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Why do you think of her every day . Is she a friend? She was grossly overweight so was in a dangerous category Wonder as an influencer she thought the rules didn’t apply to her and that’s what happened
And I’ve been overweight most of my life but started low carb a couple of years ago and am much lighter. I’m 66 so could be vulnerable but I knew I didn’t want to be old and immobile so sorted my weight in time Lots of people dying have no apparent underlying conditions but surely obesity is a condition!!
don’t know why being overweight is now classed as trendy it’s not
Not a friend, no, but when you've watched someone for years you get to know them a bit and of course care when their life is at stake. Not going to get into the obese thing, there's many reasons why people are overweight.
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I find a lot of people around me find the weekends a lot harder in lockdown than the weekdays. Weekdays you're busy with work, homeschooling, sorting out dinner, etc. There's no real-time to think about it but on the weekends, we always have something fun planned or plans with family and friends and now it's filled with nothingness effectively. There's only so many walks I can go on and only so many family members from my household I can annoy!

Hoping you're all staying well. Try to distract yourselves or pick up an old hobby, the latter I've found so helpful x
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Since they reopened in July, pubs and restaurants seemed to be very Covid secure (or at least the ones I went to did). I felt more unsafe going grocery shopping.
The venues are not the issue, it’s the people who get there and refuse to stick to the rules. Hugging, sitting too close, going back to each other’s homes.

I agree Pub’s can be safe, it’s the public who are the issue.
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Anyone still washing their grocery shopping and mail or just me? At work we wipe computers down with anti bac wipe too.
Never did and never will. I wash my hands when I enter the shop, when I get back to the car, and when I have put my shopping away. I wipe down the computers at work, but for the next person. I rarely wipe them down before I use them (but I know most people would have wiped it down when they left anyway). I keep hand sanitizer next to me at work and use it if I need to put my hand to my mouth (eating or applying lip balm for example). That’s the extent of it. Never even thought to wipe down mail or deliveries. We do have immune systems, I’m not a covid denier by any means (I work in the NHS) but this is a virus like many others - before this was everyone constantly getting ill? No! We should be vigilant with hygiene but personally wiping down every letter would drive me insane and kick off some major anxiety issues.
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They couldn't possibly make a show to compete with reality 😂 we need something sane to give us a break from these crazy times . EU /UK it's a knockout see who can fill the vats with the most vaccine in the shortest amount of time ⏲
I liked the idea of a real cheap budget hotel being a quarantine Hotel for influencers rushing back from dubai watching them suffer a travel lodge be hilarious
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good morning, it’s Saturday the 96th of January.....

never heard anything so accurate in my life 😂
January has been a long year!
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Record number of daily vaccines for the UK. Not blowing the UK trumpet, just posting what the BBC said, before any one gets all angry at me about it 🤣
View attachment 412089
I think celebrating when things finally go well is perfectly fine myself 😂 It actually looks like we’re going to hit the target by mid Feb! Can’t see why anyone would be mad about that
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I've never commented on Tattle before but I just want a little rant. I can't stop crying about how unfair everything is right now and seeing that Cpt Tom had his "family around him" has just spiralled me.

My husband died 3 months ago today from Covid and he wasn't "allowed" family around him. After alot of begging and pleading, our 7 yr old son was allowed to go say goodbye and hold his dads hand one last time.

I wish so badly I barged my way in and fought everyone who tried to stop me. My husband is just a number to everyone now and it all feels so....heartless and like I'm meant to just get on with life like nothings happened because well SO many people have died obviously 🙄🤷‍♀️.

Why is Tom allowed such a privilege and why are the news flaunting that in peoples faces who are already suffering with depression / grief?!

😬 sorry for my little outburst. I'm coping for anyone wondering, I'm a strong person - but this is a huge kick in my lady balls!
Oh GabCat, I’m so sorry for you and your son on the loss of your husband and daddy. 7 is no age to lose a parent. Well done for fighting for him to get to say his goodbyes but I’m so sorry he had to do it alone and that you couldn’t go with him. Your husband must have been young too, so very sad. I hope you are ok, I think all of us on here completely understand how hard it must be for you to see about Captain Tom’s family. Thinking of you x

Thankyou for being so kind. It means the world.

On a lighter note, something that made me smile in a dark time of my life - whilst my son was holding hubbys hand he told him "daddy you're squeezing my hand too tight and it's going to make me fart!". My husband managed a chuckle at that.

