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I’m in the same position with somebody who lives nearby. A woman who has family, boyfriend and a couple of different friends over. I thought this week she would stop with lockdown but boyfriend is here again! It does annoy me. If no one else comes around after him then I suppose she can get away with it but she normally has about 4/5 different households over. I’ve just decided to ignore it it’s not my place at all to report just because it annoys me. If they want to catch it from and spread it that’s their choice.

Thankfully all our other neighbours seem to be sticking to the rules and I know most people at the minute who are doing the same! It’s the minority being selfish which was always to be expected.
Not to be rude but... how on earth are you keeping track of who is in/out of your neighbours houses? I wouldn’t have the time or energy to sit looking out the window all day. My downstairs neighbours are both single, I don’t know what their circumstances are and I wouldn’t dream of reporting them if I hear someone else in their flat. I’d report excessive noise or parties, but not individual visitors, it’s not worth the hassle.
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I agree with you on the supermarkets! There’s a lot more that could be done. I only go alone when my son is in nursery but the amount of people I see with their whole family there is ridiculous! Young couples as well seem to be amongst those who just casually turn up for a browse. I really don’t get it. My only issue is I don’t believe the shop staff should have to police it. It would be too stressful for them and quite frankly I don’t think people would take any notice.
I myself am having counselling at the moment and I wouldn’t cope well with my bubble being take away!
Supermarket staff really do face so much shit. A lot of stores don't allow their staff to even mention non mask wearing, and if they do they are met with abuse so don't bother due to fear. They have people on the door often monitoring numbers but if they try to suggest only one person they are met with abuse. Its so hard and I agree more should be done but without having other people in place inside supermarkets to help theres little they can do. A lot of supermarket staff often are quite young (well in my area anyway) and I am sure a 17 year old would feel incredibly intimidated if they had to confront people.
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Chatty Member
Then you have those that have been on furlough, doing up their houses, spending extra time together as a family, squeezing in a holiday and actually saving money as they are at home.
Some I know are talking about having more money than ever because they can't spend it 😬 while it might be true read the fucking room and don't broadcast it!

We're still in very much an intermediary stage and it won't continue as it is. I think algorithms destroying jobs and offshoring will ramp up again once things "get back to normal" but that's a whole new thread!
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Back to the supermarkets....people are not getting it. The abuse the staff have had to take is insane, verbal abuse, threatening language etc. We monitor numbers and once capacity reached, people have to queue. My goodness the attitude of people!! People also not getting the whole essential only journeys. An older woman came in (travelled) for reduced xmas paper....came back the next day to see if any more had been put out🤦‍♀️
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For some of us in badly affected industries we cannot ask to be furloughed either....I survived one round of redunancies; if I request furlough I will be out of sight out of mind and basically signing off my own redundancy.

So for now my children have to suffer with substandard homeschooling on my work days. That is my survival.

Eta: we also dont have live lessons so I have to go through everything first and get maybe 10 mins peace before "muuuuuum" starts.
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Chatty Member
Once a week.

Sorry but it’s just absurd, as someone else said the only people you are punishing are those following the rules at this point. There is absolutely no difference between going on a run where you see no one on Monday to then do the same thing Tuesday.

It is also a punishment that will most effect those who actually would exercise every day alone outside or multiple times a week as so many I know do in order to balance out their sedentary office jobs.
It is another rule that will most effect people who live in cities, in tiny flats and with poor access to green outdoor spaces. People who live in the countryside with big gardens already will be able to come and go on as many walks as they please and those in cities will have parks taped up, closed off with a police presence and nosy neighbours watching out to count how many times someone has been outside.
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Mrs McCarthy

Chatty Member
I must say I am worried that if they announce no exercise unless you have a dog, there are going to be many people who would buy dogs from puppy farms and then abandon them 😔 It’s probably a silly worry in all this, but I know some people who did it in last lockdown and no regret getting a dog, and I can imagine that more people could do it now. 😔
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And you can bet there will be no pay rise, no benefits for these staff, no more additional funding for services that have been cut over the years.
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This was really interesting, all the prep before kind of shows why the extensive training is required and we can’t just pull people off the street and tell them to jab people straight away as some think!
The training my husband did the other night for the Astra Zeneca jab was intense. It wasn't just about the administration of the vaccine but about the structure of a virus, how vaccines work, T-cells, B-cells, cytokine, etc. I zoned out, it was too much for me.

Was wondering why they don't get dentists involved in the roll-out. I know they're still doing emergency work but there's generally one within a few miles radius of everybody and they will be trained in anaphylaxis management and the storage of injections.
Even though they do not administer their injections intra-muscularly, it would surely be easier to train them than randoms.
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Removing support bubbles would cripple a lot
Of people - that would leave me home alone with 4 kids and no adult interaction plus unable to leave my house. I don’t know how I would manage that frankly
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Covid cases are rising in Dubai. Someone I went to school with lives there and said cases are rising and there is talk of restrictions coming back
Clearly some companies have almost boosted influencer travel work and tourism during a pandemic.
But for ordinary workers over there restaurants staff, hotel maids, bar staff theres no nhs fall back on if they catch the mutant uk strain from a uk celeb or influencer. .
I don't watch reality TV like love island or made in Essex.
I feel so disappointed and let down by fleur.
Despite being hugely wealthy I enjoyed her lockdown blogs Despite being super wealthy and living in a mansion.
I respected her charity work

I know this sounds incredibly daft and almost niave given the type forum we on critical and expose influencers.
I saw through many influencer a long time ago they lack ability think about others, care and personal hardships she had health, miscarriage, relatives ill ect.
The fact shes gone to dubai when everyone knew boxing day was day tiers changed.
Daft I know many of us like fly away from uk and escape it all.

