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I think I have succumbed to that awful cold/flu bug. Felt rough as all week and today I haven't been able to get out of bed
Looks like we are all having a shit time at the moment but at least we don't have partners who tells we eat too much or that we have tonsillitis - every cloud eh 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Not shocked she’s now backtracked though 🤭
It was when we called out that noone would risk their job and people started questioning it there. But it makes no sense as to why this senior police officer would risk their job to go check out cctv and add to her investigation. If any person was asked that they’d be saying no not saying yes then backing out; they’ve already done enough to lose their job

And I didn’t understand why she went bat shit over her mate ringing sun deck when what she’s done is worse & illegal
Hopefully I don’t miss too much drama as I’m majorly busy this weekend & won’t get on much
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Morning ☺
What a shit start to the year it has been for me! I generally dislike the start of a new year as I worry about what that year will bring, once I’m a few months in I relax…..I worry about everything! Anyhow a lil back story, my eldest had cancer when he was 5, beat the shit out of it! So I always had that fear his cancer would return or that my other two would get it. Then my husband gets diagnosed with an inoperable brain stem tumour in 2016 😩 thankfully it has not grown and remained stable since (he has MRI’s every 6months) but his whole outlook on life has changed, he always talks about not being here much longer.
My eldest (the one who had cancer) also has scoliosis which doesn’t warrant any treatment according to the Dr’s even though it is very visible and he suffers from it! He was in pain before Christmas so went for a blood test, it came back he was anaemic and had inflammation in his blood, so he had an urgent referral done for it to be investigated because of his previous history. Well as you can imagine I spent the first two weeks of this year with mad anxiety, two hospitals refused his urgent referral and he was finally seen two days ago had an examination of his head and neck area (that’s where his original tumour was) and a camera down his throat, all looked fine. We have now got to wait for him to have a full body CT scan, I am praying it all comes back clear. Right now my anxiety is ok, I am telling myself not to worry and work myself up about something that I don’t know. Try and stay positive (easier said than done)
I also found out two days ago that the type of breast implants I have were recalled back in 2019 as there were a couple of cases of breast cancer linked to them 😫 I am awaiting a call for an appointment to have them removed which isn’t going to be cheap! So yeah……..January has been shit so far! It’s my birthday tomorrow, I have asked a couple of my close friends to come round and we will have a couple drinks a good chin wag and that will hopefully take my mind of all this shit if only for one night!

Oh and I start my new 2nd job today so that’s one positive to come from this month!
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Thank you for setting up this thread I think it’s a great idea!

Huge congratulations to @Carpetandcurtains on your New home, that’s an amazing achievement and I really hope you will be happy there and make lots of wonderful memories.

So sorry @huggis on your loss ❤ sending lots of love and hugs to you.

I’ve just finished work for the day as got my appointment this afternoon for my results for my heart procedure. I’m very worried but I suppose what will be will be, there’s nothing I can do to change anything and fingers crossed it’s good news.
Love to all of you and hope you all have a fantastic weekend ahead. It’s my daughters 19th birthday 🥳 on Sunday so we will be going out to celebrate 🎉
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Hi all, quiet on here but thought I would update…
So my son is just over 1wk from first chemo.
It has been an up and down week as expected, constipation has been horrendous!
He has been diagnosed with an extremely rare stomach cancer (mets to liver) it is incurable. So rare that there are only 111 recorded cases worldwide. He is being treated with chemo in the hope that is keeps the disease at bay for as long as possible. Can only hope that the chemo helps or that he is the one that makes it curable, all cancers start out as rare 🤷🏻‍♀️ there is a tablet available that could help, but not on the NHS, his consultant is hoping he can get funding for our boy.
So yeah, shit but we have to be positive!
Love to you all 😘
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Oooooo a gym room. Need to kick the kiddos out haha 😄

@huggis glued to the live 🤣
It’s like car crash tv isn’t it? I can’t stand the twat but I can’t take my eyes of it. Im fascinated by the tit! 🤣

I have all these things I'd love in an ideal world. Clearly I'm intending on winning the cash register to make this all happen.

Kids will leave eventually tho... are you going man cave or ladies craft/hobby room when they go?

When my brother moved out my dad was STRAIGHT in there making a wee games room. 😂😂
I’m going to throw Mr Huggis into the garage and buy 10 new foundland dogs and a good 20 spaniels. I will live the most peaceful life once the kids are moved out 🤣🤣🤣
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@Madamice hope your better soon!

I’ve just found a note on my daughters phone that she’s written like a diary entry. Where she says how much she hates her life. I’m always horrible to her cos I shout at her all the time. I don’t at all and I’m not taking it personally. She’s 11 so I totally understand she’s being melodramatic. What really got to me was, she said how she’s hates being school, that everyone is horrible to her and she doesn’t want to tell me because she is the oldest sister and she doesn’t want them to see her upset and she doesn’t want me to see her fall apart.

I can’t lie, it was hard to read that she has that pressure on her shoulders.
Oh your poor little girl. My heart breaks for her 💔
I hate the thought of any child being so sad at school.
I speak from experience with my two girls and its truly heartbreaking..

Are you gonna speak to her about it?

I'm glad someone has found Emma and hopefully she knows we are here for her.

