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I think Starbucks and the like need to be closed. Wilkos and the like need to be closed. Schools need to police the keyworker places better. Non essential stuff need to be closed.
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I wouldn't want to pin my hopes on anything on there either as it's all doom and gloom :(

Three different news outlets showing how far from it all being over we are. People with advanced cancer should be having their operations. I am upset and angry for them and I don't even know who these people are!!!! Pubs are the lifeblood of a community and help combat loneliness for a start. Five more months without them open is really bad and going to put more people out of work as the hospitality chain is huge from making the products, packing them, delivering them, selling them etc. I suspect we will see MORE restrictions brought in before they start being relaxed.
Stop reading shitty newspapers and you’ll feel better.
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Took my folks for their first dose of vaccine today. Super organised and quick. 15 minute wait after the vaccine in a (socially distanced) waiting room to
make sure no reactions, then on our way. They were advised next dose could be anything between 3 and 12 weeks. I’m pleased for them and everyone else that has managed to get one so far
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I’m sorry to hear you’ve had such a difficult time. I think as your friend has offered you the support ( and she has consulted her house mates if there are any still there) I would 100% go and is think the majority of people would do the same. You need to be where someone can emotionally support you. Book your ticket and go.
You are allowed to move, don't worry about it and definitely just go!
100% essential travel. Sending lots of love xxx
Just go it’s definitely essential travel Xxx
Thankyou everyone, hopefully if the police ask they will be just as understanding
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Iconic Member
Regarding conspiracy theories I’m not even sure what I believe because I don’t buy into their “end game” nor do I believe the majority of what they say around any of this or the vaccine

But I also don’t believe the case numbers we’re being presented with but that’s more about my concerns over testing methods to anything else.

I don’t want to derail or upset anyone on here that’s not my intention, but we’re really hearing about women being fined for drinking tea and stopped for the stupidest things, at this point I’m just done so I’m venting here.

If it hadn’t been detected I wonder if the last 11 months, if we didn’t have these endless stats, which mean fuck all really, would have just been seen as a really bad flu. Without the hysteria and lockdowns that are killing us all.

and fuck it this does belong on the CT thread but it’s clearly that social media is now getting a bit China-ish.
Not a fan of the trumpet or parler but we are now censoring what news or comments are available to the public, please don’t argue that it’s dangerous information/intent/interactions they’re preventing I know that, I understand that, but where do we draw the line and when do “we” move the line? And does it, at this time especially not just feed into the concerns and conspiracies.

Feels very bizarre.

I should turn off sky news to be honest, that’s what’s unsettling me right now. They are pushing a March style attitude right now more so than they ever did in March, maybe it’s just a slow news day and that’s why I feels like a continuous roll of “stay at home/you will not leave your home/the world is falling apart”
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Reading the news this morning has terrified me. Going out for exercise once a week? No way can they inforce that. I go on a daily walk with my son in his pram to get us both out the house for our sanity. There’s no way we could stay in the house all day without a bit of fresh air. The talk of getting rid of support bubbles frankly is making me so anxious. My husband works offshore so when he’s away my mum is my support bubble and I (and many others) need that support. I suffer from terrible anxiety and the thought of not being able to see my own mum who lives around the corner from me is horrid. I wonder if the government would post suicide figures if they did stop support bubbles. So many people rely on them. I’m absolutely terrified.
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Apple In My Pie

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I hope it’s okay to admit this here... as much as I want normality to resume (every time it seems we’re pulling ourselves out of the pandemic something else seems to rear its head) - I am actually really anxious for ‘normality‘ to come. It took me a long time to get into a ‘pandemic’ routine of sorts and I am terrified of having to readjust 😬
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I do think people need to realise that the government aren’t making the rules stricter to piss us off on purpose, they’re trying to help the nhs who are clearly struggling. Come on guys, this won’t be forever. We need to stay strong for the doctors and nurses. The better we stick to the rules, the quicker we’ll be out of this mess! And I can’t wait to hug you all!
Is there evidence that transmission is stemming from people going for a daily walk though? People are literally catching this thing inside hospitals now. It’s like Pandora’s box is open now, nothing they can implement will slow this down quickly enough. I don’t think they’re doing it to piss us off, but I feel like they are clutching at straws while ignoring the huge elephant in the room (an NHS which has been on its knees for decades and a very poorly organised response to the pandemic in comparison with a lot of other countries).
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They did say schools are the priority, and will be the first thing they want back.

I don’t have kids so kind of have no horse in this race but we should know by beginning of Feb whether the lockdown is decreasing the cases as they hoped and whether the vaccination target can be reached.

People can say Easter all they want but no one knows. Everyone was adamant here that the November lockdown wouldn’t end December 4th and it did 🤷🏻‍♀️
You are always so rational on these threads. It’s much appreciated!
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Chatty Member
Vaccinations are up to 200k a day now which is excellent news and putting us slightly ahead of schedule for the end of Jan target! 👏
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It’s ok for people to be flippant and say children shouldnt be in school, but if you don’t get paid and you can’t put food in the table where does that leave you?

Teachers get paid regardless (this isn’t a dig at teachers far from it), but many of these “one key worker parents” may have another parent self employed for example.

