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VIP Member

Another person who's had the vaccine but caught it quickly :( I wouldn't be against health staff being given their second dose quickly.
Would they need another dose in this case wouldn't they have enough antibodies from the real infection ?


VIP Member
Tattle friends, completely irrelevant to Grinch - it’s actually Covid related. So I had symptoms on Tuesday so self isolated, test came back negative but I’m still being told to isolate for the time (also googled on the NHS website and read it there too) - I also still have symptoms but with an added temperature every now and again. but my work are adamant you can go back as long as you’ve had a negative test (I work for the local council who are 100% bending the rules throughout the whole of lockdown to suit them) what am I to do? Anyone know? I’ve tried ringing my union but they’re not answering 😤
I'd get another test tbh


VIP Member
But no, because not all those who aren’t key workers can be furloughed. I agree though if you genuinely have one parent in the house not working. I thankfully don’t know anyone who is abusing it.
I’ve said previously, I only work part time but my children’s school want any key worker children in full time. It’s full time places or not at all. So even us who have asked for less days are having to send in full time.
And this is where it gets tricky to manage. 😔


VIP Member
They are doing this at my husbands work, if you have been told to isolate you can opt to be part of the trial and be tested daily. If it’s negative you are permitted not to isolate and it’s valid for 24 hours. He says you have to wait 30 minutes as they have found some people test positive after 20.
Maybe it’s a new thing then I only heard of the schools.


VIP Member
I really don’t understand your point. 1600 schools is a hell of a lot more than a handful of posters stating something different.
You can’t say 1,600 isn’t enough on one hand but claim your experience speaking for a handful of schools is enough.

Sure data at the end of next week would be better because it will be looking at double the time but we cannot accurately predict the future and next week hasn’t happened yet.
The point is, your original statement using that as evidence to support it isn’t really that convincing because the data ISN’T that great given the landscape has shifted so much since it must have been drawn at the beginning of the week.

I think you jumped the gun in stating that’s what the picture is, using that one study, when in reality it’s very likely to have changed given parents and businesses have had time to explore their options.That’s all.


VIP Member
This. I doomscroll too much when things are particularly bad but when I realise what I'm doing I turn off my laptop and pick up a book or watching a tv show/movie (something as escapist as possible) does help.

Might I suggest the positive news group on Facebook? I go there when I need a bit of help to remember that not all humanity is terrible.
I unfollowed all news outlets on Facebook and it helped me massively!


VIP Member
Yep my mum is currently telling me how someone has died in Portugal after having the vaccine.... the Gospel according to Facebook! 🙄 Can’t seem to reason that there’s far more risk of dying ofcovid than the vaccine(even though both minuscule in reality).
I thinks someone did actually die in Portugal though.



VIP Member
That’s a pretty wild paragraph.
Comparing 18-64 year olds is pretty bloody wide reaching when within that 45-64 year olds make up the vast majority of hospitalisations. The numbers of people admitted to hospital between the ages of 18 and 45 are incredibly tiny.
This interpretation is quite misleading as it adds several age groups into one which contain a significant proportion of people more than just comparing it to over 85s

The ONS graph I posted is much clearer with this data.

Hospital admissions are not getting younger.

The actual data doesn’t back this up.
Take it up with PHE 🤷‍♀️


VIP Member
You are really not understanding what you have posted.
If one group makes up 40% of admissions but there are 35million people in the group, and the other makes up 20% but there are only 1.6million people it still means you are more likely to be hospitalised if you are over 85, and by a long way.

I genuinely don’t know why you are refusing to see that.

The over 85s are being admitted to hospital in the highest numbers. You cannot lump 18-65 into one category and compare it with 1.6 million people.
I didn't say they were the majority I said there was a rise compared to last time ,which there clearly is .You didn't read what I wrote .


VIP Member
Have the government said how many and how many group's need to be vaccinated in order to come out of the lockdown.
I assume it all hinges on

Nhs coping
Infections and deaths dropping ie r rate below 1.

Lots saying the lockdown not strict enough.
Right now London South East bad but this will spead across country.
I want to be postive but its hard some days



Chatty Member
Tell them you dont feel well enough to go back! That's crazy, I would phone your GP and ask for a note if they are still acting like arseholes after you have told them you are not well enough.

I work for the LA too and the amount of rule breaking that is going on just to suit them is unbelievable. They are not even following the covid procedure that they have wrote for employees.
It’s a joke isn’t it! Yes we have all sorts of procedures for walking around offices ect but yet none of them follow them themselves?? They stand next to eachother and I got told off the other week for sitting in a room with someone with no windows open, yet we work in close contact every day?
yes good idea I will contact GP and let them know.
since I have mentioned the union being contacted they haven’t messaged me back about it. I go through message as then I have proof of what is being said


Chatty Member
Yes I can but my neighbour is a nurse ( no jab yet ) but someone who happens to be in finance in surgery ( not customer facing ) can get it. I know I’ll get mine in group 5 but think maybe I’ll do next weekend then how out I’m sure there are others to take my place. I’m in a bubble with my daughter and my 4 year old granddaughters home schooling with nanny will take precedence
I am a nurse and I had mine in Dec but I can see why the motives of volunteers are being questioned if they think they should be considered for spare after a few days volunteering, over staff there with their arms ready who’ll be facing this situation for a lot longer than 3 weeks.


Well-known member
I agree with you on the supermarkets! .............. My only issue is I don’t believe the shop staff should have to police it. It would be too stressful for them and quite frankly I don’t think people would take any notice.
My friend keep a baseball bat under the counter of her shop. Its easy to police if you are the boss! - not so much if you have bosses to answer to . What to do if a customer kicks off because they don't want to mask up and clean their hands, and the boss is glaring at you biting your tongue because they don't want to lose the business.