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Chatty Member
I think more stringent measures need to be taken. Schools should be fully closed, no key worker rubbish. People stating that public transport especially in cities is high mostly due to school children. It’s the elephant in the room no one wants to address...
Ah it’s a tricky one isn’t it? I mentioned this earlier about the schools and essential workers. The problem is, to shut schools completely then many more sectors will need to close. It would be on par or worse than March lockdown. And there will always be key workers, the obvious ones; emergency services including Nhs, carers, teachers etc but then all the ones people don’t think about. People who work in utility companies and keep water, drainage, power,gas and comms etc going. So there will always be a need for key workers kids to go to school. (Please don’t point out all the key workers I’ve missed! There is soooo many key and essential jobs I’d be here all night 😂)

Shutting schools does have a huge impact on parents being able to work and we need the economy moving as much as possible. It’s a very un-winnable situation. Not to mention the damage it’s doing to kids schooling and impact they will feel for years to come.
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“Behave like you’ve got it” is an excellent quote that more people should take heed’s an excellent way to act to control the virus, the point is that one third of people who have covid don’t know they have it and are spreading it.....if they were to behave like they have it then they wouldn’t spread it.
I’m not sure I wholeheartedly agree. Surely this is causing emotional trauma to do such a thing? I can see why the public would be advised to take precautions, but to act like they’ve got an illness, it just doesn’t sit well with me.
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Chatty Member
In the last lockdown numbers of children in school were hugely below what they anticipated so there was always going to be more now and that is even before widening the critical worker list.
Only 5% of vulnerable children attended school the first time. IMO that isn’t ‘oh great look how low the numbers are’ that is a travesty. Those are vulnerable children being allowed to slip through the cracks.
I don’t personally think schools are rammed because everyone is a SAHP sending them in and taking the piss. They are parents who were eligible the last time and didn’t sent their children in because they were scared of the virus. Now the understand the full impact of closing schools and how long this could potentially go on for and want their child to access an education this time.

On a study of teachers self reporting only 1 in 6 schools had more than 30% attendance last week.
The other way to look at that is that almost 85% of schools had under 30% attendance. So the stories of schools all being 50/80% full across the country is just not the reality.
It could be the case for the odd school in lower income areas or where industry is regional but it isn’t the wider picture.
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My friends Mum is a childminder, she reopened for some of her kids on the 27th December. This week my friend (who lives in the house she childminder in) is poorly and has tested positive despite her not having been anywhere other than walks. Turns out a child went to visit relatives on Boxing Day and an auntie there was poorly awaiting a test result. Later positive. Sent child to her on the 27th. Now the whole household has to isolate, my friends Mum is out of work and potentially other parents (some of whom are key workers) that also sent their children to her. There wouldn’t have been much incubation period but perhaps this strain doesn’t need one and that’s how it’s spreading so quickly especially in kids? Selfish wankers!
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People class going to wilkos, Starbucks, costa, poundland, B&M as essential and good for mental health but these employees might also have children who will need to placed into school because these people need to work. I work for a coffee chain and my husband works in construction and luckily we don’t have kids but if we did , our child would have to take up a space in school because Boris thinks it’s essential for these shops to stay open. You can’t win ....
Edit to add: and add Maccy d’s to the list 🤣🤣🤣 im ready for the hate 🤣🤣🤣
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maybe famous last words here but there's no way they'll do once a week exercising. They didn't do that in lockdown one and we didn't have a vaccine then.
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I do think people need to realise that the government aren’t making the rules stricter to piss us off on purpose, they’re trying to help the nhs who are clearly struggling. Come on guys, this won’t be forever. We need to stay strong for the doctors and nurses. The better we stick to the rules, the quicker we’ll be out of this mess! And I can’t wait to hug you all!
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Chatty Member
I just feel like the whole thing is getting a little bit ridiculous and telling human beings that they are only allowed outside their house once a week is a scary scary thing. I have four children at home and they live for their walk in the woods for an hour a day, it burns off energy and it settles them.
I had a major breakdown last lockdown and my support AND childcare bubble is my mum. I won’t stop that, regardless of what people think, because last time I was left feeling suicidal and I can’t do that again. I have a friend with a young newborn baby who is SERIOUSLY struggling and almost admitted into the mother and baby unit, her neighbour knew this and called the police because her mum came over to help her. What the fuck is wrong with people?
I honestly cannot stand busybodys like this. Remind your friend she is allowed to form a support bubble as she has a baby under one! She can see her mum as much as she wants and she should not feel the slightest bit guilty.
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My MIL has just been put on a ventilator due to her covid. I'm now listening to my poor husband telling his dad in hospital the sad news.

