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Hubby took me for me a short drive out in our new car today. Only went to fill it up and run it through the carwash but was still nice to go out for a bit. I'm shielding again but have decided that there's absolutely no risk to me by just getting in the car and doing little bits like that as long as I don't actually get out. I think I can actually cope better if I do that now and again rather than not leaving the house at all.
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At this point regardless of your beliefs people wil start turning to conspiracy theories,

a “broken finger” could be a an underlying health condition. 😐

people are being fined for drinking a flask of tea because it’s considered a picnic.

this all feels a bit odd.
I agree with this, the overzealous police officers who fined the women for drinking tea are going to do more harm than good.

Some of this conspiracy stuff is so damaging though, I am getting so worried and frustrated about the things I am reading and the things people are believing.

It highlights how hopeless some people must feel that they are turning to these theories and detaching from reality.

If we had a mental health crisis before covid it’s nothing compared to what is happening now and the aftermath.
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It sounds unbelievably naive now but I remember being in a planning meeting in work in early March when it looked like schools would close for two weeks to have a four week Easter holiday. I thought coronavirus would sweep through the population like a massive outbreak of norovirus and most of us would be ill then, after about a month, it would disappear. How wrong that was.
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Some good news.

My Mother has just had a phone call from the Doctors Surgery, Mother gets her Covid Jab TODAY.

This is just fantastic, one of my Mother's friends in same age bracket is getting hers next week.
Update, Mother had her jab, she had the Pfizer one according to her certificate, had to wait 15
minutes before she was released from the facility. No issues to report, however she hasn't been
informed on her booster so I can assume we will get another phone call from the surgery.
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Chatty Member
Yep I’m with you today! I don’t have kids and wfh so I know how lucky I am but the weekends I really struggle with. Weekdays it feels like I can keep some structure and routine and the days go fairly quickly but the weekends feel endless, empty and boring. I’m usually busy doing things and seeing people, I wanted to cry last night because I was sat watching some mindnumbing shit on telly! Feel like I’m wasting my life and the thought of months more without being able to travel or see friends properly is gloomy. I think lockdown one was easier because we just had no idea how long it would last so we took each day as it came whereas this time we know it’s likely months not weeks and it feels so much more a mountain to climb to keep positive (and to keep positive for family members who are struggling too). I know there is light at the end of the tunnel but some days it feels blinding and I know we’ll be there soon and others it’s the tiniest glimmer that seems impossible to focus on. Today is one of the latter. Thankful for M&S rose Prosecco which is the only thing I’ve genuinely looked forward to all weekend!
I could have written this myself bar from the fact that I have 3 children, one is a student nurse miles away at uni, the other lives away with his girlfriend and I have a 13 year old at home with partner is in essential railway maintenance and Is only home one day a week.....which I my highlight as I get some adult company (plus a mammoth snoring in the bed next to me 😝) my 13 year old is at the age where he only requires me for food and water......after school work he is mainly on his xbox and I do not object to this as its constant contact with his pals......before coronavirus he was out with them at every my weekends seem filled with loneliness 😥 I am a school cook and at the minute our keyworker children are bringing packed lunches from home so I am not required at work.....i have volunteered to go in and supervise the children at midday to give the teachers a break and also make some cakes and traybakes etc for the kids and i feel more positive now that i have some structure through the week......but dread the weekends......I know this is probably a bit selfish and I know I am lucky to have my family and a job but this lockdown just seems to be taking its toll mentally already 😥 thank god for tattle 😘
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School locally has just closed 2 keyworker bubbles as children have tested positive. I think this will be the next big thing. IF keyworker spaces are oversubscribed like they say, then the bubbles will start to pop and those essential frontline workers will find themselves truly in the shit.
Someone I know has just said their friend is a NHS receptionist and tested positive but still sent the child to school last week as she was negative... child now has symptoms 🤷🏻‍♀️
reasoning for sending the child was “I felt poorly and her partner needed to wfh”

