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VIP Member
Then Morrisons and Sainsburys will probably find out quite soon that they need proper tough nightclub bouncers on the doors.

I work in a supermarket (neither of those two), the training they give us (and I'm sure it's the same in other supermarkets) is 500% "under no circumstances get into any situation where you would be putting yourself in danger" and they made us watch videos where the staff don't confront or try to stop shoplifters etc, and the message was the bottle of whiskey they want to rob is £30, you being stabbed is a lot more expensive for us, so just let them have it. So it's a bit of a message conflict if they now expect ordinary supermarket staff to get tough with mask avoiders.

There are three people that do the job of standing on the door of my supermarket (they call them queue marshalls now), one is a skinny young guy who probably is quite handy with his martial arts if provoked but the other two are little old ladies in a security guard uniform. I'm never quite sure if it being them that they've employed to mind the door is a reflection on how nice and peaceful my city is, or a deliberate tactic to defuse any confrontation as nobody wants to get angry with a little old dear, do they?
apparent Sainsbury’s are employing more security to be the front of door. Who knows how it’s gonna work


VIP Member
What happens when the mass vaccination centre turns into the mass superspreader centre though?

Arrested for sitting on a park bench for a minute, but it's OK to travel 90 minutes across London to the mass vacination centre, and then stand in line with and share toilets with hundreds or thousands of other people depending on how often they're cleaning them (yes people travelling 90 minutes across London will need things like toilets when they get there). Hardly consistent messaging is it?

OK, if setting up mobile vaccination units is really such an infrastructure challenge, why not just do the vaccinations at the hundreds of test centres they've already got in car parks and so on across the country? Infrastructure challenge has already been met for them. Just send a box of vaccines to each one each day along with the day's box of test kits, and a second tent and vaccination table for the other end of the car park to where the testing's been done. Added advantage that the people wielding the needles don't need to all travel miles and congregate in one place either?
They will be doing with the Oxford one, more gp surgeries, churches etc will become vaccination centres. The storage needs of the other two make it more challenging.


VIP Member
I'm really sorry but please can I get some advice? I'm fine in myself but some foods have changed their taste, do i need to get a test? Its not all food though. My tea tasted off, my squash tasted disgusting, my coke didn't taste of anything, my burger tasted gross. But my ferror rocher tasted normal 😋
I dont want to waste a test if not needed

Good Egg

VIP Member
Can I ask the Nightingale hospitals, are these not being used now?? I haven’t heard anything more about the one by me?


VIP Member
That was secondary schools only though, they have talked about primary but obviously it would be a lot more difficult because a 5 year old couldn’t test themselves
I didn't know what it was I just remember reading about it .

Ahh maybe? I dont work in education so just assumed the rules were the same. Seems like a really risky move, can't say I'd be too happy with that as a worker or parent!
I don't know the details I just remember reading about it ,but it is a risk .


VIP Member
I haven’t had to wait to get into a supermarket since about June. They are so busy inside. I do really think that’s where one of the big issues is. They need monitoring better so that once inside they are reasonably quiet and easy to distance.
I think people are going for a trip out If honest. My local Sainsbury’s always has lots of people in the Clothes section!

Mrs McCarthy

Chatty Member
Currently debating with my partner about going shopping together. We shop for ourselves and in-laws (we live together), my parents and my baby sister and one set of grandparents. I used to go mental in shops in first lockdown, because we did a shop once every 2 weeks and the trolleys would be ridiculously heavy and having to go round the shop at least twice to get everything for everyone. The moment we were allowed to go together made it so much easier! He could do one shop, and I could focus on the other two. Do we carry on going shopping together (if they even let us in) or do I do it on my own again?


VIP Member
There’s a mum at my granddaughters school who has 2 at school a toddler and a 6 month old baby. She’s still on maternity from her job as a self employed carer but her 2 kids are in wrap around care at school from 9-5 everyday. My son who lives in Margate can’t get help from us ( we’re in Somerset ) and although he’s a key worker ( Works for a charity ) they are keeping their 4 year old for now as father in law who lives with them has serious kidney disease and they need to protect him. Him and his wife both working from home but their 18month old is still at nursery ( don’t know if that’s lucky or not ) last time grandaughter local to us was off playgroup for months thus time her playgroup is open. Doesn’t maje sense


VIP Member
People are advised NOT to phone the Surgery asking about when they will get their jab. All you can do is wait.
I know what people have been advised to do; however I think peace of mind trumps this, in certain cases.


VIP Member
Nightingale is now a mass vaccination centre?

So people have to pile on the tube and DLR to get there?

What were the "enormous efforts", installing a couple of freezers and some crowd control barriers?

Have they remembered to get some staff this time?
I know someone working on installing plumbing at them. Unsure why there wasn’t plumbing in place already if it wasn’t just a PR/ scare tactic last spring.


Well-known member
Maybe. Could also be March. It’s really a shot in the dark at this point, pub owners know as much as anyone.

We shall just have to wait and see how things pan out, the indications we have had from the scientists and government point to things beginning to loosen end Feb/beginning March.

Even if people don’t believe a word the government say, it‘s really all we have to go off at the moment.
Yes this is true - maybe it will go into a tier system again and food places open first then wet pubs and goodness knows about nighclubs/gigs.
I hope we don’t have tiers though they didn’t seem to work.


VIP Member
"OK, if setting up mobile vaccination units is really such an infrastructure challenge, why not just do the vaccinations at the hundreds of test centres they've already got in car parks and so on across the country? Infrastructure challenge has already been met for them. "

Because the test centres are still needed? With more tests than ever being carried out what gives you the idea that we can now carried out thousands of vaccinations per day in the same place currently being used for thousands of tests?
They're largely in leisure centre car parks and other car parks belonging to closed facilities, and were already chosen for their proximity to population, good road access and space to queue etc. The covid test centres are absolutely sensible places to start doing town by town vaccinations at, with minimal additional infrastructure, and which already have distribution logistics for the test kits every day. Didn't say they have to stop being test centres, they are commonly large car parks, they can do both.