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As a person who has carried extra weight a few times in my life I now know that changing your eating habits and moving more are what loses you weight. Yes it may be harsh but true. My elderly mother is overweight and my sister and I adjusted her diet last year and even though she is not very mobile she lost weight and it makes her life better and means if she falls over I don’t have to call an ambulance to get her up. She’s 94!!! If she can do it anyone can. Wonder ( this will be taken as harsh but here goes ) if she decided to have a baby for intagram ( she’s is only 19 ) as that seems to be a thing on Instagram at the moment. I’m very sad for her and do hope her and the baby are ok but it’s time the woke brigade realised being overweight is dangerous

Wow, just wow! You need to read what you’re writing and think about its impact! You’re something else!
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Kim Mild

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He admits to the press story about him watching Contagion movie, sounds positive about summer holidays and is positive on transmissions. The best interview he's done so far for being positive.

I bet Matt Hancock has picked the actor he'd want to play him in a movie about the covid pandemic.

I'm convinced he's in the toilet. That's the cistern to his left .
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Chatty Member
I feel for school kids and folks at colleges and universities. I really do. Same as everyone on the thread; no idea what the solution is going to be to get them back up to speed.

Mega frustrated - I was going to do a Master (MSc) funded through my work (very grateful for that funding!) and it had to be deferred from Sept 20 admission to Sept 21. I was happy with this as I had a wee feeling Unis going back last year would be a shit show. Just received notification that my Uni has withdrawn all in person MSc courses for 2021 and will only be offering the course online. Which increases the duration to 36-48 months 🤮😭 when it was 24 months set days per week) gutted with this as I just CANNOT- live at home, exercise at home, work full time at home AND have to do my masters at home.

Just can’t do it. I’d launch myself out a window 😭😳

Even more annoying I didn’t apply for my managers role/ promotion as I wanted to focus on my Masters. Fml! 😂🙈

So, covid can 🖕🏻🖕🏻
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Clapping tonight at 6pm? I think the hell not. My blinds will be shut earlier today, might keep the window open to see if I hear any though 😂
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How can the IOM, NZ etc all go back to normal life when we’re in this huge shit storm? If our government had said masks from the start, not in September, and closed the borders in March we would have stood a chance. They were still allowing flights in from Wuhan at the beginning of this, how could they be so stupid. It all feels so unfair 😟
IOM and NZ completely different to us in so many ways. Very isolated countries/island with low amounts of people “travelling through”. No road connections etc. Not worth comparing. They also haven’t solved the problem as at some point they will have to allow the borders to reopen and then they will be in the same position we all are again.
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Hope everyone is doing ok ♥ I've kept away from the past few threads as it wasn't doing me any good reading on here every day but just popped on to tell u all about my exciting day tomorrow 😂 off to the doctors for my cervical screening and then calling to Maccys Ds on the way back 😂 Probs the most exciting thing I've done all year 😂😂
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The daily mail is pretty much the same as YouTube, why link to them as any proof of anything?

That Whitty clip is upsetting, noone disses the Whitty like that 😡
Incidentally I rarely wear a coat outside. It has to resemble the antarctic before I do.

Lol probably the biggest news we have had in months ( vaccines do have a big effect on transmission) and the thread is dead 😆 you all off celebrating? 😉😂

Also, antibodies for at least 6 months 🥳

Covid: Antibodies last at least six months in most
Amazing news isn't it
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VIP Member
It is so unimportant compared to what some have gone through or are going through but - are there others, like myself, who would be genuinely gutted at the prospect of no foreign travel for another year or two?
I would take an holiday to the next door neighbours house to get a change of scenery right now :D
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Vaughn Gething in press conference earlier

“For international travel to start in earnest we need to see what the rules are for vaccination and testing before an arrival back as well.

“We are not going back to the day’s we enjoyed a year and a half ago. I don’t want to get too fixed on foreign travel for holidays in the future because that is too uncertain.”

