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VIP Member
I don't mind the idea of vaccine passports, I am not going to entertain the conspiracy theories around them. However being fairly young and very low down in the priority list through no fault of my own, does this mean I won't be able to travel abroad this summer? Seems a bit unfair as I would happily pay for the vaccine to be vaccinated sooner if it was like the £12.99 flu jab!
It'll be interesting to see the vaccination plan once they get to the lowest age bracket. General population will be anyone aged 18 - 49 - will they do it in brackets still i.e. over 40s first or will it be by appointment - so first in to book gets them?


VIP Member
I don’t know the science behind it but I think something to do with virus genome sequencing and checking positive tests to track/identify the variants.
The test 10% of uk postives I assume equal for each region for varients.
But that leaves 90% postives untested.
1 of the 11 cases non travel related the rest had gone or knew someone who went to South Africa tested postive 22nd December.
Not sure how quick they genome sequence as that be around Xmas week so could been 2 weeks down the line they realised it was sa varient.

I wonder if the postcodes they mention have high or normal rates of infection as surely if sa more transmission then rates those postcodes be bit on high side maybe not south east has they had high levels of Kent variant but one in Midlands or North east.
I expect there's more than 105.


VIP Member
Yea I get what you are saying , our trust has sent emails out to all staff to be more observant of patients going off wards and try and reduce them going out for smokes because a lot are meeting up with family members in hospital grounds and they are accounting for this to be a contributing case to increases in hospital patients

Our consent form says it’s 4 weeks from a postive result to getting the jab
Our hospital’s have a no smoking policy so none of that here .I don’t even think we’re allowed visitors atm either



VIP Member

Boris needs to listen to his experts and his health secretary on a health matter. Variants can come from anywhere and if people are so desperate to fly here during a pandemic they should be put in quarantine no matter where they have come from.
Yes agree its daft eu is shit at genome sequencing they may have loads south African strain.
I fear in few weeks they be mass panic then close then as testing 8 areas and maybe they will up genome sequencing above 10% they will discover its more prevalent.
The more prevalent it is more chance mutations.


VIP Member
Australia obviously have a zero COVID policy that won’t be the case here it’ll all depend on the vaccines working but where will kids figure in that? won’t they still be spreading it and it will mutate in them like the Kent strain 🧐


VIP Member
I’m 32 and had the Oxford one , took me about 60 hours to get back to normal x

Like others have said , during last year , we were getting routine patients coming up with postive tests for months because of the dead cells so hospital policy is nobody gets re-swabbed for a 90 day period after a positive test and if these individuals do come in for routine procedures , they are treat as being negative if the initial covid diagnosis is over the 14 day period
Jeez would that not account for so many people picking it up in hospital if they're not even swabbing people .


VIP Member
I get the world won't be back to normal for a few years. I am saying when deaths, infections and hospital admissions get low because tens of millions in the UK have had two jabs, if they kept social distancing around and stopped us living properly like for example New Zealand are then that would be unacceptable.

It would be like being with four loved ones from multiple houses, you are all at least a few weeks on from your second jab but you're still expected not to hug those out of the four you don't live with.

If that became a thing it wouldn't be accepted.
Well I'm not sure it would be if there's still a chance the virus is present we don't know how long immunity lasts and certainly don't know how long individual immunity will last for there's still bound to be travel of one form or another so it will be pot luck ?


Well-known member
Confused about Nicolas comments on schools, is she to review the school situation in 2 weeks from today?


Well-known member
do asymptomatic people spread it that much though? that is what the vaccines might be doing to those that occasionally test positive after injection. infected but not ill I mean


Chatty Member
The best thing the UK gov can do now is offer a portion of vaccines to ROI. Seeing as the EU and Von Der Lyin’ can’t be relied on to deliver vaccines to their member states in good time. This is a real opportunity for the uk government to show some solidarity with the Irish and some goodwill! 🤞
Wouldn't that agonize things even more? Seeing as the EU wants all member states vaccinated at the same rate and equal?


VIP Member
The test 10% of uk postives I assume equal for each region for varients.
But that leaves 90% postives untested.
1 of the 11 cases non travel related the rest had gone or knew someone who went to South Africa tested postive 22nd December.
Not sure how quick they genome sequence as that be around Xmas week so could been 2 weeks down the line they realised it was sa varient.

I wonder if the postcodes they mention have high or normal rates of infection as surely if sa more transmission then rates those postcodes be bit on high side maybe not south east has they had high levels of Kent variant but one in Midlands or North east.
I expect there's more than 105.
I think they said GU21 in Surrey as one which I believe is Woking? I don’t think their rates are very high at the moment. Certainly below national average.
Thats hopefully postive sign its fairly isolated case and they know identify of 11 and they fully quarantined.
My worry i guess was when they tested they may have been infectious pre postive result. Aso may been week or 2 they informed they had south African varient .
I believe it is 105 cases of the South African variant that have been identified with all but 11 linked to travel in South Africa.


VIP Member
As you are posting this it is torrentially raining where I am and I am imagining sitting outside with my friends, getting drenched and I am not that keen 😅

Hopefully by March it’s a bit nicer though 👍🏻
It will be like the good old days congregating at a bus stop to shelter from the rain :D Foreign holidays are looking possible without quarantine as long as you can prove you've had the jab......