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I’ll keep you and your boy in my prayers! Fingers crossed for you xxxx
I’ll keep you and your boy in my prayers! Fingers crossed for you xxxx
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It's not got a conservatory but it does have patio doors in the dining room and the open plan living/kitchen, a utility room and a dedicated office to wfh. I'm very excited. It's much bigger than any house ive ever considered before but we saved really hard and I just love it
Aww this sounds amazing!!! Well done to you!! You’ve worked so hard for this. Please be proud of yourselves. We are proud of you!! Even if you do have patio doors 🤣🤣
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You spoke there about what he wants, but ultimately this comes down to what you want. Nobody would blame you for running in the opposite direction but if that's not what you want, then what's the point?

Someone once told me you only regret the decisions you don't make. So make sure you actively choose one way or another rather than passively accepting a decision made by someone else.

You are so strong, the last 10 years have proved that. Be kind to yourself xx
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Glad you're feeling better, it's good to have you back!

Whenever I stay with friends, I always take things like flowers/wine/chocolates and then things like a tray of Krispy Kreme but then, my friends and I all like to eat!

Depends how old the kids are and if there are any dietary requirements etc. How long are you staying?
Thank you! Good to be back. How are you getting on with the new house?

The kids are under eight, and one of them has severe gluten and dairy intolerance. I had thought about going early for Easter and getting an Easter basket thing for them with like an egg cup and stuff?

Only staying for the weekend but just simply can't rock up with nothing! 😂
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Is there anyway to combat children, well preteens and absolutely minging bedrooms? Or is it just a right of passage age thing. My oldest daughter has her own bedroom but my god I feel like it’s always a state. And it drives me insane
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I totally agree, it’s bad enough some of the stuff was reported on but to keep repeating things and giving theories is just ridiculous. Someone said how they resonated with her… how?! They didn’t even know her! So many people have just made their own narrative and created this sick little story they actually have no idea about. I hope the internet pages this rubbish is written on is long gone by the time those poor babies may inadvertently stumble across it. One of my childhood friends was murdered and it did make a lot of national press, I would absolutely go beserk if I ever came across people speaking about her as if they knew her and making up their little theories. Do it behind your own four walls if you really must and they can also Google their morbid little questions too. Absolutely shocking!
The TikTok detectives really angered me, digging up ground searching for a body? On what planet did that ever seem ok to do? 😢
I hope her children find peace wherever they can through the coming days, weeks, years. 💛
I am so sorry to hear you lost a friend in the most horrific way, I can’t even begin to understand how that feels. ❤
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Me again…….
Feel this thread is where I can let it all out!
My sons 2nd chemo was meant to be yesterday but because he spiked a temp whilst waiting for his blood transfusion it has to be delayed till next Thursday 😫 after numerous tests it appears his spike in temp was more than likely due to it being so warm on the day unit and my son wearing multiple layers 🙄
As for me I’m having surgery on Monday to have my “out of date” (as my kids say) implants removed as we found out they were recalled back in 2019 but only found out by a friend with the same implants as me enquiring about having hers removed that there were cases of breast cancer associated with them! I’ll be having mastopexy as well so not looking forward to the discomfort after!
This year really has been absolute sweaty smelly bolloxs so far! I just hope there is some glorious light at the end of this shit tunnel we are in!

hope you are all well and looking forward to warm sunny days!
Aww bless him, hope they pull their finger out soon and get him sorted, you don’t need any more stress!

Oooh new boobies 🥳 how exciting! Hopefully you won’t be too bad, make sure you keep on top of your pain meds and take it easy! So no housework for a few days! My boobs are 10 years old now but I’m trying to leave them as long as possible, if I could stop being lazy a lose a few lbs they would look better but working from home makes me want to stay at home all the time 😂
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My dog is dying. He’s four years old and usually fit as a fiddle, well looked after etc
He started having bad seizures yesterday, my daughter FaceTimed me in hysterics asking what should she do. It was just after 9am. She’d heard a banging and it was his head off the wall.
I jumped into my car and shot out of work but I work quite a distance away so called my sister and mom
The dropped everything, rushed around and took him straight to the vets, he will still fitting.
I got home in time to see the mess that was left behind and I didn’t know where to start.

the vets managed to stabilise him but it wasn’t good news. The tumours he had removed were cancer and his liver was shutting down

we were allowed to bring him home but told to prepare for the worst

it’s been a long night. Seizures and sickness etc

just waiting for our vets to open at 9am so we can take him up there. I can’t see us coming back with him.
Clock watching to 9am is horrendous, it’s like he’s on a death sentence

we are all truly devastated

I don’t want anyone to feel like they have to comment.
I just needed to get it out there.

im totally heartbroken. My mom, husband and now my dog have all had this fkn disease

it feels like one thing after another
Oh Johnson I'm so sorry to read this. I don't have the words but I will let you know, you have people here to talk to and we'll be thinking of you all 💛 Take care lovely. X
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Sorry I wasn't ignoring you, I just felt that it wasn't appropriate for me to comment about how much I love my house whilst one of our own is going through something so difficult.

The house is great though, still got stuff in boxes and hopefully getting those emptied this weekend and then will feel much better.

The Easter basket sounds fab. You can put craft type things in it too. The Works usually have some good seasonal stuff. Bonnets, chick's, mini decorative eggs etc
Completely understand that, thank you. Which was also why I didn't quote back to @Justhereforthebants with her kind suggestion too.

Thanks to you both for your ideas. I went with chocolates for the adults and I'll get flowers on the way, then some easter treats and an activity I can do with the kids. The works is actually where I picked it up! I can't believe how good some of the prices are in there!

I'm also glad to hear moving in has gone well. It can be such a stressful time but SO worth it in the end.

@Veilside I hope you're feeling as well as you can be just now, and I hope the words of this amazing group of women has provided you with some comfort too. I know we can never take away any pain, but do know we're all here for you. 🩶
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Cook the mince off the way you like it, onions, garlic, whatever
Mix a yorkie batter
Put batter mix in individual portion tin like when doing a Sunday roast
Add a spoonful of the mix to each serving
In oven on high
Serve with new pots or creamy mash with lashings of gravy
Or make homemade burgers x
Yes mumz!!! This sounds exactly what I need on this cold and miserable day!!!! Thank you!!! ❤
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I’m sorry guys, I won’t be active today, we’ve had a devastating family death. I’m off to be with my family for a bit.

Hope you all have a brilliant day, lots of love as always.

And to the person who has just bought their dream home, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you. This is wonderful news!! I can’t wait to hear all about it!! ❤❤❤
Take of yourself and your family - we will be here when your ready ❤❤
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@Justhereforthebantslll it’s stressful isn’t it. My son has just been given a conditional offer for his schools Sixth form, just got to get the grades. He’s definitely capable, but with his autism, he can get really nervous and forget what he’s got to write. I’m just keeping everything crossed he’ll be okay.
Let us know how you get on tomorrow x
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What book was it if you don’t mind me asking?
It was an Usbourne book, What’s Happening To Me I think. It had sections they didn’t read, there was stuff about sex in there, but there was infor around periods and changes happening. I ended up buying the boys version for my son too. Having the book kinda opened the door for questions, because if they couldn’t say what they were struggling to understand, they could show me the book so I could talk to them about it.
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