The Gov needs to step in and help parents - most of which are public sector, and can’t access furlough.

The same people will complain though when children aren’t in school and their bins don’t get emptied, wifi is broken, food not distributed and in a supermarket, roads closed due to no maintenance and being unsafe etc, Covid business payments not being paid etc.

There’s only me that does my role in local authority I go off and it doesn’t get done end of.
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VIP Member
If these exercising rules are introduced I think it will make people that are following the rules rebel. There’s only so much compliance before any push back. People that are struggling with their mental
health, relationships, domestic abuse, home schooling and so many other pressures have this to look forward to. Take that away and there’s nothing left. What happened to the studies that it was unlikely you will catch it outside. Deal with the real rule breakers, people fucking off on holiday , taking their kids to school and occupying a key worker place when they don’t meet the requirement, households having gatherings, the list goes on. Don’t penalise people that go out once a day for a walk around their neighbourhood.
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VIP Member
Some good news.

My Mother has just had a phone call from the Doctors Surgery, Mother gets her Covid Jab TODAY.

This is just fantastic, one of my Mother's friends in same age bracket is getting hers next week.
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Video lessons were a complete shit show today. Half the Kids had their mics on so couldn’t hear what the teacher was saying and then as predicted my laptop froze and crashed halfway through. When we eventually got back online we’d missed the main part of the lesson and everyone was saying goodbye🤦🏻‍♀️😂

Honestly didn’t seem like we’d missed much though, not convinced these live lessons will work with such young kids (although the teachers are doing an amazing job under the circumstances). They managed to do the work anyway, so I think we’ll just be skipping those from now on. Even though it was nice for them to see their friends.
I'm 'that parent' if all the kids have their microphones on and we cant hear the teacher, I loudly announce it 'Mrs X, we can't hear you at all, just lots of other chatter, can you mute everyone please' 🤣 I've done it every single day since Wednesday, my son dies of embarrassment but I don't care. Try it tomorrow, I dare you 😉
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My brain is just really struggling the past few days 😩 I knew this lockdown would be tough but I didn’t expect it to be this awful. I’m going to struggle so much more if restrictions are tightened more. I feel like I shouldn’t complain as people have it so much worse, I’m lucky that all my family and friends have stayed healthy and I’m able to go on walks (honestly, you lot shielding are amazing for coping with that!) but I can’t help just having a very heavy head

working from home is killing me. I don’t have anywhere to work properly so 10 months of doing it on the sofa or bed is getting to me. Managers in my place chat about how good it is saving time from the commute but they’re all sat in their separate home offices with multiples screens like we usually had whilst others like me are sat hunched over a tiny laptop. I just feel so unmotivated. I used to love my job but every part of it is a chore at the minute. But there’s nothing work, or anyone, can do about it so I feel like I can’t moan and just have to get on with it.

I’m already 100 miles away from my family and now I might be stopped seeing my boyfriend outside too. It’s so shit :(

Sorry for going off on one... I think this weekend has just been the time that I’ve finally fully hit the wall and I’m so so done with all of this.
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I actually think he’s a far better speaker than Boris, he’s not wonderful but there’s less waffle and he speaks more plainly. I still can’t stand his face!
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Feeling the need for a rant and thought this was probably the best place for it so not to upset family members further 🙄
For a bit of context, I’m extremely clinically vulnerable, in priority group 4 for the vaccine and have spent the best part of a year shielding. No matter how isolating it has been and the impact it’s had on my mental health. I’m still doing so at the moment as for me, as much as I’m trying not to let things get to me, it is scary seeing all of these devastating death figures coming out when you’ve spent the year being told you could easily be one of them if you contracted the virus. It feels reckless to let my guard down now, especially being so close to being vaccinated.
In the last few days I’ve had to turn down my father and sister’s request to meet for a walk with several other family members and been made to feel guilty for doing so. Now my mother in law wants my fiancé to travel to pick up bikes they have bought because they won’t fit in their car... Shouldn't this have been checked before they were purchased? My fiancé has said he’ll say no and explain but again, I feel awful. It’s frustrating having to explain to loved ones that you have to protect your health when you would expect them to have that interest themselves? I understand it may seem like I’m overreacting and I probably am under the weight of everything going on but wish they could see the necessity of not only my situation but actually following rules at the moment...
Sending you hugs.
People don‘t seem to understand that if you have a vulnerable family member ALL the family need to be very careful. I’m so sorry your in laws don’t seem to understand that. Please don’t feel awful, it’s not your fault and you aren’t overreacting xx

It’s so hard for the extremely clinically vulnerable. My dad is one.
He got a telephone number last week to call for his vaccine - can’t get through, tried pretty much constantly for 2 days.
Now he has been admitted to hospital (not Covid related) and every night he is in there I get more and more anxious that he’ll catch it in there.
I’ve kept him so safe since last March. I’ve not hugged him or kissed him since then. I’ve pretty much been in lockdown myself since March in order to keep him safe. I only leave the house to collect prescriptions or drop off his groceries which I get delivered. I did it willingly to keep him safe and now I feel like he is in the epicentre and I just want him back home. I wish he’d had his vaccine but there’s nothing I can do.
Sorry, not looking for advice - just needed to get it out I suppose. I want him home.
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