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Dr James was on the radio this morning speaking in a personal capacity. I think that is very telling.
What about the doctors and NHS staff who support mandatory vaccines are they speaking in a personal capacity too? Sadly I fear this guys career is in jeopardy. He did say that an entire midwifery unit somewhere was going to lose their team if they do go through with sacking staff. That is unreal!
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I find it really odd the way they’re making differences in ICU admissions, giving certain people labels and welcoming others ,because of a vaccine,do people forget the trillions in revenue generated from tobacco companies over the years that the Gov are very happy to receive tax from, the advertising for alcohol and tobacco used to be a big thing where those companies sponsonered numerous big events from snooker to the premier league, where was the public health message there , the Gov were more than happy to let those things decimate society because they were making a profit from them, yet now we’re expected to believe they care about our health…it’s laughable…a patient was a patient, they were never judged on the lifestyle that put them there .
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I don't doubt that some of those that have taken their own lives over the past two years would have been for issued suffered due to lockdown rules. It's tragic and I wish with all my heart that we could have helped those people more and prevented their deaths.

The vaccine killed her? There must have been a news story about that then please can you link it or at least provide her name so I can Google it? My initial search didn't bring anything up.
I'd love to know what you do for a living, because you seem to lead a lovely sheltered life.

I had the elderly repeatedly tell me in their droves how they'd rather die than live through the first lockdown. I had to talk down so many people, and its not even my job to do that as I don't work in mental health.
These people were obviously the very same people we were trying to save from a virus that could kill them. So what we're we protecting?
We could have prevented their deaths! From the start we could have allowed family or a friend to visit them. We could have protected them so much more!
Protecting people isn't always about someone's health, its about wellbeing and that was completely ignored.
They've continued to tell me every time a lockdown is spoken about that they won't live through the next one. These people from the start have their deaths planned.
If I could tell you what I've seen while people like you want to protect yourselves your blood would run cold.

As for you other point.
I had a doctor tell me to my face that he'd personally seen blood clots from the vaccine kill young people. He has spoken personally to a mother who had lost one daughter to thrombosis.
He told me that because of my adverse reaction and my professional background.
He watched me for reaction himself after I eventually went for my second jab - which I had to have after delaying it for nearly a year to keep my job.
I've since spoken to another professional in my line of business that has also said how they've seen embolism and thrombosis. This person, and the doctor both said how lucky I was for my clots to present the way they did as they'd seen the devastation it had caused.

Do you really think that these stories would really be told so you could research them?
What world do you live in!?

If each death and severe reaction was there to Google then no one would get the vaccine.
Instead they have you believe that it's not so common so more people take it up
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Covid virgin 🤣

And wow that’s some statement for your friend to come out with. It really has shown a different side to people
I try not to get riled up by the aggressiveness or hostility that some covid vaccine supporters have against vaccine skeptics like myself because I think time is on our side and every day I am more confident of my decision to remain unvaccinated. Also I know some covid anti-vaxxers are just as hostile.

It's a very obvious divide and rule strategy used by the establishment and I dont want to lose lifelong friends because I've got tangled into the web of us v them. I'm just staying quiet and letting everything play out. I'm sure after her tenth booster my friend might concede it has been a waste of time..
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Chatty Member
i really dislike the coronavirus UK subreddit, anyone who even slightly disagrees with anything regarding the vaccine is downvoted a lot.
i have seen discussions about unvaccinated people having to pay more tax because of the strain they are putting on the nhs (???)
people thinking that anyone who doesn't have the vaccine are mentally unwell
discussions about unvaccinated people being stupid because they think it's going to insert a microchip or 5G whatever they mean

i've never seen such a bunch of closed minded bigots tbh, do they not realise people may just NOT want the vaccine? either through anxiety, apprehension, anti government control?? really grinds my gears.

the NHS vaccine mandate is completely horrendous in my eyes. how dare they threaten and take away people's jobs for a vaccine that doesn't even work against the new variants. i don't understand how there is not more outrage over this?? it has boiled my blood and i am praying they scrap it asap!! i don't work frontline but i am an nhs worker so it doesn't even directly affect me but i am almost reduced to tears at how frustrated i am for all you workers who've worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic just to get treated like this. totally unacceptable and the government should face legal action over it (if it goes ahead).
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If you can't give peanut butter to each and every child because some kids will have severe reactions how can they get away with this?