This weekend I'm deep cleaning and decluttering the house.
I won't get time in week whilst home school 3 kids.
Menu planning and doing some batch cooking.
Organising certain areas of house ie giving up my desk for home school zone and creating a reading nook for reading.
Going try arrange more structure activities for the toddler.
Going stock take what we have and make small list as don't plan go big supermarket for weeks.
Child benefit next week so will order a printer and sign youngest up to doodle maths.
Told schools they going have be patient we were dropped in it last week hopefully with some forward planning and organising we can only improve.
Ordered the kids to tidy their rooms.
Deepcleaning the fridge.
Disinfecting handles and floors again.
Its dry here so may do a walk later.

I just have forget about wider world and micro manage my family and my house.
Doing practical things like this makes me feel calmer and more postive
I have stop loafing on sofa watching the news and reading negative social media posts about how parents can't cope.
I have to tell myself I can cope I can do this I can't go into it with negative defeatist attitude.
Not manifesting or any crap like that.
But I'm trying not to let my mental health slip.
Already read the riot act with the older 3 kids that I'm a keyworker I keep the house and the school running smoothly they have to do their bit we all in this together.
Also warned them this could be until Easter and apart from walks they won't be going to any shops or meeting up with anyone
Me and my husband have this saying whenever times are tough for whatever reason it is what it is. We can't change that we can only control how we react to it.
I think I need watch less news and spend less time on Facebook which feels quite toxic right now.
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Iconic Member
Sky news with Ooh....

police could enforce stricter measures from today in a bit to crack down on people flouting restrictions.......”

head of police dude......

“we have no plans to change how we deal with the public and continue to follow the engage, encourage approach.....”

“But. You COULD arrest someone”

“I mean. No, Not likely”

“But as you’ve just said it’s likely”

“Huh? no, I just said no”

“so just to clarify anyone outside their door for longer than 3 min will be arrested and thrown into jail”

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Honestly I think it would be better as a country we just said, we are cancelling 6 weeks of term and summer holidays are now cancelled instead and shift the school year back.

It would close schools, and children would get their education just a few weeks later then planned.

Unions won’t have it though.
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VIP Member
Over 3000 people requiring mechanical ventilation.
We are starting to feel it in our trust now. All the stuff that was planned and never happened in the first wave is now being implemented. Our covid positives are building and we are starting to see some poorly people. This feels like a weird nightmare.

I don't mean to be doomy but this is feeling very real now.
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I need some advice, I’m really really struggling at home mentally. The last lockdown in November I tried to take my own life due to the stress of being in my home alone most of the time and I don’t get on with my family and it’s getting to that point again. I live near Manchester and my friend has a uni house near leeds. She’s said I can move in with her for the rest of lockdown but I can’t drive so I would have to get the train. She said there’s no police at the train stations but I don’t know if my reason is counted as essential travel or not I can’t see it anywhere online. I can’t really afford a fine to be honest but if I stay here I’m worried what will happen, I’m on anti depressants and anti psychotic medication but mental health services have still got me on a waiting list from nearly a year ago. I just really need some advice.
I’m sorry to hear you’ve had such a difficult time. I think as your friend has offered you the support ( and she has consulted her house mates if there are any still there) I would 100% go and is think the majority of people would do the same. You need to be where someone can emotionally support you. Book your ticket and go.
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I just can’t imagine some of the people I know ever getting back to normality. A relative is refusing to even form a bubble with her 90+ year old Mum who lives in another county because she’s so worried. She could absolutely move in and look after her but is just too scared. I’ve suggested she isolates for 2-3 weeks and I’ll get her shopping (she disinfects everything) and then gets a negative test (even two), and then drives in her own car to get there (wouldn’t need to stop). Like there is no reasoning or logic to her refusal because her being there would then stop other people needing to come in and out to help care so would actually protect her Mum. She’s just too scared and refuses to apply any logic or reasoning to the situation. The likelihood is that the next time she sees her Mum will be when the worst has happened as the lady is in poor health and I don’t know how she’s going to cope with that. Shes always been an anxious person but being stuck at home watching rolling news has crippled her ability to navigate obstacles in a safe or sane way!
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My partner is a store manager of a supermarket and he’s losing staff so quickly to corona. Everyday someone is either isolating or testing positive which isn’t their fault obviously. They’ve all literally been working everyday since the very beginning and they’re not even applauded for their efforts but because supermarket staff are seen as the lowest of the low, they don’t get anything for it. Obviously Nhs staff, the elderly and the vulnerable are the most important For the vaccine but supermarket staff should be added to that list. They’re with the general public everyday getting climbed on to get a bluddy tin of baked beans. My partner said no one seems to social distance and he has to constantly remind customers to do so!
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So Morrison and Sainsbury’s are going to challenge people without masks now? I think it’s time tbh. I understand some people can’t wear them but I would say 99% can and most are taking the piss. I do wonder how they are going to police it and who will take the brunt of the anger from customers.. most likely poor staff on minimum wage.

we definitely are too soft though there’s none of this exemption stuff in the US is there? People are turned away or asked to leave without a mask
As someone who works in retail, I can say this is nigh on impossible to manage. Customers go into "shopping mode" when entering a shop, and woe betide any "wee woman" (ie, me) telling them what to do!
"I can't wear a mask, I have XYZ wrong with me" they say as they breeze on by to buy their 20 fags and a bottle of wine.
"Fair enough" I reply "could you please sanitise your hands?"
"Oooh I just did it before I came in" or "I can't use that stuff, it gives me dermatitis"
So, yeah...good luck with that.
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