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Once again I will say this. As a immunocompromised, almost 64 yo with lungs in awful condition
do NOT do anything for me. I will look after myself like I have for years against the flu. You look after yourself and I will look after me.
At least now people are not going out to work/shopping etc with awful coughs colds and even flu, so now I actually feel safer than I have most winters for many years.

So please keep that up if you are worried about me and people like m, if you are poorly stay home.
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What a shocker ! I bet they weren't expecting that . I wonder what his senior managers will have to say :sneaky:
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There is definitely an issue with vaccinated women/girls and effects on periods (me included). This is not being discussed enough/since on mainstream media.
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My sister was sent to A&E by her GP on Friday for suspected appendicitis. She waited overnight in a&e for 12 hours waiting for a bed and test results nil by mouth and often sitting on the floor as there were no seats. During that time the man on the seat next to her appeared to have some kind of cardiac event and she had to catch him and put him in the recovery position. He had no pulse when they came to assist my sister. So after a 12 hours wait in a&e and then having to deal with that distressing incident, she was then sent home and told to come back on Monday.

And people still think we can afford to lose doctors and nurses?
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Yes @GobShyte64 none of it makes sense.
It is particularly insulting to me that said doctors and nurses have been ok to work with vulnerable people during the worse times and are still able to now but come April they aren't????? Do they suddenly become a danger then? These people who have probably been exposed countless times whilst caring for others.
Our intelligence gets insulted every day. It would be laughable if it wasn't actually happening in real life, their logic beggars belief.
We can only pray that it will all be blown apart soon and sense and truth will prevail 🙏
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I'm not anti-vaxx or a conspiracy theorist in any way, but would just like to point out that aggressive words resolve nothing. The government has made a great job of dividing people during these last 2 years. If you have a problem with my post then block me or address me personally instead of name calling.

Many countries, in fact all western countries are now punishing the unvaccinated. Australia: quarantine camps. Austria: one year in prison. Does all this seem normal, reasonable and logical. Or is something wrong here?

All this is not because they care about our health... A digital ID connected to a social credit system and central bank digital currency. Like China.

Happy new year to you anyway.
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I don't doubt that some of those that have taken their own lives over the past two years would have been for issued suffered due to lockdown rules. It's tragic and I wish with all my heart that we could have helped those people more and prevented their deaths.

The vaccine killed her? There must have been a news story about that then please can you link it or at least provide her name so I can Google it? My initial search didn't bring anything up.
Are you really that silly to think that every single vaccine death or serious injury would be in mainstream media.... the media that works in line with government views, currently trying to push the vaccine as much as possible. If you're seriously going to only believe all the propaganda on the news instead of taking into consideration people's real life experiences then you must have such a narrow mind.

My mum's friend in her 40s also got the vaccine 2nd dose and within the week she was dead. Her kids woke up one morning to their dead mum... autopsy done and no cause of death found. Do you not find it strange how often we are hearing of these sudden deaths in young people? It's tragic and I have no doubts that it is vaccine related... but of course the media aren't going to advertise this.
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Chatty Member
Have people forgotten that people have always gotten ill during winter months with that seasons viruses? That it spread around work and people were in bed or off sick for weeks. Have people forgotten that although they felt like death most people didn't need hospital help but some did? And that for some they took months to regain full health or had a few recurrent infections.
Have people really forgotten all this?
I had this exact same conversation a couple of days ago with my husband.

It's like the population think that every other illness has disappeared into the abyss never to be seen again.

We will still get coughs, colds, flu, pneumonia, sickness bugs, gastro bugs etc, etc, etc. Some viruses take an age to recover from.

Also, I hate to say it, but young (or old) seemingly healthy people die. It sounds harsh but they do and will continue to, yes we've got a vaccine for Covid this won't stop all the other things. ** I know it doesn't stop Covid BTW!
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Iconic Member
I've raised the point earlier on the thread what if I was an NHS worker but was uncomfortable washing my hands before seeing patients? Should I simply be allowed to crack on or would you (quite rightly) expect that I be brought to task on it? We could take the analogy to all sorts of silly extremes but I take on board the criticism my pilot comment received earlier so I won't do that here.
this makes absolutely no sense? You’re comparing basic hygiene to 3 doses of a very, very new vaccine, this isn’t an established vaccine, it’s extremely new, look at the Oxford vaccine, never ever spoken about now, like it was the blood of the second coming in the beginning, the Great British vaccine that has been banned by many countries, how is it not ok to be uncomfortable with this?
I didn’t want the vaccine myself, in the last (just over) month I’ve medically been advised not to get it for the moment, so in theory if I was working for the NHS I’d be out of a job at a time when I’m dealing with my own health issues that isn’t covid so isn’t important 😐

