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Lol that's a random one. Why would I think that??

There's plenty of things that are compulsory for jobs. I fancy flying a plane, I'm not qualified of course by who cares why don't an airline just give me a job as a pilot anyway?
Are you serious? I’ve spent 6 years at University. I didn’t just rock up unqualified.
I’ve had various vaccines for work including Hep B which has a 50% transmission rate.
I’m not going to debate my medical history with you but I have valid reasons for being anxious about the Covid vaccine.
Would you really be happy with losing over 100 thousand experienced and caring who don’t want a new vaccine for a virus with a low transmission rate.
This is what I’m up against.
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Just rewatching this, the bit at the end where he says "Well we take the best advice" is so annoying like he might as well have said I actually don't care what you think just here for tv content
We take the best advice from the vaccine experts who we pay handsomely, and whose research are also funded by big pharma*

The people to listen to are the ones like this Dr, who have no horse in the race, and are risking their career and reputation, because that is morally and ethically the right thing to do.

*I of course can't prove this, just going based off of the fact that the drug industry funds lots of research
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Chatty Member
A bit late to the party but wishing all posters here a happy new year. Let’s hope 2022 is a better year for all of us ❤

Unfortunately, my husband’s stepfather has had a bad reaction to the booster. He reacted badly to the second dose but went ahead with the third. All I know is that he apparently hasn’t been able to get out of bed since having it on Thursday. I’m hoping he recovers soon but it is worrying.
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But the flu is dangerous to some people, colds are dangerous to some people

Isolation is dangerous to some people, poverty is dangerous to people, depression is dangerous to people.

400k less nhs staff has greater implications for so many people, being treated by an unvaccinated trained and passionate person is far preferable to having to decide between medication and food

But again what happens on the 1st April that makes it too dangerous for these people to work in the NHS?
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Chatty Member
Yes 👏👏👏👏

BED BLOCKING why is this not being talked about more. One of the reasons the wards are under so much pressure is because they are full with patients waiting for a care plan or to be discharged into a care home. Which there are huge delays due to no staff.

WHY?.....because they've all been sacked 🤦‍♀️

I'm not sure the people calling for mandatory vaccines for NHS staff actually know what outcome will be if this goes through. I'd be more scared of that situation than Covid itself.
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It's scary how many people think like you on this point and you're just plain wrong I'm sorry to say. The vaccines do provide a level of protection against transmissibility. Also, if fewer people are getting ill with the disease then there are fewer people passing it on to others and continuing the spread.

The Omicron variant does look milder which is excellent news. However, the virus will mutate again the longer it keeps circulating so there is no guarantee it won't become more deadly again.

I find it hard to have care and compassion for those who fail to show any to their patients and fellow citizens. It's a struggle but I do try to in the end which is why I don't throw insults around and make try to make the discussions I have with people civil.
But thats not happening in real life is it? Triple and double vaccinated people are spreading it like wildfire, In my team alone we have three triple vaccinated staff off isolating who have all spread it to one another.

But don’t viruses mutate and become less deadly though, I thought that was basic science?

I am a hugely caring and compassionate person so I am told often by patients and my vaccine status has nothing to do with my level of care and compassion.
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I am in a world where I care about others. As do many other people around me. The vaccine doesn’t equate to caring. True caring would be respecting people’s individual choices. It’s not my fault the programming of fear has effected you so much you view using your own bodies immune system as risky, if healthy, and selfish. I would rather my vaccines went to people who actually needed them.
Imagine caring that freedoms are being stripped
I wonder why there is a huge increase in still births and miscarriages in non-covid but vaccinated mothers?

I am fascinated by the humanitarian slant on taking the vaccine though. Does it make you feel superior and more caring getting jabbed? Because getting jabbed doesn’t help anyone but yourself, apparently, even though you can have covid and make a full recovery without It. Including no medical intervention, if you are healthy.
Couldn't agree with this more, dunno how people are like I'm taking the vaccine to protect others, sorry but how exactly does that work? My mother is working in a vaccination centre and is starting on the 5 to 11 year olds this week and I said to her why would anyone be getting their kids vaccinated when they don't get sick from covid and she's like oh well maybe they have vulnerable people at home like it doesn't stop transmission!!!
Also would be really interested to see the stats on pregnancy loss if you can share as that is my primary reason for not getting it.
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I hear you, and if I believed the narrative I would back you. But nearly everyone I know, let’s say 80-90%, that are vaccinated have caught and passed covid on to work colleagues. Some even getting it twice 😲 I would say around 20% of these that have been vaccinated have been left with long term fatigue, lowered immune response and a few other ailments Post catching covid.

our local care home is having an outbreak caused by a vaccinated staff member.