Hiya to all the new ones here 😀 😊
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@K4040 hope you’re okay! Don’t think what you said was odd at all, you didn’t go for anyone just stated how you felt, we all have a difference of opinion makes the world interesting x
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Lots of love and hugs for anyone going through heartache and difficulties
Here’s a little story to hopefully put a small smile on some of your faces
I gave my 8 yo granddaughter a £5, later that day she said “Thanks for giving me £50 nanny”
I don’t know if she will be arrested for defacing a note or making counterfeit money!
I just hope it wipes off!
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Someone in her family was unwell not too long ago and she kept making a point of how her kids etc were struggling. I don’t know if it was just badly unwell or a death in the end, I stopped paying attention. Then she’s had all her medical issues herself and several appointments for different issues. Now there’s someone else who’s unwell. She must be seriously unlucky to have all that happen with a couple months

I’m aware I probably sound a bitch but it does start to become really unbelievable
Yeah and she came on and said she’s gonna need surgery again for her medical condition. There’s just too much stuff happening which I know is possible but why would you put that out there when you live in the same area as the person who you are targeting? She is gonna slip up and reveal herself accidentally.

I know we all come on & have our rants about our bad times, mention our good times but Jo is constantly updating virtual strangers about almost every aspect of her life.
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Thankyou so so much ❤ honesty I don't feel as sad as I thought I would, I kinda feel relieved, looking back there was a lot of red flags, had loads of good times and memories and he did care about my son a lot, but silly things like after being official for 3 months he still had tinder downloaded on his phone, didn't tell his mum about us till 3 years in and he used to completely shut me down in arguments and ghost me for a few days
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hope I’m ok to post on here but need to vent feeling proper mum guilt.
My 4 year old is really struggling with school she loves going and enjoys it but is struggling with the learning aspect of it. School are being great and helping her so much. My daughter has hearing problems which have been on going since she was born with glue ear just waiting on a referral for ent for grommets, audiology are going to look at temporary hearing aids until grommets are placed. Obviously her hearing is affecting her education but school think she has learning problems. My guilt is did I do something wrong? Xxx
Aw sweetie, of course you can vent here!!!
Now, I need you to pay attention to this ok,

This is not your fault any more than it is mine!! Please try and rid yourself of this awful guilt you’re feeling!! You’ve done nothing wrong! The only thing you’re guilty of is loving that wee girl and doing your very best by her.

It doesn’t matter to us how many times you say you’re feeling guilty or sad or unsure of what’s to come etc, we will fix that crown of yours time and time again. That little girl is watching you and learning from you every day, even when you don’t see it. ❤
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Hey witches, I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend.

Just wanted to check in and let you know I'm going to take a posting break for a bit (though I'll probably still dip in and out and may like a comment or two). I'm just really struggling with the old MH just now (something I've really had to admit to myself over this past weekend) and I need to try and work on that and get myself back swinging.

I don't know what's caused this little break, I really wish I did. I just know I've been feeling down and not myself for a while (the not sleeping etc) but I've felt rubbish all weekend, no appetite (and an actual no appetite not one like Aimless where I then stuff my face with a maccys and a four scone chaser!), and just felt so down. The tears finally came this morning (I never cry so this is quite the milestone in itself).

Sorry for the share, I just don't know how to share this IRL because I don't know what's causing this so I don't know how to explain it, but I felt like I had to get it out to someone, and I know this is a safe space.

I hope you and all the little witches have a good week. I'll be back soon lovelies 😘 xx
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I think half of them are the same people just with several accounts 🙈
100% agree. The same person has multiple accounts it's so obvious. That's why they're not letting it go because they feel indignant that many of us didn't fall for the bullshit and can't be manipulated. They've not just channelled their hatred towards aimless, they're now picking on certain tattlers who dared to go against them. It's freakshow behaviour and they need help 🫠 wanting revenge on people in this way for something so minor just isn't a normal reaction.

When you start hounding someone like that Jo (or whoever the hell she is) does, that's absolutely crossing a line. It's completely unhinged to care so much what an anon person has said on the internet. If CC had any sense they'd look into it closer and ban the accounts like Tattle has had to do in the past.

I'd advise everyone to give it a wide berth
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Good Morning all you beautiful ladies. Sorry I’ve been absent I’ve been absolutely mad busy lately and meeting myself coming back. I just can’t keep up with everyday life at the moment and hoping it will settle down soon. How are you all? Hope you are all well and survived the 9378 days of January 🤣 Had my daughters birthday and then she got tonsillitis but shes all fine now. Got my results from my heart procedure and it’s great news 😃 so think we will be celebrating 🎉 this weekend. Such a weight of my mind I can tell you. I’ve been worried sick. Anyway hope you all have a fantastic weekend whatever you are doing. Stay safe you lovely lot ❤ hugs to all of you ❤
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Quite frankly I don’t even give a fuck what the outspoken ones in there say anymore. There’s some vicious cunts there. Oh yes there is! But there are nice people too! Say what you want about me! Me and my wooden spoon are very happy here thank you!
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The cancer comment as well. I felt it was a very indirect way of saying why can’t people like Aimee get cancer but even if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. What a horrible thing to say
Both my son and husband are dealing with this horrendous disease, people throwing about comments like that boils my absolute piss! As much as I dislike Aimee and nearly well yeah everything about her I would never ever wish this on her or anyone else! And it truly fucks me off when people use cancer so flippantly! Piss the fuck off!
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