast they were able to roll it out. My gut instinct was telling me no no no, like there has never been a slight doubt in my head about it, it was always just no. I always listen to my gut instinct as it has never failed me, then everything since has just cemented my decision 100%
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Wishing you well @Cupcakemum . Your posts throughout 2021 have been sensible, informative,well balanced and helpful to many and it genuinely upsets me that you and others are going through this. I'm lucky that being unvaccinated does not threaten my job. Although it does keep me apart from my friends, family and winter abroad.
Happy new year to my virtual support. I know it will be a better one. ❤🎉✨🤞🌤☀
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Was in local shop and a farmer was saying to shop owner how glad he was to see her back at work and that he had been the same, only he had been ill for 11 weeks.
MY ears pricked up thinking they must have been bad with covid.
No. He had taken ill after his first jab, been off his feet for 11 weeks and had numerous tests. He went on to say that a week after he felt better he was due his 2nd jab. And the Dr recommended he have it . And he did.
He didn't have a reaction, went on to have booster and then said "I honestly don't feel the same man. I'm struggling."
Shop assistant said no 1 and 2 were fine but booster had put her in bed for a week.
I stood there with my gob open. For many the "cure" is worse than the disease but such is the blind faith they go on to have more. Honestly it made me feel shocked and upset.
She went on to say I wouldn't mind but I've had covid but it's not like we have much of a choice is it. 😲
It’s terrible. It’s made so many people ill.

My 17 year old son was refused treatment for a broken tooth yesterday because he hadn’t been vaccinated. They said get him his first vaccine then he can come in a few weeks, Ridiculous! We told them straight he’s not having the vaccine after the damage it caused my cousins heart. He doesn’t want it and we don’t want him to be forced to have it, like our eldest son who’s had 2 jabs just so he can go on holiday and feels he’s now going to be forced to have the booster to live a normal life. Anyway, they then backed down and today agreed to fill his tooth. He did an LFT to show them he was ok to be treated, which they didn’t ask for. I didn’t realise dentists were refusing to treat the unvaccinated. What a world we live in.
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Penny for them

Chatty Member
Can anyone else pinpoint the time when they decided not to or to have the vaccine?

It was when I saw the trailer for Netflix's documentary called PANDEMIC.

News about China started filtering in just after that.

Timing too good to be true or predictive programming?

"In the 2004 BBC programme, ‘Panorama: London Under Attack’, a fictional scenario was presented in which terrorists detonated three bombs on the London Underground and a fourth bomb in the streets above. One year later, as part of the 7/7 attacks, terrorists detonated three bombs on the London Underground and a fourth bomb in the streets above."

I came back to London 3 months ago. Have traveled into the UK. Been on a hospital floor and wards for the past two years. Traveled back and forth between London and Brighton and still haven't got covid. I might be lucky but I'll take my chances.

When my brother got sick after his vaccine that was my ultimate no.
After contracting covid March 2021. And being offered the vaccine 6weeks later,I felt I was covered for 6months so delayed. My delay was more in my mind don't want it,don't trust ,have recovered,am breastfeeding and as much as I looked I couldn't get the feeling out of my gut that I didn't trust I wouldn't pass on anything harmful to my baby. My mother in law actually asked me to stop breast feeding then. I keep my cards close now,and I take views and opinions but actually I avoid the subject hugely. Christmas time was a super heavy scare fest for unvaccinated,my family thought I should get it right this minute or die,but facts
Are I had it ,I recovered,I don't trust I won't harm my child,I don't trust I won't harm me,i just can't do it. And opinions are like belly buttons,we all have one,I'm not about anti this and that it's just a choice thing. But more I read now and see the more I can never unsee,and that's that.
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They would be able to collect some data on it presumably through 999 calls etc, however they normally do it, and compare that. It's obviously important to know the rate of successful suicide too, I guess I'm just not convinced that's the most important measure. For example, if there had been many more suicide attempts during the pandemic I'd think that's important to know, and I wouldn't think 'oh well it's actually fine because barely any of them were successful' if that makes sense. Just wondering!
My husband works for the emergency services and has been out to many more attempted and successful suicides in the last 2 years than ever. They are trained of course, but the impact of watching someone who you've tried to build a bond with to get them to climb back over a barrier for example and then watching them fall to their death - things like that have a knock on affect on those that witness it, and not all recover. So the impact is much more far-reaching than just the number of successful suicides.
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The French government is also pushing to introduce a vaccine pass which means a negative test result would no longer be accepted as a means to access venues where the health pass is currently applied. Full vaccination with a booster dose will be required to gain entry to these venues.'
Statements like this is also why I’m vaccine skeptical, surely it’s better to have confirmed negative people that a room full of vaccinated who could well be positive ?!
Makes no sense until you start thinking it’s just a agenda to push vaccines?
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VIP Member
Do they have a vaccine for "living in irrational fear of all things covid related".
A widespread, damaging and long lasting disease caused by our caring governments and spread by our poisonous media ☹
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Chatty Member
The vaccine doesn't eliminate transmission 100% correct but it does reduce transmission so there is a benefit. What is about the vaccine that means you have decided not to take it? Is it the fear of ending up with one of the severe side effects? I can understand your mindset at least if it is that.
For me, it was a gut reaction. I studied Immunology at Uni for over 2.5yrs until I switched to a different science based course for my last (hon) year (Scottish - 4yr Hons degrees). My career subsequently (although not in that area of science) has been data driven. I’ve put all of the PHS, PHE (now UKHSA) data into my own spreadsheets and done my own risk/benefit analysis. I’m quite happy in my choice for me by me. I have a preexisting condition. I would never dream of expecting anyone else to alter their way of life to look after me. We are all self accountable for our day to day health.
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Chatty Member
Hi all, just an update on the period situation. On day 10 (latest I’ve ever been in the past 3 years ago) and still no period since the booster. Done 3 pregnancy tests and nothing. I wish I hadn’t gone through with it now.
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Iconic Member
The Oxford vaccine hasn't been 'banned' by many countries. I know that some countries are yet to approve its use though as they go through their usual processes for these such things
You might want to check this fact, many countries approved it and later removed it from use, my own included.