I think because I have seen within my local area how the vaccine isn’t working to stop transmission I am not keen on having it.
It is also the fact it MRNA. I may have been more keen on a more traditional style of vaccine, but still would have held back.

it’s balancing personal risks against covid vs the vaccine and seeing which one you fear more. I don’t feel my not having the vaccine is stopping England from moving forward. That’s the politicians.
but I appreciate your answer, and I am sorry if you feel my personal choices are effecting your freedom.
I kinda feel all those rushing for the jab are effecting mine. I know people who only got vaccinated for freedom and not health. That breaks my heart. That enslaves us all.

Who’s going to suffer here 😕
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I had an absolute mare with my MIL last night and in all the fuss she told me the Dr had been out to her on Wednesday. I thought strange she hadn’t mentioned it before but anyway. So I asked what the Dr was out for. Now my MIL is pretty much house bound and hasn’t been “out out” since before the pandemic.
Anyway the surgery had phoned concerned she hadn’t had her booster! She told them she couldn’t get to the surgery as she struggles getting into a car so Lo and behold the GP came out to administer it!
The same GP who refuse to see patients, are snowed under with calls but had time to drive out and give a booster to a woman who doesn’t leave her house 🤦🏻‍♀️ The £15 would cover his fuel though
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Chatty Member
In France, from February 15, anyone who has not received their booster dose 4 months after the previous one (and who have not been infected in the meantime) will lose their health/vaccination pass.

Daughter has been told several weeks ago that she will be sacked in February if she hasn't had her first vaccine by then as won't be fully vaccinated by the deadline of April - NHS

She is currently off work with Omicron and had a sore throat and runny nose for precisely 1 and 1/2 days. I know it's Omicron as she had (normal) Covid in July. Pathetic.

Anyone else dreading their kids going back to school this week? I've had 3 emails today from them.

1. Asking for consent for an LFT - not having it.

2. Stating if your child has had covid in the previous 90 days they need to do a Lateral Flow Device through Antibody Test Service - what the actual fuck....are you making this up?!!

3. Masks are compulsory except during eating, drinking and exercising and refusal to wear one will be immediate sanctions - exemption lanyards at the ready.

I'm so sick if all this now especially with my kids, my eldest is already on course to fail every single GCSE as it is and I can't bear the thought of her remaining few months at school with these stupid rules 😑
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You or one of your loved ones might get an illness and die as a result of not being able to get the treatment you need in time is one example, extreme though it is. I would implore people to think outside of their own little bubble in life. Take a wider view and show some care and compassion for your fellow humans.
When will the penny finally drop? The vaccine is to protect yourself and only you. Vaccine mandates make 0 sense. Where is your care and compassion for the NHS staff (like me) who do not want to take a medical treatment they don't want or don't need?
Especially at this point in time when omnicron is a mild cold even the mainstream media have pointed that out, so at this stage now the virus has mutated to virtually a sniffle what sense would even getting a vaccine now make? Absolutely none. Why are people hanging on to this pandemic, its over.
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I'm not sure the people calling for mandatory vaccines for NHS staff actually know what outcome will be if this goes through. I'd be more scared of that situation than Covid itself.
I’m sure their minds would be quickly changed if they developed cancer and the NHS was too understaffed to treat them. When your life is on the line would you really care if the doctor/nurse treating you has had a covid vaccine?
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I wonder why there is a huge increase in still births and miscarriages in non-covid but vaccinated mothers
I don't usually post on here, but I can't let this slide..^^^
I work in a very large midwifery department in a London hospital, alongside colleagues from several other hospitals in the capital. We have not seen any increase in stillbirth or miscarriage amongst women who have been vaccinated. What we have seen is an increase in admissions amongst non-vaccinated pregnant women. I personally have met several women who had to give birth early as they were admitted to HDU/ICU because they were extremely unwell with Covid. (All have recovered, thankfully) I have also met a couple of women who have been left with long-term consequences of Covid, including a woman in her late 20's who has cardiac and respiratory issues and is now facing cardiac surgery to repair the damage to her heart. She had no previous health issues, I know this because I cared for her during her previous pregnancy.

