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VIP Member
I'm honestly so baffled at all of this. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't very worried at this point as my Gran has taken the AZ vaccine and I'd like some extra reassurance it will work on her! Boris really needs to get out in front of this ASAP. It seems to be spirraling.

She had similar reactions to those who took the Pfizer one - dead arm, aching muscles for a few hours but was fine within 24 hours.
It seems they don’t think it’s effective enough in older people?


VIP Member
The scientists can tweak the current vaccines to deal with mutations and new variants as that is the nature of the virus - to evolve and mutate. We have amazing scientists around the world who have worked so hard to develop vaccines in the past year and learn so much about this virus, I like to believe we will be okay.
I’m not sure we’ll see that for a long time it’s developed superpowers now apparently

Kim Mild

VIP Member
I personally don’t see an issue moving kids back a year. We start our kids at school way to young compared to the rest of the world. Move them all back a year and don’t accept an intake this year.
I have a 3 year old, due to start school nursery. I would hate the thought that they would miss out on early education. I know it's not compulsory for them yet ,but they need interaction with other kids their age , and I don't know how to teach them things the way a teacher would .
I have a gcse aged child too, and they have already learned all the background and are able further their learning, if need be and expand on skills they already have . When they get a job , they will acquire skills and knowledge specific to their employment. I'm not as worried about them as I am the little one . I feel like little ones education is being disregarded for the sake of exam results.

Skills test wise, I've had to do one before as well. My first week of my masters, we were told to complete one to see where "everyone was at!" and they said the same thing - bc we had done our GCSE's a while ago, they wanted to see what knowledge was maintained, what needed to be worked on etc.
I'm going off topic but the key skills I was referring too are an equivalent qualification to gcses in English, maths (and possibly I.t) at c or above( for people who didn't achieve these in their gcse exams).
I was surprised i needed these since I exceeded theses grades at gcse.


Well-known member
I’m 32 and had the Oxford one , took me about 60 hours to get back to normal x

Like others have said , during last year , we were getting routine patients coming up with postive tests for months because of the dead cells so hospital policy is nobody gets re-swabbed for a 90 day period after a positive test and if these individuals do come in for routine procedures , they are treat as being negative if the initial covid diagnosis is over the 14 day period
Thankyou so much for getting back to me. Seems it’s effecting the young ones a lot more xx


VIP Member
Okay I get this isn’t ideal that a single shot may not be enough. BUT right now we are still in lockdown and over 80s should still be staying at home and protecting themselves even if they have had the vaccine. Also might not is not definitive and it’s just the fail stirring the pot again.
Seems to be in the headlines


Well-known member
IOM and NZ completely different to us in so many ways. Very isolated countries/island with low amounts of people “travelling through”. No road connections etc. Not worth comparing. They also haven’t solved the problem as at some point they will have to allow the borders to reopen and then they will be in the same position we all are again.
Fair point.


VIP Member

If you get more protection 3 weeks after one Pfizer jab than you do three months after your first Oxford jab two weeks after your second one, then it begs the question why you wouldn't save the higher protection in the quickest way vaccine for the pensioners and keep the AZ one for us younger folks.
As an NHS worker that news fills me with hope. I'm quite happy as a younger person to get the Pfizer
Jeez would that not account for so many people picking it up in hospital if they're not even swabbing people .
I don't get what you mean? We do swab people, just not if they've tested positive within the last 90 days. I'd someone is positive they are not considered infectious after 14 days (generally I'm not sure about very ill covid patients) and then they have antibodies so in theory shouldnt be catching it again within 90 days.


VIP Member
Lol we should unite as 2 counties in short term partnership then go back to historical tribal politics after.

I do miss trump tweets and press conferences.
Least he took front and centre if daft things he said ie get some domestic down ya!
The eu some random person made this mistake without realising the implications less amusing.
If only it was as straightforward as that ,years of conflict are not easily forgotten/solved . Trump may run again apparently 😂 Moderna have supposedly told Italy they'll not be able to deliver as many doses as planned.


VIP Member
It was a two-fold answer 1. because community transmission is still ultra high and they’ve still not fully proved that even with your two full doses you can’t be a carrier, and 2. you’re not personally fully protected by the vaccine until 2-3 weeks after which I didn’t even know until Whitty answered - I hope this is common knowledge
Aw ok! I hadnt heard anything, my grandma cant wait till we both get our second doses so i can visit, and i bet a lot are under that impression as well.
Just one question I wonder if anyone can answer. It’s about now the nurses are due to start giving the second doses of vaccines. So won’t that slow down the rate of people getting vaccinated so all adults being vaccinated by end of summer is wrong. It means we would have one dose not two.

Lola UK

VIP Member
I wonder if anyone can answer a question..

are uk residents allowed to travel into Spain for work?

ive looked on the gov website and they have said Spain have banned uk residents until Feb 16. Not sure if this is for travel.. and people can fly in for work?


VIP Member
What do you mean when you say one does as the Pfizer vaccine is given in two doses? In the UK they are leaving up to 12 weeks between 1st and 2nd dose so they can vaccinate more of the population at a faster pace.
The Israeli data is based on two doses three weeks apart so they're looking to the UK to see how well the one dose performs after three weeks.Click the tweet it should link you to the article.


VIP Member
I think each hospital/trust has their own rules.
Maybe ? I know here people that our end of life can have one relative stay( non covid ) but they're not allowed to leave or they don't get back in again .I know someone that had to stay with their mum for 2 weeks as they withdrew her meds .