Maybe this will be the hill some normally compliant parents will refuse.
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Haven't caught up with much of this thread yet... but little update on where I live in West Wales... we have been told staffing in care services is dire and if it gets worse then schools will close so that council staff ( all teachers here are employed by council) who are disabled checked can go work in care homes.

Yet again kids will be missing school, and this time its the government's fault again, if they hadn't have fired the unvaccinated social care staff then they wouldn't be having this problem 😡
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Chatty Member
Can anyone else pinpoint the time when they decided not to or to have the vaccine?

I decided before it was even launched, it was when they were on the countdown to it being a breakthrough vaccine. There and then I said to my husband I'm not having any vaccine. I'm on immunosuppressants and for me there isn't enough research on reactions to other drugs, there can't possibly be with the length of time it's been available.

My decision was only enhanced when the info came out about it only reducing symptoms and you still being able to pass it on. I'd not had Covid at this point either.

We don't watch the news, we barely watched the press conferences. I couldn't even tell you about the vaccine programme and the types you can have with or without the other. I don't feel the need to know as I won't be having them.

I haven’t been locked in a room on the deep dark web trawling for conspiracy theories as some people assume!

My husband doesn't want it either and that is the right decision for us 🙂
I remember when covid first took hold my brother would say its all to get us vaccinated, he said they will bring out a vaccine and you won't be able to go anyway unless you have it (the vaccine wasn't even being mentioned at this point) I told him he was crazy and to shut up.

Then when they started talking about a vaccine I was like I don't think I will have it as its been pushed through too fast for a virus they were still saying they knew nothing about... At this point I still thought my brother was crazy. Then the vaccine arrived was just for the vulnerable and elderly so thought nothing of it, then I got covid, was fine, so knew I wasn't going to take the vaccine for something I already had gotten and recovered from.... Then they started with the everyone needs the vaccine, then you can't do this unless you have the vaccine, then people were still getting covid after being vaccinated and some still dying, then Seeing and hearing stories of people dying or getting poorly from the vaccines, so I was glad I didn't get it and nothing will make me get it.... Even the threats by the government of not allowing unvaccinated do anything..... That just made me know I made the right decision (for me) as its not about covid anymore it seems.
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Imagine if they got Covid and spent 5 weeks or months in ITU. Then RTA victims couldn’t be treated in a timely way as no beds // staff // theatre space. Or the cancer patients waiting for surgery. Mental.

Wanna try natural immunity to polio? German measles ? Diphtheria? I’m sure the private organisation are making money // being funded somewhere so I’m sure they’re ok 👍
imagine if they didn’t get vaccinated, caught covid and recovered without any issues…….
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The vaccine doesn't eliminate transmission 100% correct but it does reduce transmission so there is a benefit. What is about the vaccine that means you have decided not to take it? Is it the fear of ending up with one of the severe side effects? I can understand your mindset at least if it is that.
I’m triple vaccinated I’m not against it for those where the benefits outweigh the risk but I’ll be damned if I’ll give my healthy children a lifetime of medication they don’t need…show me the proof it stops transmission.
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Kim Mild

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Woah. I had to read that twice to make sure I understood that correctly. Now I'm pro-vaccine and all, but halting fertility treatments because someone is not vaccinated is absolutely heartbreaking. Unlike a vaccine which you can pretty much get at any time (as long as you're not already sick from the virus, I know I know), fertility treatments are dependent on your cycle and it is devastating to have your appointment cancelled/pushed back because they haven't gotten the job. I'm so angry and sad to hear about this.
I bet a lot of them declined the jab BECAUSE they were planning fertility treatment
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Iconic Member
Omicron is no more dangerous than the average flu,

I can see the comparison between forcing someone to perform a sex act to keep their job and forcing someone to have 3 vaccinations they’re not comfortable with to keep their job, it might be an extreme comparison but it’s the fact you’re being made to do something you’re uncomfortable with to keep yourself in employment.

we don’t have to be “enemies” who disagree on everything just because we don’t agree with each other on vaccines/in THIS vaccine anyway.

