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Chatty Member
I’m about to have a nose job in 6 weeks! I’ve wanted it for 15 years so I’m very excited. I have also have a strange fold of skin on my right eye which I’m having removed at the same time.
I currently have tear trough fillers and will get my cheeks done soon too. Also going to get my eyes lasered and teeth whitened soon. It’s the year for change!
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That sounds absolutely awful and incredibly painful! Hopefully one day they'll make a much easier method for you haha.
I know it sounds like a medievil torture method!!

I've tried to walk in heels for years too but never got the hang of it, I look so awkward and my ankle just gives way 🤣
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Chatty Member
Do people mostly save up for this? Or was it already affordable?

I’m always baffled when you read stories about people who have had hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of procedures done - how do they afford it?!
My rhinoplasty cost my 2500€ in Turkey and I could not be happier! I saved for this and put money to the each month and honestly it’s been worth every penny.
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Active member
Have you been on the Boob or bust website and measured using their method? A d cup isn't a size on it's own, it's relative to the rib cage. Perhaps you are already a d cup . Even if you still want your boobs done, a well fitting bra is always a good thing and is more flattering.
thankyou, I will have a look!
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1001 others

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For the first time in my life I am feeling extremely old.

I had to get a new photo taken today for my freelancing profile and I went to a local guy who has a professional studio. When he showed me what I looked like, I froze. How on earth did I get so old? I mean obviously I look in the mirror every day but where on earth did all those wrinkles come from - and my hair - eeeek! (bleached blonde as I have so much white coming through - I thought it looked fine but it really washes me out). And this was under professional lighting, so was probably better than 'real life'. I asked him if he could 'fix' it slightly, just to make it look a bit better, but as it has to be compared to my driver's licence he won't be able to do anything too drastic.

Anyhoo, I am now considering getting a facelift. I don't want to go down the botox and fillers route as I've heard nightmare stories about them; plus, one side of my face is slightly droopier than the other as a result of a stroke. So, I'm going to do it. I've been researching tonight and there are a couple of places that seem to have the best reviews (their before and after photos are extremely impressive). I'll worry about my hair later.

For the first time in my life I am feeling extremely old.

I had to get a new photo taken today for my freelancing profile and I went to a local guy who has a professional studio. When he showed me what I looked like, I froze. How on earth did I get so old? I mean obviously I look in the mirror every day but where on earth did all those wrinkles come from - and my hair - eeeek! (bleached blonde as I have so much white coming through - I thought it looked fine but it really washes me out). And this was under professional lighting, so was probably better than 'real life'. I asked him if he could 'fix' it slightly, just to make it look a bit better, but as it has to be compared to my driver's licence he won't be able to do anything too drastic.

The photo experience just finished off a couple of weird days where I started fretting about my age. I tendered for some work the other day and received an instant reject email; in his response, the client had said he'd prefer someone younger! Another client rejected my proposal on the basis that I wasn't the right fit (I'm guessing age played a part there too).

Anyhoo, I am now considering getting a facelift. I don't want to go down the botox and fillers route as I've heard nightmare stories about them; plus, one side of my face is slightly droopier than the other as a result of a stroke. So, I'm going to do it. I've been researching tonight and there are a couple of places that seem to have the best reviews (their before and after photos are extremely impressive). I'll worry about my hair later.
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Chatty Member
Just had an open rhinoplasty surgery almost two weeks ago!!! Wanted it for years and years and finally did it. I went to Istanbul and couldn’t be happier! I wish I did it sooner
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Ruby’s mum

VIP Member
I’ve always wanted to get my nose done, but too scared of the things that could go wrong.
Also really want laser eye surgery, but the procedure looks terrifying. I can’t even put contacts in.
I had laser eye surgery a few years ago and wouldn’t hesitate doing it again. The freedom of not wearing glasses or contacts is wonderful. A word of caution though, see a specialist and more than one clinic before going ahead. My husband was all set to have it done after a clinic saying he would have no problems and trying to push him to make an early appointment. He had a nagging doubt and had a private consultation with an eye surgeon who told him he was in no way a candidate for the surgery and risked going blind if he went ahead with it. He said if my husband had gone to him for the surgery he would have refused to do it as it was too risky. If you are a candidate for it though, go for it as it is life changing.

I'm a copywriter for a marketing firm that specializes in plastic surgery, so I know most current cosmetic treatments front to back. Saw someone earlier in the thread mention the "under the chin injections" for fat reduction. I'd 100% not recommend those. Painful, awkward, not worth the money. Even the surgeons themselves laugh about how awful the treatment is haha

I'd also be happy to answer any questions people might have! I write about this stuff all day for a living.
I would love information about a jaw lift (not sure if that’s the right term - I want to get rid of the saggy skin around my jawline and jowls I am getting as I get older). Likely cost, pain, recovery time etc
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I had 20 teeth capped about 2.5 years ago and love them, made such a difference with smiling and general confidence and husband had his done the following year as I was so pleased with mine. I had them done in India and they cost just under £3.000 and had no problems having them done there as the dentist also works in Birmingham for 6 months of the year.
Would love something to sort out all the old age lines on my face, when I lost weight my face changed with lots of wrinkles, but now taking medication which will stop me. Also have had microblading done for about 5 years but unfortunately that has had to go due to same medication (blood thinners)
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Well-known member
I've had botox and filler.