What is this man on about. If bloody Captain Tom can go to Barbados over Christmas, hundreds of influencers can jet off to Dubai, not to mention a great deal of people did have a real summer holiday last year... what makes him think the same isn’t going to happen again. I haven’t actually listened to what he said verbatim but the way that’s worded does seem a little final. “We’re not going back to how we were”. How can you know that at this stage? Yeah sure we won’t be able to just jet off without a care this year, maybe even next year... but I think we all know that foreign travel in the future is going to be perfectly fine.
I feel like they're playing a dangerous game with the nation's mental health when they come out with statements like that. I'm not saying they should be giving false hope of things being like 2019 in the next few months, but implying that we'll never see times like that again is just irresponsible.
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Iconic Member
At this point the UK need to start concentrating on other sectors of the health service,
do a massive drive for people to come forward for cancer screenings, encourage more to attend scheduled appointments, try and encourage people who think they might need to be seen by a doctor, for mental health reasons or otherwise to do it.
Stop pissing about with just one illness while the rest who need assistance, and the economy crumble on the sidelines
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There doesn’t seem to be a plan for hospitality openings.

if hospital cases have stabilised, surely restrictions should be lifted sooner. I don’t like this narrative of “have a great summer” - what about all the months before that?
Because we are still overwhelmed. It wouldn't take much at all to swamp the NHS. We already have other areas closed, ops cancelled and building waiting times. Can we please just get it back to manageable before we start opening everything up again.
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VIP Member
I totally get you. I feel selfish moaning about it to people cos I know loads of people think I have nothing to moan about.. but I feel like my life has been affected much more than some of my friends, because they didn’t travel much. Some people didn’t do much with their lives anyway, so nothing much has changed for them.. and please don’t take this the wrong way, as I know lots of people have been affected by deaths which is so awful, but I can’t help feeling that my life had changed more than others I know, but I’m not ‘allowed’ to complain about it’s as I’m ‘lucky’
I think we’re all entitled to a little moan and a vent sometimes, I think it’s healthy. I had a bit of a meltdown and a cry yesterday and felt so serene afterwards. Everyone’s life has been effected and it’s hard. But some are definitely suffering more than others. Some are struggling in ways we have no idea about. There’s no competition we are all struggling for different reasons. You aren’t selfish, but I think it’s just about feeling what you’re feeling and knowing that’s ok while keeping it in perspective. I feel I can share my feelings with certain people and on here but I wouldn’t post on my Facebook a meltdown about not being able to go on holiday as there would definitely be people who saw that who were having a very difficult time. I don’t think I’m explaining myself well but whatever you are feeling is whatever you are feeling, but it’s good as well to reflect on what you do have and what you are grateful for 💖 this will be over one day xx
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VIP Member
Takeaways are still open 😂
I've taken full advantage of that tonight and eaten my weight in Chinese, I'm 3/4 of a way through a bottle of wine and guessed correctly who Blob was on the Masked Singer.
Just right now life ain't all that bad 😂
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Omg. Its on my local news that a 7 y/o boys amongst today figures from a hospital near me. No other information given but its broke my heart 💔
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Why do people ask how people feel about the death of someone? As if anyone is going to say "I feel great actually, glad its happened"
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This vaccine drama is insane. I can't fully understand what's going on but I would be for helping ROI out with some of ours if they are being shafted by the EU. I wasn't and am not pro brexit but seems this instance has worked out in brexits favour. Waiting for Scotland to chime in with something - cant miss a political op up there!!
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VIP Member

41% drop in ICU in just a fortnight :D The tide continues to turn for us all. Positive media stories are daily now. They just aren't as negative and depressing as they used to be.
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Today has been hard. Started off ok with a walk but have gotten progressively sadder as the days gone on. Had to take myself away for a little cry whilst my little man was watching his tablet so he didn’t see me upset. This lockdown is so much harder.

Corona rollercoaster. Hopefully tomorrow is a better one 🤞🏻
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