My son is doing well, he's acting extremely brave and he's taking care of ME! I'm very proud and he's keeping me from getting into a rut. X
That’s a lovely memory to cherish in such difficult times.
Children are amazing. My son was 2.5 when my mum died and I don’t know what I’d have done without him, he gave me a reason to continue and made me smile every day. Your son sounds like a wonderful little boy x
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Can someone please reassure me about the Oxford vaccine I am 30 years old and had it a week ago, I felt awful for a few days after and my leg muscles are still aching.... I’m hearing so many things about people having bad reactions to the Oxford one and not the Pfizer can someone please enlighten me a little 😕😫
I have noticed you’ve posted a lot of stuff about your reaction to the vaccine. It’s probably best to consult your doctor because no one on here is going to be able to give you a medical opinion.
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Seems like most of us are really struggling today, I admit for the first time since the start of all this I am starting to feel awful again. I am one of those people who luckily the pandemic hasn’t affected me much, I haven’t socialised in a few years, only ever see my family, don’t work and am at home most of the time anyway as I went through a really rough patch with anxiety the last 3 years. I’ve always enjoyed just being at home but I’m starting to feel so claustrophobic in my flat. I can luckily bubble with my dad and little brothers but haven’t seen them much since xmas. I’m home with my little boy 24/7, he’s autistic and feels much more content at home, he won’t just go for walks so struggle to even get out in the fresh air. He loves the park but the rain and mud cause him meltdowns so we’ve not been much at all in ages :( he was offered a place at school but I decided to keep him home as school causes him so much anxiety anyway so he’s generally a lot happier atm but it’s just so mundane isn’t it. He’s amazing and fills my day with laughter but he’s so hyperactive and loud and barely sleeps so I don’t even get an hour to myself, he’s been off school since first week of December! I’m a lone parent so it’s very full on. I literally just want one day to relax and lay in bed all day watching tv 😂😂 I shouldn’t moan I am
So lucky to not have been affected majorly by this but it’s just one of those days. Sorry for the pity party I am that sad that I don’t have anyone to talk to 🤣
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Chatty Member
The best thing the UK gov can do now is offer a portion of vaccines to ROI. Seeing as the EU and Von Der Lyin’ can’t be relied on to deliver vaccines to their member states in good time. This is a real opportunity for the uk government to show some solidarity with the Irish and some goodwill! 🤞
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Every day I think of the youtuber Grace Victory. It's been over a month now that she's been in an induced coma after giving birth and having covid. Really hope she pulls through for her little boy.
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I’m listening to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2, he’s got a microbiologist on saying we will have to social distance / wear masks even after everyone is vaccinated. Of course, that is speculation but the thought of that as my future... well there goes me ever dating again!
Why though? Humans have always had viruses and passed them on. So now the benchmark is NO ILLNESS EVERRRR?! It’s gone mad. People get ill sometimes it’s like we can no longer tolerate that fact. I’m sure even if we do have to wear them for a bit it won’t be forever, if the vaccines don’t work they will have to think of something else because there’s no way masks and social distancing is a permanent solution here!
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Good to know nobody would give a damn if I croaked it from Covid because I am overweight and should’ve seen it coming and “done something about it in time.”

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They’ve said have a great summer but the next few months will be hard. This is their final shot at a lockdown so they will not ease it a day before the absolutely must. The NHS is improving but it’s far from coping. I look forward longingly to the day I can see loved ones again but I also do not ever want to do a lockdown again so it this lasts for longer than anyone fully wants but means that we can have some normality again when it’s over them in all for it.
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As a person who has carried extra weight a few times in my life I now know that changing your eating habits and moving more are what loses you weight. Yes it may be harsh but true. My elderly mother is overweight and my sister and I adjusted her diet last year and even though she is not very mobile she lost weight and it makes her life better and means if she falls over I don’t have to call an ambulance to get her up. She’s 94!!! If she can do it anyone can. Wonder ( this will be taken as harsh but here goes ) if she decided to have a baby for intagram ( she’s is only 19 ) as that seems to be a thing on Instagram at the moment. I’m very sad for her and do hope her and the baby are ok but it’s time the woke brigade realised being overweight is dangerous
She is 30 years old, not 19. She’s in a coma with a newborn baby, overweight or not, how can you not sympathise with her situation? Have a heart.
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I have a girl on facebook I went to school. Since the first lockdown she has had 4 boyfriends, who she has seen throughout every single lockdown. She regularly posts herself inside homes which are not her own not social distancing. She has now caught covid but can’t work out how ‘because she ain’t been anywhere apart from shop’. So infuriating to see.
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