what’s the difference between a medically exempt person not having a vaccine to someone not wanting a vaccine?
Both are still in forward facing rolls? Both unvaccinated? But you’re saying the reason they haven’t taken it makes them safer to patients? I’m confused 😐

a lot of elderly people died in care home settings because the government allowed them to contract a virus, then sent them back to the most vulnerable to spread it, they almost encouraged it’s rapid wildfire spreading, leave them exposed and end up with less of a burden on the economy for Boris? who knows.
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Isn’t it clear from the chart that the cases increased around the same time Omicron started to take over? Highly transmissible variant = increase in cases.
I think the point is the vaccines aren't stopping the spread. So there is no point in this blanket vax program or demonising the unvaxxed or mandates and restrictions.

Targeting the people who would actually benefit from the vax would make more sense. It would likely save more lives as well.I've seen a fair few people who clearly would have needed the vax but didnt take it and died - because no one is explaining to them risk factors. All you hear is we all need it even though the science doesn't back that up. So people are understandedly getting spooked about taking it-which unfortunately includes people that actually need it.
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Well-known member
It's unpalatable, I agree but sadly I am of the view that it is necessary. If people aren't prepared to make the smallest of sacrifices of taking a vaccine to protect the most vulnerable people in their care...
How is taking a medical procedure with potential life changing consequences the smallest of sacrifices? For a job that pays pennies? What happens if I become vaccine injured? Will you be compensating me? I think I’m going to end this debate here its going nowhere
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VIP Member
Can anyone else pinpoint the time when they decided not to or to have the vaccine?

I decided before it was even launched, it was when they were on the countdown to it being a breakthrough vaccine. There and then I said to my husband I'm not having any vaccine. I'm on immunosuppressants and for me there isn't enough research on reactions to other drugs, there can't possibly be with the length of time it's been available.

My decision was only enhanced when the info came out about it only reducing symptoms and you still being able to pass it on. I'd not had Covid at this point either.

We don't watch the news, we barely watched the press conferences. I couldn't even tell you about the vaccine programme and the types you can have with or without the other. I don't feel the need to know as I won't be having them.

I haven’t been locked in a room on the deep dark web trawling for conspiracy theories as some people assume!

My husband doesn't want it either and that is the right decision for us 🙂
When it was first being mentioned my gut reaction straight away was not having it

I am genuinely surprised most people I know have had it although definitely a few have had it to go on holiday etc rather than health reasons

I’m breastfeeding at the moment so when people ask if I’m vaccinated (seriously hate this it’s bizarre to me to ask people’s medical details but anyway) I say not while I’m breastfeeding as a quick way to shut them up

truth be told I won’t be having it when i stop breastfeeding either my gut reaction is not to which I feel is good enough reason. I MAY (unlikely) of considered it if it was 2 jabs but now the talk of 3 jabs to be classed as fully vaccinated then god knows what other rules/boosters in the future it’s not something I’m willing to do
I might sound selfish/unpopular opinion but I hate the argument of getting vaccinated to protect others, we’ve never had this with flu vaccine etc, get a jab to protect Dot next door… as for NHS if I’m in hospital unwell I could not care less if the person treating me is vaccinated or not!
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