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VIP Member
I knew they were hiding something.
As usual we being drip fed info
Doing some digging within scientific community it appears they worried about varient e484 k present in south Africa and Brazilian varients.
Ours is b117 Kent varient.
I fear they think these 2 varients have spread and merged.
Although no further details about 11 concerning cases in my city and no mass testing planned.

The only things I can say is postive

Is they recognised it and trying to do something.
If the south African or E484k is more transmissible surely fact case numbers and new hospital admissions come down means its not that wide spread and whilst its been spreading that we have been in lockdown and they shut some borders.

But they scare us new varient whilst arguing schools must open now.
No logic there and I bet no extra safety measures or social distancing so I worry after lockdown it go up again
I get a sense of urgency from them if the vaccs work against it why the hysteria and mass testing? the horse has bolted again I fear.
Its either worse than we keep being told
Maybe immune to vaccines
Or they think we have a real problem and its more widespread and want to use these tests as way to measure as small sample as seems odd 3 different corners if the country.
You know like in Hancock fave film contagion some if the characters crossed paths I can't see how someone london/ brum and North east cross paths as we lockdown so we not meant travel far anyway.
There is no way of knowing. I just hope the are doing enough to identify the hotspots of where the South African variant is transmitting and keep it under control.


VIP Member
It's odd they are testing her. We can't test anyone who has had a positive within the last 90 days as they can still test positive. I remeber there was something about some people in Japan I think, that had positive then negative then tested positive again but hadn't been reinfected.
Isnt it also so many days after a positive test before you can have the jab?
We cant self test for 90 days if we are positive.


VIP Member
I'm in America and I can't believe it's been nearly a year since this all started. I remember talking to my mom about how (last years) kids who were graduating from high school were not sure if they were be able to attend college/university in person. I think a lot of them ended up deferring for a year. Why pay all that money (tuition plus room+board) to live on an empty campus, no activities, and end up taking classes online from your dorm room? Now the 2021 high school graduates may face some of the same issues but are also going to have the 2020 kids applying as well. There's not enough places for everyone. Sure, you may get a few students who wait a year to start university but it's never been on this scale.

Then another issue. How do you motivate the older kids to continue on to university? They're seeing that the traditional experience is limited, if it even exists at all, and may be faced with having to do online learning again. I'm grateful for technology and the opportunities it provides but we cannot lump everyone together and say it works for everyone.

Somewhat related but I'm also worried about the job market. A lot of people are out of work for various reasons. We were told it was difficult to find a job pre-covid. What happens now when older teens, recent university graduates, and adults are all going for the same positions? Again, it's always happened but not on this scale.
Yes it’s going to be felt for years to come, it’ll be a ripple effect and we’re not out of the woods yet .


VIP Member
The sun chat shit I’m sure we are all aware so don’t read into their articles 😂
Meeting outside is I’m sure what we were allowed to do first before? So not suprised that’ll be the next step but it won’t be after schools go back in March
Yeah we could meet people outside first and we’re allowed to travel (i.e the essential journeys) only bit was dropped. So no surprise this would be the first to come back this time.


VIP Member
The effect of the vaccines cannot be determined this quickly, surely.

also there was a slow start to the vaccines.

the numbers are going the right way - it’s disheartening to hear about this newvariant.

when does it all end?


VIP Member

Some reading that will link the deaths to the vaccine because it's been put in the press.

More than ever before we need to hope young people want a career in the NHS so numbers can be bumped up as they will be needed :(


VIP Member
Yes. I posted this morning on this thread and the captain Tom thread about relatives being allowed to see patients who are dying with covid
I didn't know if that was allowed or not ,I know one person is allowed to be there for end of life patients that don't have covid I'm sure that will be a comfort for many covid families then .


VIP Member
Schools will open first and that’s not due till March 8th.

I personally think they’ll wait two weeks before releasing any other restrictions to see if transmission goes up (due to new variant/s). I read they’re not doing tiers this time though (at least by region), they’ll release on a national scale? I don’t know if that’s good or bad 😂
Everywhere in the same tier will annoy me as I am in one of the safest areas of the country so would like to get more normality sooner instead of waiting for worse areas to catch up. To stop people driving to places with less restrictions shops and hospitality can ask for photo ID with your address on or if you're somewhere that knows you're a regular like a pub it won't be needed, you just hope you can trust the staff to ask someone they don't recognise for proof.


VIP Member
Well there are 4000 variants out there to choose from to keep us locked down longer and longer.

But not all are of concern that has to rear its head yet, hence the testing..,and if they’re lucky enough to detect it.


VIP Member

Look how bright SAGE are to know the only way to try and stop variants arriving in the uk is to properly shut our border, who would have thought it :D Glad we've these high paid professionals to tell us little folk what we wouldn't have otherwise known.


VIP Member
Interesting but scathing article about dishy rishy.
Does anyone know how low infections were at the end of lockdown 1 ie how many cases.

He's spent a lot of money propping up jobs and businesses but it's not his money it belongs to the tax payer. Then at some point he will want to crawl it back so will look bad and so his halo will slip. I think the main candidate for taking over from Boris might well be Michael Gove as he stays more in the background so hasn't been damaged as much from all the covid deaths. That said Hancock will be in the running because of how brilliant he's done in purchasing vaccines that will get us back to normal quicker than nearly everywhere in the world.

Super news that some teachers can now book an appointment :)