I'll be having a tummy tuck and extended arm lift later this year (I've lost a lot of weight!)
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Is there an alternative to breast implants. I don't like the idea I'd a foreign body in my chest or that they need changing after a few years, but since breast feeding mine are deflated.
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Who did you get them done with, if you don't mind sharing?
I got them done with my own dentist privately in the U.K., (I don’t want to name the exact place as I live in a really small town and I don’t want to out myself haha) I love that they just look like natural teeth too I didn’t want a Simon cowell look I just wanted my own teeth looking nicer brighter and fuller! Most dentists who do private work offer them and if it’s out of your price bracket there’s cheaper ones which are called composite veneers - made of the material they use for white fillings and they look amazing too but they are more porous so they’ll stain easier which was a big no for me because I love eating curry’s and all the things that stain your teeth so I know if I had of got them I’d be in every couple of months for a clean lol!

it was really quick too, done over 2 appointments. First appointment was prep to take photographs measure my smile, bite etc, file a very thin layer off my teeth so that the veneers slot on without looking too big for my mouth, and then take moulds of my teeth,then they put on temporary veneers while they make yours in the lab! This Only took about an hour for the first appt. the second appointment they have all the veneers made so they just take off the temporary ones and put on your final ones and boom your smile is done!

my dentist said looking after them and going to my check ups as normal they should stay in place for 15-20 years and then they’ll probably need replaced.
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Chatty Member
I've had botox but it never lasts. I'll be lucky if it lasts 3 months on me and I find that I'm never happy with the result. It doesn't do anything for me really and I always end up unhappy because I've paid out money and my eyebrows are not lifted. Anyone else had this? I've had my lips done but not sure if it suits me to be honest and is a waste of money. I love the look on others though. I'd defo get work done if I could afford it.

I've had botox and fillers and I regretted both. Botox gave me a horrible migraine for a week and made my eyebrows look strange. Fillers made me look like a pillow face. Also, don't get fillers in Harley St London. The girl hit a nerve in my face and I couldn't close my eye.

I got my ears pinned back but I got it reversed and had the stitches removed because I got an infection.

I got all of these things done because my ex constantly put me down for my appearance. I felt so unattractive with him. I got rid of him and now I'm back to my natural self and much happier :) Would never, ever, get anything done again.
Same about he headache. I felt dizzy for weeks and weeks..eyebrows went horrid and I swear it made me look fatter. You experience that? Is lovea proper eyebrow lift with surgery
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VIP Member
Is there an alternative to breast implants. I don't like the idea I'd a foreign body in my chest or that they need changing after a few years, but since breast feeding mine are deflated.
I’ve seen people getting filler, about 80ml but that’s not long lasting at all
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VIP Member
You'd honestly be surprised -- losing weight can make a big difference on fat below the chin. If you're looking for a more dramatic improvement though, your best options would probably be either liposuction or CoolSculpting. Liposuction is obviously a surgical procedure (aka a bit more invasive) but it will permanently remove the fat cells. CoolSculpting is nonsurgical and "freezes away" the fat cells, but it may require a series of treatment sessions over the course of a few months to get the final results you're looking for. Search for "CoolMini" if you'd like to learn more about the specific "under the chin" version of the CoolSculpting procedure.

For the record, the fat reduction injections do work. But from what I've heard from clients, the recovery process makes you look like a bullfrog after and can be fairly uncomfortable.

When it comes to saggy skin along the jaw and neck, a facelift or a neck lift is the best bet! These procedures will tighten the skin, readjust any drooping facial muscles, and help define the jawline. If you'd like a nonsurgical solution, you would probably want to look into laser treatments that utilize radiofrequency (RF) energy. The heat from the laser stimulates collagen production and helps tone the area, but the results won't be as dramatic as a traditional surgical procedure.

As for cost, I'm an American so I only know North American prices. A facelift usually goes for around 10 to 15k. The cost can vary a bit depending on your surgeon's level of experience, etc. But this is definitely a procedure you shouldn't cut corners on! It's worth the investment -- it's your face after all, haha. When it comes to recovery, you can expect to go back to work around 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure. But your results will continue to develop over several months as your skin and muscles settle into place and swelling subsides.
Thank you- now off to google coolsculpting
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I’m a yoyo dieter so they needed doing again after 12 years. I had mine behind the muscle to look more natural which I believe is more painful but you get painkillers. The worst was having to sleep on my back as I’m a side sleeper. You wear a supportive post op bra for a few months day and night.
I went back to work after ten days. As long as your not heavy lifting you’ll be fine after a week
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Is micro needling any good for the skin? anyone tried it. Megan Good gets it done, she's in her forties but looks 20's so I'm guessing its good
I was mentioning secret pro above (radio frequency microneedling). I'm saving up for it currently, but having seen the results on friends it does appear effective (but pricey).
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
I had my boobs done at 18, then got them done again at 26. It was the best thing I’ve ever done, I was so flat chested and so self conscious as a teenager. I went to a C the first time then a DD second time - the second ones are partially under the muscle too, which means they have that natural “drop” of real boobs but they’re also still full at the top. I’ll probably have them done again once I’ve had children.

I’ve had Botox in my face but also under my arms to try and control excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). That didn’t work, so it felt like a waste of money. I saw on another thread recently about a laser treatment that stops it permanently which is something I’d love to get done.

I’ve also had some moles removed by my doctor, ones that would usually be hidden but I just didn’t like. I have a few on my face that I’d love to have removed but have been told it’d leave quite big scars, so for now I’ve left them as they are.
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Is there an alternative to breast implants. I don't like the idea I'd a foreign body in my chest or that they need changing after a few years, but since breast feeding mine are deflated.
Fat transfer? I don’t have any experience/knowledge on it. My surgeon has recommended this for when I explant my implants.
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
i had a raised facial mole removed in the summer..i was quite worried that the scarring would be bad but i have to say i have a small red mark thats barely noticeable. The consultant I saw gave me petroleum jelly to put on it ..apparantly it quite a recent change to aftercare and stops wound scabbing over so prevents some of the scarring.
Oh that’s interesting! Did you go through your GP for that or through somewhere cosmetic?
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