I'm so mad and angry right now - if they had just locked down a couple of weeks earlier this wouldn't be happening. She has not broken a single rule - all she did was pop into a corner shop and now she's fighting for her life on a ventilator less than 3 weeks later.

Not sure why im putting this here but I just needed to get that out - im so sad and scared for her. Wishing I was religious so I could pray for her recovery but know so many people in the exact same position. This is a cruel and evil virus.
I’m so sorry. We really need a “care” emoji reaction on here.
I hope she pulls through. Hugs xx
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I think people are going for a trip out If honest. My local Sainsbury’s always has lots of people in the Clothes section!
Exactly. Maybe if we had to queue outside again in the cold it would put people off going other than for essentials but everyone can just walk into supermarkets round here.
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I had covid over Christmas, and now more of my friends are catching it. We live in one of London’s (so essentially one of the whole country’s) hardest hit boroughs so even though we’ve all been relatively careful recently it was bound to happen.

It isn’t great to say this but this has made people a lot more mindful in my group. I’ve also explained the pressures on the hospitals meaning other services are fucked. I think that’s what’s really getting through to people now - colopscopies have been cancelled so there could be a case of cervical cancer we don’t know about, people aren’t able to go in and get their pill... you know, things we wouldn’t thing twice about before but now unfortunately it’s hitting them it’s becoming real.

People by nature are selfish and don’t really get it until it knocks on their corner. I hope more people wake up without having something happen to them first!
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Apple In My Pie

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I can’t see people taking to being challenged very well tbh although I can really see why it needs to be put in place and I think people are exploiting the exemption rule, yes a fair few will be exempt but not everyone surely. Waaaayyy back at the beginning of lockdown 1 I swear mask-challenging was a thing on buses, I remember the fuss over needing an exemption letter/proof of exemption if you didn’t have a mask on the bus, if you had no proof and no mask you‘d be refused the journey, and there was someone walking the length of the bus (outside) before the journey could commence to ensure everyone was masked up. Since supermarkets are the only place we’re allowed to congregate legally nowadays 🤣 I don’t see why they shouldn’t challenge people. Although don’t think it will be easy to manage.

Weeks ago when restrictions weren’t as tight I was buying Christmas presents in a jam packed shop and there was a man without a mask on. Cashier challenged him and requested he either leave or put a mask on to enter the store. The man refused, stepped inside, made a point of sneering and laughing with his wife about not wearing a mask. He got closer and closer to the till queue (and myself, stood there waiting to be served) and again the cashier requested he put a mask on. Now this man is getting irate, red, nearly snarling to his wife, ‘no I won’t wear a mask, no I won’t, who does he think he is’. Both laughing and joking about it in the next breath.
Cashier asked a third time and the man whirls around to face the cashier, proper snarling, starts coming out with ‘you aren’t the boss of me, how dare you request I wear a mask, if I want to enter this store without a mask I will, the government have made up this bullshit rule, it isn’t law’, and the poor cashier looked really unnerved, there was little else he could do short of manhandling the guy tbh, he just quietly said it was his job and he had to request people wore masks in Store or he would be sacked, the man just shrugged and said ‘I’m exempt‘. The cashier backed down immediately, that was that - then the man walked out anyway saying he didn’t want to put money in anyone’s pockets who forced him to wear a mask! It was really unnerving for me stood in front of him in the queue so god knows how the cashier felt - I’d HATE to work in retail having to deal with wankstains like this. And I think it was obvious he was flouting the exemption rule as surely you don’t come out with the whole Hokey Cokey you just say I’m exempt and move on. Yes it’s not nice to be challenged and have to explain yourself but it is a necessary thing.
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So a girl I follow on social media has boasted on Instagram that she’s has had her hair cut and coloured, and actually tagged the hairdresser that did it in her post! I don’t actually blame the hairdresser herself as from looking at her account she’s self employed and probably not entitled to much help from the government and is just trying to get by. Im just taken a back at the stupidity and entitlement of this girl for sharing it, she could get the hairdresser in trouble if someone chose to report it. I won’t but someone else might. Where we live has some of the highest rates in the country, our hospital is at breaking point with routine operations being cancelled and feelings and emotions are running very high at the moment.

The girl has broken lockdown rules all a long, she’s a bodybuilder/fitness model and she and her fugly oompa loompa boyfriend have driven all over the country to train. Most recently driven to Liverpool to walk around the Albert Dock. I mean why? There is nothing open there. You don’t need to do that. I’ve had to unfollow a lot of fitness types as they seem to flout the rules more than anyone else.
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