I wouldn't dream of telling anyone what to do, but in my capacity as a healthcare provider, I have a duty to inform patients of the facts. Which are provided for us by medical specialists. I'm not an expert on vaccines or virus outbreaks, but I can see that women need protecting from blatant misinformation like that given above.
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A school near me is starting appointments for 12 - 16yr olds from the 7th. Appointments start once school ends, then carry on over the weekend, so this particular schools timetable, or students routine won't be affected luckily.
The school my son goes to administered them in one of the school halls. It was during the school day and lessons were interrupted because regardless on if you gave consent or not all children had to go to the hall so they stayed in their tutor group bubbles. Then the ones that didn't have consent were sent away.
I thought that a bit mean because there was almost a walk of shame for those kids being sent back out - my son being one of them. No way am I consenting!
Literally decades spent telling people that they're not allowed to divide, separate, exclude or criticise people based on sex, age, religion, race, and five other "protected characteristics", several of which are personal choices rather than birthrights; how the hell did we get to a position where it seems to be acceptable to pick people out based on their ability/inability, or simple choice, to take an experimental medicine or not. An experimental medicine that doesn't even stop you getting the disease or spreading it to others, all it might do is lessen the impact to yourself when you do get it.

How can we expect kids like yours to respect (for example) someone's sexual orientation choice when they're seeing classmates divided and sent away like this.

Where is the outrage from Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch on this.

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Stop arguing with other members, hit ignore.

I don't doubt that some of those that have taken their own lives over the past two years would have been for issued suffered due to lockdown rules. It's tragic and I wish with all my heart that we could have helped those people more and prevented their deaths.

The vaccine killed her? There must have been a news story about that then please can you link it or at least provide her name so I can Google it? My initial search didn't bring anything up.
You don't believe anyone has died from the vaccine but you believe 1000s and 1000s have died from covid.

You and I are done I'm not getting pulled into this BS again with another new member who has lived under a rock for the last two years
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When I was talking to someone about my choice to not have the vaccine I mentioned thalidomide. To this I was told “medicine has come a long way since then, it’s totally different”
No I’m sorry I don’t think it is. Yes medicine has come on leaps and bounds BUT at that time in history doctors were told it was safe, when in fact the pharmas knew it wasn’t. Where’s the difference?!
It is very similar because we are the Guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical industry and they are immune from any responsibility should we fall ill or miscarry.

When the vaccine was first released, I had a friend who posted that anyone against the vaccine could 'eat shit'.

But I'd rather eat shit than inject it.

Also, after her nth vaccine, she tested positive for covid the other day. I'm unvaxxed and a covid virgin.
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Any nhs/care staff on here? ☹
We're getting pressure to start getting the vax in time for April 1 or dismissal. So far i've refused to give confirmation i havent had it but not sure this will last. Has anyone managed to get a temp exemption?
It's all so wrong, isn't it.

Not sure whether it's been mentioned, as I've not caught up fully on the thread yet- are you on Telegram? There is a group for 100K, and also others with people in the same position as you. It may be useful to be able to communicate with others first-hand and share experiences. I'm pretty sure I've also seen local branches/groups on there too?

Please hold strong- I appreciate that it is much easier said than done... we all need to keep ourselves and our loved-ones fed, warm and sheltered, after all.

I don't know you, but I admire you and am sure that many others will also be hoping against hope that something will change. You shouldn't be put in this awful position xx
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I think what also can't be ignored is what possible long term affects these vaccines could have on infants who were born to vaccinated mothers. There is no long term data on this and that is a fact, so we could see the impact years later as well.

I mean just look at the long term impact of this drug being reported on, and this was administered in the 1940s!

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This is my thinking. People keep saying the vax is safe for pregnant mothers because babies are not miscarrying or being born with health issues.

But we won't know about long term development issues or health problems for a while. We don't actually know if there are any long term effects for the babies getting this vax while in utero.
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The vaccine doesn't eliminate transmission 100% correct but it does reduce transmission so there is a benefit. What is about the vaccine that means you have decided not to take it? Is it the fear of ending up with one of the severe side effects? I can understand your mindset at least if it is that.
Why do people need a reason to not take it.

I just don't want it. Don't think I need it. I've got an immune system to protect me. You think I should do it to protect others. Well that's not my job. You look after you and I'll look after me. I don't take medication I don't need. End of.
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I personally don't see them pushing through with it as hard and fast as they're making out, they may leave it to individual Trusts, who knows.

I think they had so much faith in the vax & the public support for it that they never expected so many medical professionals to disagree with them. I absolutely think they've been shocked by the backlash, and are continuing to threaten it to push more to have it.

I know they've already done it with care staff, but that was to test the water. The NHS can't afford to lose thousands upon thousands of medical professionals with years of training and experience. And they know this. If they really felt they were a danger to society, why keep them over the winter, when they would see a higher influx of patients?

None of it makes sense and they know it.
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