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Friday people!!
Dunno if people who work weekends on here, actually care about that (I never did when I had to work them)

I will be so glad to finish today, my arthritis is my hands is so bad, my husband said I was crying in pain in mu sleep cus of it 🫥
Don't you just love being riddled all over with arthritis 🙄
41 with a body that's about 30 years older

Feeling sorry for myself today as if you couldn't tell lol 😆

Hope your day is better than mine!!
Mucho ❤ 😍
How are you doing now lovely? ❤
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Hi @Veilside Im so sorry you’re having such a tough time, it’s so unfair. I’d definitely go back to your GP and ask for something different to sertraline. I was on that for a long time and had the same issue with weight gain. I’ve been changed to Duloxetine, which hasn’t altered my weight. I still have some to lose, but haven’t gained any extra. I’d also definitely suggest some time off, you have enough stress, and you need a break. Don’t be too hard on yourself, you are in a difficult situation. I didn’t really have any side effects when I started the Duloxetine, not like I did with the Sertraline. Sending you virtual hugs xx
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Nighty night you legends. Kit Kat and yea for me tonight. Absolutely shattered. I wish you all sweet dreams and big hugs. To bed with MonsieurIce and 3 doggies. X
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I’m doing ok after my op on Monday, a bit bruised but no pain at all 🙌🏽
My son had his 2nd chemo today so fingers crossed side effects don’t knock him for six.
Hope you are good.x
I hope you’re feeling better soon and I wish your son the best of everything I have, he’s a brave lad x
I might need my gallbladder removing as I’ve got gallstones but not sure as my symptoms aren’t the usual ones. So waiting on second opinion.

On a plus note, I’ve met someone after being single a long time. Taking it slow, keeping the son out of it (even though he knows him as a friend) so it’s a mixed bag
Great news on the new man in your life. I hope you get all the happiness you deserve and I hope they sort your gallbladder out soon. It’s awful being in pain with that x
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VIP Member
This face wash is fab
My 31 yo daughter uses it as prone to breakouts and that one tube lasts ages
£6 or £6 something on Amazon
View attachment 2003154
Thank you so much mumz, I’ll go buy some just now. I needed a tried and tested product instead of just those that are selling it, if that makes sense? Thank you!!!! ❤
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I hope you're all well! Sending love to all those who need it right now 💕

My ex has decided to try and contact me saying he didn't appreciate me as much as he should and he still loves me, it's a bit too late for regrets when he absolutely destroyed my self esteem 🥲
I’m not going to tell you not to go back, that’s your call
But I will tell you to stay strong to what you believe in xx
Look at how you have managed, how you have felt, how you have grown since
And lots of love x
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Thanks so much guys my sister had her op 10am and spent time hours in critical care which is normal and the doc said all going well she can move to the normal ward tomorrow and shes complaining about not allowed food till tomorrow so I know shes good if she’s complaining
Brilliant news! She's a girl after my own heart! ❤
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Happy Monday all.

Hugs to those who need it today 🤗 and to those who have a busy time ahead, you can do it!! X
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Hey witches

Didn’t want to post on aimless thread. Just got back from the drs as I have been suffering quite badly with a few things mainly constant pain that isn’t being helped with pain meds (now on some antidepressants that’s used to control pain). Seems it’s looking like fibromyalgia, does anyone suffer with this? Feeling a bit alone at the moment as people I know seem to think I’m just complaining but this has been months of pain, fibro fog, pins and needles plus a lot more symptoms.
Just don’t know what to do, waiting on blood tests and then should know what’s happening
Hi 👋🏼 any questions please ask, I have fibromyalgia CFS and now a diagnosis of MS. So I totally understand. ❤❤❤
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Chatty Member
I hope you got on ok at drs? Menopause is a bitch! I've been on HRT about a year and half but now finding there's something else missing...I'm so tired all the time, joints ache and absolutely zero sex drive 😢I have an apt next Friday over the phone with the menopause specialist for this area (waited a year for it !)
Have they given you testosterone as this will help. I have oestrogen gel, progesterone tablet and testosterone and for me it has been great
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Hey ladies. Tbh, I think I know what the response will be but I just kinda need to prove it to myself.
My ex partner of all my kids (all have sen needs. We didn’t know at the time of splitting up) hit midlife crisis. Which resulted in us splitting. He never cheated on me HOWEVER I firmly believe that’s is because I kicked him out before he could. Ofcourse it can’t be proven. I know he’s struggled with depression. Which was a massive part in the split, purely because I didn’t know/understand at the time. However my own mental health took a nose dive. I was mid 20’s single mum of 3 all with Sen needs. We’ve been split up close to 10 years. During that time he set up home with one woman, had the kids roind her. Ofcourse I’ve had “things” but the kids are none the wiser. As I don’t want a relationship unless it’s the love of my life. So anyone I met I sawwhen they was with their dad.

Anyway, he now Ofcourse wants his family back. I do genuinely believe he loves me and all that. I don’t doubt that.

My worry is, we split before my youngest was even 1. She’s never known mum and dad together. What if….it works for a bit. Then it doesn’t. He is a really good dad. My kids adore him. His mum adores me etc etc. but my kids are older now. I’d love them to have mum and dad together but what if it doesn’t work and I break the hearts I’ve spent so long healing
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Chatty Member
Aww bless him, hope they pull their finger out soon and get him sorted, you don’t need any more stress!

Oooh new boobies 🥳 how exciting! Hopefully you won’t be too bad, make sure you keep on top of your pain meds and take it easy! So no housework for a few days! My boobs are 10 years old now but I’m trying to leave them as long as possible, if I could stop being lazy a lose a few lbs they would look better but working from home makes me want to stay at home all the time 😂
my boobs are 12YRS old, had no plans on getting them removed any time soon. I think it is crazy that my type were recalled 4yrs ago and I wasn’t informed. It’s like if there is a problem with a certain make/model of car then those owners are told and the problem solved. And it is costing me double of what it was to have them done the first time. I am totally looking forward to not having implants anymore, smaller boobs and not having to wipe the sweat from under them 😂
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Me again 😂
This week is my daughters last week of primary school. She’s my oldest so we’re both a wee bit emotional. Most of her friends aren’t going to the same high school. She was SO lucky she got picked for the best one in the area. Almost everyone in her class put it as number 1 and only about 5/6 got in. She was one.

Any hints/tips to help her (and me through it)
Congratulations to your daughter for being picked. It’s a big deal when that happens.

My daughter leaves primary today and she has mental health issues and self harms due to her medical condition, so I’m super worried about her today and how she will cope
Most of her friends are going to her high school, apart from her bestie 🙈 but we have said that they can still keep in touch through us and their gaming app.

My husband and I have taken half day off work to pick her up together and take her for a maccies as a treat
Her older sister will be with us also to help her should she need it.
Distraction is key

This is our last child in primary school so it will be an emotional day all around as the school have been in our lives for a long time now.

Doesn’t help that our dog is going in for emergency surgery this morning so we’re all stressed out and worried.

I hope you have a very a good last day despite the worries x
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