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Chatty Member
But back to back meetings doing what? I get it’s hard I really do but unless the world is going to fall apart if those meetings don’t happen then there needs to be wriggle room from his employers.
That’s quite a narrow view though. Sure the world doesn’t fall apart of the person can’t continue their role properly and attend their meetings but the business very well might. If people aren’t able to carry out their job the business isn’t making money and if it isn’t making money it can’t employ them. The majority of people cannot afford the financial risk of underperforming at their job.
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Had my vaccine this morning. Arm feels very sore. Told to expect next dosage in 12 weeks. Hope it’s sooner as wanting to try for a baby in 12 weeks but what will be will be and I’m just glad I’ve had this today!
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Well-known member
I really don’t think it’s as simple as “if there is a parent WFH, children should be at home”.
I’m not at home, my husband is (although in office a couple of days a week) But we don’t see him during the day as he’s back to back meetings every day. He would not be able to take care of the kids.
I don’t know what the answer is 🤷🏼‍♀️ My kids are in school/nursery.
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VIP Member
Surely instead of having this potential ‘once a week exercise’ rule it would make more sense to close down shops that are encouraging people out. That way people can still go on their walks or what ever but they won’t be able to hang around the shops which seem to act as a meeting point.

We’re already a chubby nation, I worry about childhood obesity after all this. It was already pretty bad before the pandemic, but now with kids not doing their usual activities and being stuck indoors a lot more I can’t imagine it’s going to get any better. Hope the once a week thing is nonsense.
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Not to be rude but... how on earth are you keeping track of who is in/out of your neighbours houses? I wouldn’t have the time or energy to sit looking out the window all day. My downstairs neighbours are both single, I don’t know what their circumstances are and I wouldn’t dream of reporting them if I hear someone else in their flat. I’d report excessive noise or parties, but not individual visitors, it’s not worth the hassle.
Each to their own. If I noticed that neighbours are clearly breaking the rules with multiple people around etc. I wouldn't hesitate to report and I already have done. The police can then decide whether the rule breaks are genuine e.g. mental health crisis or just covidits doing as they please. We're in it together and I won't stand by and let the selfish twats make this situation worse or last longer than it needs to!!
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Chatty Member
My worry is that even after all the vaccinations are rolled out and cases drop, there will no doubt still be an increase every winter, like there is with the flu, but the nhs has taken such a hammering it won't be able to cope with even a small increase in admissions. Not to mention the next flu virus that comes along, I mean lets face it, it may be the worst one but it's not as if there haven't been others, look at swine flu on 2009. I think the government need to take away more from this than just 'getting though' covid. The NHS needs so much more funding and support, keeping local hospitals open instead of centralising everything and reducing staff and resources. The number of acute care beds available even without covid is no where near what it should be. The NHS can barely cope at winter even without covid and the effort to play catch up with other illnesses, treatments and operations over the next few years will be immense. Unless more money is invested to create more beds and staff then I fear every winter from now on we will be threatened with a lockdown to save the NHS. It's been struggling for a while and unless serious changes are made I'm afraid lockdowns may become a common occurrence. Anyway that's two cents on the matter.
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Mrs McCarthy

Chatty Member
So just had an argument with a Russian blogger...
She lives in London and she was posting on her stories being with friends in their houses and meeting with them in cafes when London was in Tier 2, but because all of her audience is in Russia, they wouldn’t have known. In November lockdown she and her partner “escaped” to Canary Islands. They have traveled all over Europe in summer as well. Anyway, they have “escaped” this lockdown again and went back to Russia, traveling through two different countries because of the new strain. He flew back from Russia yesterday (through one different country) for one day to get their dog from their dog sitter (also went inside their house). Then she posted about how terrible it is that in Russia no one wears masks. I DMed her and said that she is being hypocritical. She called me awful names and I am now receiving awful abuse from her fans 😔 Had to delete my Instagram page, which is probably for the best. I am upset, and I know that I shouldn’t have called her out, but I was expecting to be blocked, not abused 😔
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Iconic Member
At this point regardless of your beliefs people will start turning to conspiracy theories,

a “broken finger” could be a an underlying health condition. 😐 (From an A&E consultant)

people are being fined for drinking a flask of tea because it’s considered a picnic.

this all feels a bit odd.
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VIP Member
Mental health matters, make choices to help you or loved ones survive this lockdown💗
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VIP Member
I must say I am worried that if they announce no exercise unless you have a dog, there are going to be many people who would buy dogs from puppy farms and then abandon them 😔 It’s probably a silly worry in all this, but I know some people who did it in last lockdown and no regret getting a dog, and I can imagine that more people could do it now. 😔
I’ll be taking my cat on walks if it comes to this 😂 sure he’ll be thrilled haha
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Matt H has just confirmed no cancelling of the bubbles (thanks tabloids for the day of anxiety you’ve caused plenty of people!).
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For the first time I'm going into panic mode. OH just told me he's going for a routine eye test tomorrow and I don't want him to!

Late last year I had a problem with one of my eyes and needed to see my Optician twice. Both times he asked me to lower my mask below my nose in order for him to check me properly, and when he used his apparatus he lowered his mask too.