the mind boggles really it does!
So what happens now all those poor children and teachers will have to self isolate?
causing greater stress and strain for people wanting spaces?
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Sorry it’s late - I’ve been watching the crown and didn’t realise the time 😂 never posted before just lurked previously but wanted some advice. I have a neighbour who has been mixing alot since the tier system/second lockdown she was ok in the first one - young woman with two small children and I do find her quite pleasant etc, she has a support bubble with her sister as she told me this herself and that is fair enough it’s allowed but this week she has had all different people round - not big parties/gatherings but just different households going round. Tonight I called at the local shop and she was there with a random bloke and two other people buying beer - obviously all going round to hers, my other neighbour messaged me on Facebook and said she had reported her on the online form you fill out (never reported anyone before so don’t know what that is) and that the police never came, she told me to do the same so it would be two of us but I couldn’t bring myself to do it - I’ve been bought up not to be a “grass” but it is wrong what she is doing. What do I do?? I’m shocked the police didn’t come to be honest thought they would be on it.
I would avoid her and her family, the shop she goes to and keep you and yours as safe & clean as possible. If "grassing" her up makes you feel bad, don't do it - never mind what your other neighbour encourages you to do. I have a neighbour like yours who has lots of folk round - nice woman but clearly doesn't care about the care we all have to take. It sounds like you have doubts about telling the police or you wouldn't be asking what to do. That's fine (I haven't phoned the police on my "busy" neighbour either), but just keep yourself safe and clean. I just say hi to my neighbour and keep on doing whatever I'm doing. There will be an end to all this eventually.
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My neighbour has been coming out to sit and watch my house when he sees something going on, ( estate agent to value our house and my parents who I'm in a support bubble with tidying my front garden.)

We've got a skip coming today so that will be very exciting for him 😀
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I swear to god if I have to see Boris Johnson do that stupid elbow bump one more time so help me god.
Perfect example of a pointless breaking of social distancing. Idiot.
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One of the biggest issues in all of this is how it has disproportionately affected people. Discounting those that have sadly died, then you have people who have been very ill and have long term complications from the virus. Those that are lonely, anxious and scared. Those that have other health conditions that have been overlooked and children and young people who need school and education to progress. Those that have lost their jobs and way of supporting their families. Some parts of society have suffered hugely and still do.

Then you have those that have been on furlough, doing up their houses, spending extra time together as a family, squeezing in a holiday and actually saving money as they are at home. I wonder how this period will be seen in the history books in years to come?
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Agree. I don’t want this thread to become teacher bashing but yes. There are far too many excuses from schools why it can’t happen rather than just doing it. The children are at home for at least the next six weeks or so, very possibly until after Easter. It won’t suit everyone but it will be better then the offering of many at the moment.
It’s no way the teachers fault, this is a higher up thing. If each teacher took one topic they could all record them in a matter of days. Then to be accessed by everyone in the borough. Multiples teachers covering the same topic for 30 or so kids at a time is a waste of time and resources when both are limited.
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What a relief to wake up to no work or no school work/zooms this morning 🙌🏻

The suggestion of zoom quizzes etc have stopped amongst my friendship group too thankfully 😂😂
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Why are you laughing about it. Pathetic.
I don't see why she should be made to feel bad about having a holiday. She has worked very hard and abroad travel was allowed at the time she booked and at the time she travelled. No rules were broken.

Northeast: I hope you enjoyed your holiday.
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Chatty Member
Ok I have a question. I placed a Boots order late last night (not essentials, well, its all bath/hair products so technically you could say its essential) 🤷🏻‍♀️ thought I would treat myself. I chose click and collect without thinking and now I'm wondering if I should cancel?
Even though the option for click and collect is there, its not essential.
Was going to walk to collect, town is nearly 3 miles away so was going to have a super long walk 🤷🏻‍♀️
Would you re-order for delivery or am I over thinking this? 😂
Nope. Go click and collect. I need to pop into Boots today (4 miles away) to get a face wash I can only get there.

I have been in my house since TUESDAY. I’ve not been out the door due to snow/ice and wfh. I’ve had to do my steps and exercise indoors. I need outside today. I may even treat myself to a take away coffee and go for a wander round the park after boots. If any of my neighbours attempted to moderate my behaviour today I think I’d go f*cking mental.

Going to 1 shop, getting a coffee and going for a walk is not an illegal activity.

Do your click and collect.
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Are we not at the point where the only way sensible forward is for those over a certain age (someone more sciencey than me can probably say the age group most at risk but I wanna guess 65?) to all be shielding? It seems like the only option and then if they do break the rules they need to understand that are actively choosing to catch covid? I just can’t see that any more stringent measures for everyone are going to do anything further than even more (if that’s possible!) irreversible damage to the economy and people’s mental health?

Where I live I’m surrounded by elderly and vulnerable people who are going out daily to multiple supermarkets because they enjoy shopping around and here I am mentally at my absolute rock bottom to ‘protect them’.

And yes, I understand some of these people have no one to shop for them etc. But couldn’t the government focus a bit of time and energy on that? Seems a lot easier and cheaper than the absolute shit show they’ve got going on at the moment.
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I do think people need to realise that the government aren’t making the rules stricter to piss us off on purpose, they’re trying to help the nhs who are clearly struggling. Come on guys, this won’t be forever. We need to stay strong for the doctors and nurses. The better we stick to the rules, the quicker we’ll be out of this mess! And I can’t wait to hug you all!
A lot of people have quoted me after writing this, I’m sorry if I upset anyone. Just trying to be stay positive!
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