I don’t know if you’re trollin or just not thinking before you type but the pilot comparison now moving to hand washing seems a bit bizarre.
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Imagine a world in which people cared about others. 🙃
Imagine being a healthcare worker and watching healthy people die. Of ALL ages. Pregnant women have to have their babies preterm , and then die themselves in ITU. Alone. Imagine one of your eldest friends being in ITU right now due to Covid. Not hysterical just sad. And glad to their bit for humanity.
Imagine being one of the 160,000 health care workers that have seen people dying, possibly caught covid themselves helping those people, and been fine - and despite seeing all that are now being forced to take a vaccine they don't want or need or they lose their jobs.
Imagine being clapped for and put on a pedestal for 2yrs by the very same people that will now sack them...

Even though they still can catch the virus, pass on the virus, be incredibly ill and still have to take time off when they catch it
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It's scary how many people think like you on this point and you're just plain wrong I'm sorry to say. The vaccines do provide a level of protection against transmissibility. Also, if fewer people are getting ill with the disease then there are fewer people passing it on to others and continuing the spread.

The Omicron variant does look milder which is excellent news. However, the virus will mutate again the longer it keeps circulating so there is no guarantee it won't become more deadly again.

I find it hard to have care and compassion for those who fail to show any to their patients and fellow citizens. It's a struggle but I do try to in the end which is why I don't throw insults around and make try to make the discussions I have with people civil.
I have to say this has got to be my last reply to you because I feel like you don't have an open mind.

'You're just plain wrong' has cemented this.

My daughter is NHS healthcare, she has just completed an apprenticeship. From day 1 she was thrown in at the deep end and I think it was only day 2 or 3 where she had to attend to her first patient who had passed away. She washes patients who are unable to do it for themselves, feeds them, sits with them when they are alone, helps them dress, shower, use the bathroom, she is grabbed regularly, she was called a slag and a c&nt recently in front of the whole ward. She did all this in her first year she was paid £4 an hour!!!

Please do not tell me that by not having a vaccine that she doesn't care or have compassion I find that so disrespectful. I would rather have her by my side any day of the week in hospital even if she is unvaccinated because I tell you what after all that she enjoys her job and enjoys helping people. These are the kind of people the NHS will lose and they will never go back.
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Question. Are you all avoiding mixing indoors with others right now? Advice in Wales is work from home so my husband is and we don’t go anywhere unless we have to right now. Our sons returning from Iceland at the weekend and he’s already given me hell last night saying ‘I was careful before Iceland to not mess up my trip. Once back I’m going where I like, no rules say I can’t. You’ve only got a couple of health conditions you’re not high risk’ blah blah, in a really aggressive manner. Oh I can’t wait until he’s home 😂 I’ve mentioned before that during 2 lockdowns my son became verbally aggressive and I suffered severe anxiety and insomnia due to his abusive behaviour.

Before he left my husband explained to him that when he returns we are continuing to stay safe, it hasn’t just been for his trip and it’s our house decision to not mix in other peoples houses until cases start to come down a little. We know so many family and friends doing the same right now. Our son reluctantly agreed but I knew once back his aggression would start. I know it’s hard in teens and it’s why before this latest wave I put my children needs before myself and they did what they wanted, but if the advice is work from home and he is once he’s back. Why the heck would we risk him going to friends houses, cinema, nights out drinking etc I don’t think any of it makes sense. I’m nit vaccinated, my husband has asthma, so it’s a worry. I’ve been housebound for 4 years due to chronic illness and in the last 4 months I’ve started recovering so well, getting covid setting me back of course is a genuine concern. I always put my kids before myself but right now surely common sense is needed and that doesn’t make me selfish.

I didn’t sleep until 1.30am last night due to anxiety which I’ve not suffered in months as my sons been much calmer, now I’ve seen this side of him again it’s triggered me he’s going to return home and cause stress on all the family again and none of us want that.

No, I’m not going to lock him up before anyone suggests I tie my children to their beds and don’t let them leave their rooms 😂 It’s just a genuine question, with 200,000 cases a day I’m a tad concerned and confused. I don’t know what to do. Let him mix with every Tom, Dick or Harry and have covid in the house again? My daughters got long covid issues and she’s worried about getting it again, she’s dreading returning to school next week. I feel for her.