I think the government are making it up as they go along and will regret a lot of the choices being made in the future. And this could be one of them, it might not be, time will tell.

i DO know there would have been a better way to reduce deaths during the pandemic that didn’t cripple the economy and make life unbearable for so so many, the majority that died were failed by the government, because they were shoved back into care homes whilst infected, which was why it ripped through that age bracket and killed so many. If that had been addressed, if there had been any PPE available in the beginning, things would have been different.
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There is a podcast that I have been listening too that you may enjoy. Its called: What really happened in Wuhan and its a really good listen. China covering up the virus, how it got out, etc. really good. Interviews with trump, mike pompeo, Dimon Lui - a lady from china talks about what life is really like in china. MI6 boss Sir Richard Dearlove, I really recommend it ifyour into that kind of thing.

also, i was browsing stocks last night. Pfizer made $3.2 billion in the first 3 months of the vaccine rollout. They made $41.9 billion in 2020 n were expected to make $36 billion end of year 2021 - - no wonder there is a global push for everyone to be vaccinated.

Also read moderna were doing trials on vaccinating 2-5 year olds which is mad as it doesnt seem to be affecting children that much at all. -
It was in the news yesterday that "admissions" for under 5s is up so we need to think about vaccines for under 5s.

As me and husband said, admission doesn't mean anything. It could have just been a panicky parent after the child got a positive lateral flow. It could be a child with a broken leg with covid.

It's so easy to see through their sales tactics. They'll vax my kids over my dead body.
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Chatty Member
Can anyone else pinpoint the time when they decided not to or to have the vaccine?

I decided before it was even launched, it was when they were on the countdown to it being a breakthrough vaccine. There and then I said to my husband I'm not having any vaccine. I'm on immunosuppressants and for me there isn't enough research on reactions to other drugs, there can't possibly be with the length of time it's been available.

My decision was only enhanced when the info came out about it only reducing symptoms and you still being able to pass it on. I'd not had Covid at this point either.

We don't watch the news, we barely watched the press conferences. I couldn't even tell you about the vaccine programme and the types you can have with or without the other. I don't feel the need to know as I won't be having them.

I haven’t been locked in a room on the deep dark web trawling for conspiracy theories as some people assume!

My husband doesn't want it either and that is the right decision for us 🙂
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Anyone else read the Guardian article "My bile rises..."?
Was honestly quite shocked by what the Dr had wrote, seems to be very based on personal morals rather than medical need. The dying cancer patient was rightfully referred to as a "patient" and a lot of space was given to humanising her by showing how her family were impacted by her care. Yet the unvaccinated patient was simply referred to as a "man" not a patient needing an ICU bed because he was a Covid patient, but an unvaccinated man. The article also claims he wouldn't have been so ill if he had been vaxxed, how can they be so certain? Does he have certain increased risks factors, in terms of lifestyle, health, housing? Did the cancer patient smoke 3 packs a day? Why is a medic making an article about the "deserving" and the "undeserving"?

Why also would a "dying" cancer patient be on an ICU ward? Surely they should be moved to palliative care and not forced to go through such invasive physically taxing care just to tell the family "we did all we could", at the expense of a bed that could help someone survive their illness?

Thought the Guardian would have been better than this, it's no different from right wing rags hating on patients with diabetes or obesity. The real failures are shutting everything and scaring people so they wouldn't go to get those early symptoms checked out, lack of staff and beds, lack of care home beds so people can get moved from hospital. Not something that seems perfectly usual... a dying patient being moved from ICU to a ward better suited to their needs, and someone in need of ICU taking that space, regardless of how both patients unfortunately ended up there.

Sorry for the rant but this is just creating division and hatred
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Being respectful is the best way, I agree. After all, we are all just trying to find our way in a really shitty situation. However, I must admit I don't always manage as my frustration, worries etc. increase.

If I'm honest, I'm reaching to find something that'll prove my instincts wrong. I desperately want to be wrong as I'm so scared for the people I love.

I feel almost obliged to say that I'm not anti-vax; I was cabin crew for 20years and had pretty much every jab going! The usual reactions afterwards but a worse one after HepB though I still kept them all up to date. My little one has had her schedule although I felt hesitant about the MMR.
With this one though, it is not even what we have called a vaccine. I have felt immensely strongly from the beginning that something is very 'off'- even when we were just beginning to hear about what was happening in Wuhan.

Ironically, I am CEV and have decided not to take it whilst all those around me have. Sadly, I have begun to see poor health increasing. Yes, it is anecdotal but it is also hard to put down to something else.

My father has just been treated for a rare cancer. The person I love most in this world (apart from my little girl, of course!) is now fighting pancreatic cancer after being very fit and healthy all his life. And I so want the world to be a better place for my beautiful girl to grow and flourish in. I could go on...

My heart is breaking and I am yearning to be wrong.
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