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Kim Mild

VIP Member
I’m worried I have it. I’ve had a sore throat for over a week and a half but no other symptoms at all. I’ve tried to fill in the form to request a test but it says I’m not eligible. Any other way I can get a test ? Isolating as precaution.
If you've already been isolating for a while anyway, then I wouldn't worry. People who have tested positive often still have lingering symptoms once their isolation period is over.

I always seem to have a sore throat too if I think about it. Probably a mix of being psychosomatic and having the heating on .
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VIP Member
It’s unlikely to be covid, but if you’re really worried honestly I would just say you’ve lost your sense of smell/taste then I believe you’d be eligible. Probably not the most ethical thing to do but otherwise you may be isolating unnecessarily.
Thank you.
I know the tests are expensive, I probably shouldn’t waste one. I guess I’m just paranoid as I feel like I’ve had this sore throat forever!
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VIP Member
I'm really sorry but please can I get some advice? I'm fine in myself but some foods have changed their taste, do i need to get a test? Its not all food though. My tea tasted off, my squash tasted disgusting, my coke didn't taste of anything, my burger tasted gross. But my ferror rocher tasted normal 😋
I dont want to waste a test if not needed
I would get a test just to be sure! We had one earlier in the week, literally booked it 24 hours before hand! I know people who have done them the same day. Luckily we were negative and they came about 24 hours later ☺
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I’m not sure he is writing about something sociological though, human behaviour is incredibly interesting and I’d have loved to read an article on that. He’s speaking about making a bonfire of face masks from next month? It reads to me like an opinion piece from someone with quite strong personal bias.
In fairness, I stopped reading part way through (totally missed the mask bonfire timescale - yikes) because it was so dull to read, so you may well be right. I'll attempt it again tomorrow with your view point in mind.
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VIP Member
There aren’t 50-70% of kids in school. A survey of schools found that in 1 in 6 primaries there are 30% or more of children attending. It’s more than last time but it isn’t overwhelming numbers
My daughters school had 17 in the ks2 bubble. They've usually got 38 in ks2 and her class is usually 19. They've just put years 3-6 all in together. Previous lockdown they had 4 in for ks2
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VIP Member
Yes, I signed up for one but other than receiving hundreds of emails about pointless governance I never actually got asked to do anything for anyone!
I do the odd bits for people that live nearby that cant get out easily. Nothing official, they just get in touch if they need anything doing.
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VIP Member
This is the same as me and my husband. We suspect we had just before Easter, most likely caught from one of our schools before they shut. I still can’t smell anything and his taste is still totally distorted. Really depressing. 😔
It is isn’t it. I ordered a McDonald’s last night and it just made me want to gag. I’m thinking I might have to just stop eating meat for a while xx
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under the ivy

VIP Member
This article is talking about the world as a whole with a focus on Asian countries (it’s from the Asian business section!) It’s not UK centric.

These are also predictions from economists and very vague ones at that.

6,9 or 12. She basically can’t be wrong with that prediction 😅

View attachment 380181
Yeah I did think it was poorly written with guesstimations - just wanted to share!
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VIP Member
I went for a run this morning with my dad who I live with. One person commented that we shouldn’t be running together/close together on our run because it’s against the rules. We’re so respectful and run single file or in the road etc to avoid people on the path. It would only get worse if they limited to one time leaving your house a week!
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Chatty Member
Ok but escorting about 500 down a corridor over 2 data in close proximity ( many without masks or badly worn masks ) is a risk only a volunteer is taking. That was my point. If you are given people vaccines make it frontline health workers ie drs and nurses not admin staff. And the mass rollout near us is looking for volunteers for 3 months not 3 weeks.
My mum has had hers which is good as I’m her main visitor other than her carers ( who wlll be jabbed on Tuesday ) so at least she can be safe. I only brought up this whole discussion as one if the vaccinators earlier in the week told us volunteers to ask at the end if our shifts in case they had any the couldn’t use.
Ah well perhaps I’ve misunderstood as I thought your original post was about the fact you had asked and been told no, only to overhear that the spare were being given to 6 staff and you felt you should have been considered.
I didn’t mean to discredit his area of expertise, just that I felt he wasn’t coming from that perspective in the article. It is dull, I wouldn’t recommend a second go over 😂
Don't worry, I think I was being overly sensitive. I haven't looked at it again yet. It was so boring I haven't quite summoned up the will!


Chatty Member
Regarding when people are called some couples in their 80s were called together but we had one chap who came with his wife she had been called not him even though he had serious heart problems . I went and talked to the organisers who said he could be checked in by and jabbed but I was not to allow anyone else they were to be told they would be called when it was their turn
I imagine most couples aren't given their appointment on the exact same day as they will just be working down the priority list.
I can understand the organisers position, if everyone just brings their spouse who doesn't have an appointment it will be carnage.


VIP Member
Thank you, Makaraka, Tippingpoint23 and Areyoureally? Can’t seem to tag you all, fill a bit dim after a day of drilling at my neighbours 🙈
We will try to do it together, if they let us in, I hope they do!
They can’t turn you away that would be ridiculous if they did. I know that Tesco near where I live were at the start of the pandemic but I think as long as people are being sensible and shopping safely they can’t do anything!
I wouldn’t turn you away if you came to my store 😂


Well-known member
So a girl I follow on social media has boasted on Instagram that she’s has had her hair cut and coloured, and actually tagged the hairdresser that did it in her post! I don’t actually blame the hairdresser herself as from looking at her account she’s self employed and probably not entitled to much help from the government and is just trying to get by. Im just taken a back at the stupidity and entitlement of this girl for sharing it, she could get the hairdresser in trouble if someone chose to report it. I won’t but someone else might. Where we live has some of the highest rates in the country, our hospital is at breaking point with routine operations being cancelled and feelings and emotions are running very high at the moment.

The girl has broken lockdown rules all a long, she’s a bodybuilder/fitness model and she and her fugly oompa loompa boyfriend have driven all over the country to train. Most recently driven to Liverpool to walk around the Albert Dock. I mean why? There is nothing open there. You don’t need to do that. I’ve had to unfollow a lot of fitness types as they seem to flout the rules more than anyone else.
I know a hairdresser who is still doing haircuts at peoples houses - its not the same one is it? :ROFLMAO: I understand too, that people still have to bring in some money, but if its risking peoples health around them, I mean seriously....the one I know has a large family who she sees often, so its not like she will ever be starving or not be able to pay her bills. (Her b/f is not a fitness type, more the beer & crisps type, so probably not the same, but still)


VIP Member
What are you talking about? PHE isn't saying more younger people are getting hospitalised! You are interpreting that wrong.

18-64 year olds account for 40% of infections
Over 85s account for 20%

That does NOT mean more younger people are being taken into hospital with covid.

The number of over 85s is 1.6M meanwhile there are almost 35M people between 18-64.
You are about 40 times more likely to be hospitalised if you are 85 vs 45.
Does it not say daily covid admissions to hospital ?


Chatty Member
I volunteered at the local hospital for the jabs last week. All the people helping ( except us 6 volunteers ) were nhs workers and even the admin staff from the local gps ( who are not frontline ) got a jab . I remember the dr in charge coming out to check in and personally adding a name at some point and one drs wife came and got her jab. A local brand new care home that doesn’t even open till April put a post up to say all their few staff were the first care home locally to get the jab. They soon took the post down when the comments started!
You would think drs would not be allowed to add names to the list. Im shocked.