We’ve missed him but the last week has been so calm such and a nice atmosphere at home, my son said can he just stay in Iceland? Wicked sod 😂 Our eldest kicks off and causes an argument if you ask him to just wash his hands when he returns home, he would argue in an empty room 😕

Also, isn’t a day 2 pcr 2 days after you land? My son lands today and he said he can do his day 2 pcr tomorrow! Surely far too soon to pick up covid after a flight today?
I find locking my children in the cupboard under the stairs alot more practical than tying them to their beds, especially if official people knock at the door 😉. As for my family we have carried on as normal for the last two years, if anyone is ill they stay home. In the first lockdown my daughter started self harming which progressed to her attempting to kill herself , she was 14 at the time, it's unbearable to think of the damage it has done to our children . My family got covid in December 2019 and it effected each one of us differently
the best thing i ever did was get rid of the TV, the only way my family finds out what's going on in the world is if we choose to look on tinternet, and I truly believe that's why my family don't live in fear of covid x
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Chatty Member
My new years Resolution is not to read any other threads where ignorant, not very nice people think they are clever and current by calling completely sane intelligent people who don't want to have endless unnecessary vaccines ( for lots of different reasons) "antivaxxers" who believe in 5g conspiracies and who bully others not to have them. 🤣.
They only show themselves up by appearing not very bright and also run the risk of being "antivaxxers" themselves if they don't want to keep getting jabbed.
It's so lazy, boring and small-minded to keep repeating the same insults as an argument. They never see the bigger picture of peoples right to choose. Something any good citizen should care deeply about. They don't even think people should have a right to talk about not wanting THREE unnecessary vaccines!!! Like I said they only show themselves up
Exactly and it doesn't even make any sense. I've had all my routine vaccinations, as have my children, but because I don't want this one (or three), I am an 'anti-vaxxer'. How? 😅
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I'd certainly take odds of 99% over 1% yes. People should be free to choose whether to have the vaccine or not. In fact that is exactly what the situation is, nobody is forcing you. However, you should also be prepared to deal with the consequences of your choice which many anti-vaxxers are not prepared to do.
Do you not understand removal of income aka livelihood and job, for not having a vaccine which doesn’t stop transmission, is coercion and not freedom of choice. You are justifying a consequence which feels like forcing people to take A medical procedure, injecting something into their bodies, which they do not want. This is not ok.
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Active member
My new years Resolution is not to read any other threads where ignorant, not very nice people think they are clever and current by calling completely sane intelligent people who don't want to have endless unnecessary vaccines ( for lots of different reasons) "antivaxxers" who believe in 5g conspiracies and who bully others not to have them. 🤣.
They only show themselves up by appearing not very bright and also run the risk of being "antivaxxers" themselves if they don't want to keep getting jabbed.
It's so lazy, boring and small-minded to keep repeating the same insults as an argument. They never see the bigger picture of peoples right to choose. Something any good citizen should care deeply about. They don't even think people should have a right to talk about not wanting THREE unnecessary vaccines!!! Like I said they only show themselves up
I'm with you 100% . It's quite horrifying how nasty people can be, yet we are targeted as the vile ones, well according to them we are. I nearly deleted my account this evening after reading a particular thread on here, but why should I, I have every right to be here and voice my opinions, but unlike them, I'm not nasty and hateful, and I'm proud to stand along side a select few posters on tattle who I have so much in common with ❤
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Iconic Member
pro or anti vaccines, pro or anti covid vaccine.

very uncomfortable seeing sky news doing a report on that poor woman with downs who had such an awful experience with hospital/accessing care before she died,
The story is incredibly sad, but her parents blaming the unvaccinated for using beds she could have had.

shameful “reporting”
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Indeed suicide is awful and the number of people taking their own lives (especially young men) is tragic. But if I came to you with a solution that would greatly reduce or eliminate these suicides would you reject it like some on here reject the Covid vaccine?
Treatment for suicidal idealization does not involve mrna based treatment. There's also decades of research with antidepressants unlike the relatively new vaccines. I tried medication but came off sertraline and trazadone because of the side effects with each because they didn't work for me.

I started therapy 3 months after I decided I would kill myself and I did it for 4 years because I could afford to pay for private twice weekly sessions for the first year. In crisis mode I did see my therapist for three sessions in one week.

Covid has been so bad for my mental health, but I already had support from a therapist so won't complain. I lived alone in a different country and didn't see my family for more then a year.

It was the governments that separated people from their loved ones and their normal coping mechanisms. I used to do gym 6 days a week and regular massages and it helped so much.
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