But now we have the new variant I can't see why routine eye tests are necessary. Surely if they waited a few weeks it would be better.
Up to date eye tests are a legal requirement for driving for a lot of people though. I thought it was quite dangerous to stop them last time. Not to mention eye tests can pick up some serious medical issues.
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I do think people need to realise that the government aren’t making the rules stricter to piss us off on purpose, they’re trying to help the nhs who are clearly struggling. Come on guys, this won’t be forever. We need to stay strong for the doctors and nurses. The better we stick to the rules, the quicker we’ll be out of this mess! And I can’t wait to hug you all!
But there has to be a line somewhere. I work from home, my boyfriend has lost his job so he is at home now too. We are not spreading the virus walking around our village, and I will continue to go for a daily walk whatever changes may or may not happen. I don't know where these rumours/leaks/whatever they are come from. But the media shouldn't be be allowed to post stuff like this, look how much it affected just people on this thread :(
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VIP Member
I do think people need to realise that the government aren’t making the rules stricter to piss us off on purpose, they’re trying to help the nhs who are clearly struggling. Come on guys, this won’t be forever. We need to stay strong for the doctors and nurses. The better we stick to the rules, the quicker we’ll be out of this mess! And I can’t wait to hug you all!
But if they impose totally ridiculous rules it will encourage more breaking of them I.e if they did ban exercise to once a week it would encourage people to break this rule, and if they break that rule why not break another. The government don’t want this anymore than we do but there is an extent of allowing some things to be accessible i.e walking in order to get compliance elsewhere..
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Happy Lady

VIP Member
And you can bet there will be no pay rise, no benefits for these staff, no more additional funding for services that have been cut over the years.
They're not just doing their job any more - they're going the extra mile, day in and day out. Short staffed, over worked and in continuously in such a dangerous situation.

It's time now for Rishi to give pay rises. Not chunks of money for the NHS to fritter away (which they are excellent at) but let the staff have what they deserve.
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VIP Member
School locally has just closed 2 keyworker bubbles as children have tested positive. I think this will be the next big thing. IF keyworker spaces are oversubscribed like they say, then the bubbles will start to pop and those essential frontline workers will find themselves truly in the shit.
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Iconic Member
The only way the Gov’s could enforce a longer school closure past Feb is to mandate that other sectors close down. Such as construction, non essential manufacturing and possibly even the likes of fast food drive thru. Which would be a complete return to the lockdown in March. I don’t see them going this way as construction in particular fought tooth and nail to open last time ( they were closed in Scotland) Currently these areas are open as “essential” and parents are struggling to get essential school places. So who is schooling/caring for kids.

They need to roll the vaccines out in a way that’s never been seen before: using cross party, all 4 nations approach. They need to bring Labour and other opposition parties in on a cross party working group or something as such.
As it stands, the tories will cock this up. Labour will do the job of the opposition and point out failures. As a nation, we need this to go smoothly and allow “normality” to return. These tier restrictions are NOT working. At all. Ach. Pass me a drink 😂
construction closed yesterday in the ROI.
No childcare. No schools. Can’t even buy clothes for kids (in - degree weather) for click and collect anymore. When many can’t afford more than Penney’s/primark as it is
You can’t buy clothes or toys in Tesco or any other supermarkets.

They’re killing everyone at this point.
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VIP Member
It’s ok for people to be flippant and say children shouldnt be in school, but if you don’t get paid and you can’t put food in the table where does that leave you?

Teachers get paid regardless (this isn’t a dig at teachers far from it), but many of these “one key worker parents” may have another parent self employed for example.

The Gov needs to step in and help parents - most of which are public sector, and can’t access furlough.

The same people will complain though when children aren’t in school and their bins don’t get emptied, wifi is broken, food not distributed and in a supermarket, roads closed due to no maintenance and being unsafe etc, Covid business payments not being paid etc.

There’s only me that does my role in local authority I go off and it doesn’t get done end of.
I agree, but joe blogs who is a bin man who’s wife is a stay at home mum does not need a keyworker space.

Yes, teachers get paid regardless, but it’s pretty reckless of those parents have one at home to put their kids in school IMO. Teachers should be protected too.

Schools are just doing what they’ve been told to do. I think the DfE and gov should have been clearer in the way the schools can allocate space
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New member
Feeling the need for a rant and thought this was probably the best place for it so not to upset family members further 🙄
For a bit of context, I’m extremely clinically vulnerable, in priority group 4 for the vaccine and have spent the best part of a year shielding. No matter how isolating it has been and the impact it’s had on my mental health. I’m still doing so at the moment as for me, as much as I’m trying not to let things get to me, it is scary seeing all of these devastating death figures coming out when you’ve spent the year being told you could easily be one of them if you contracted the virus. It feels reckless to let my guard down now, especially being so close to being vaccinated.
In the last few days I’ve had to turn down my father and sister’s request to meet for a walk with several other family members and been made to feel guilty for doing so. Now my mother in law wants my fiancé to travel to pick up bikes they have bought because they won’t fit in their car... Shouldn't this have been checked before they were purchased? My fiancé has said he’ll say no and explain but again, I feel awful. It’s frustrating having to explain to loved ones that you have to protect your health when you would expect them to have that interest themselves? I understand it may seem like I’m overreacting and I probably am under the weight of everything going on but wish they could see the necessity of not only my situation but actually following rules at the moment...
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