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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member

Seems the BBC are very keen to bang the drum on making sure we abide by the government's current lockdown rules, even if its to the detriment of ordinary people's livelihoods and mental health.

And yet, this video purports to show the BBC filming an episode of Doctor Who on a beach in Wales these last few days, and there doesn't appear to be much SD or mask wearing going on.

The commentator in the video does make the point that such filming for TV shows is "exempt" from Covid rules (1m13s). I don't know if that is true, but one does wonder why?
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I'm really sorry but please can I get some advice? I'm fine in myself but some foods have changed their taste, do i need to get a test? Its not all food though. My tea tasted off, my squash tasted disgusting, my coke didn't taste of anything, my burger tasted gross. But my ferror rocher tasted normal 😋
I dont want to waste a test if not needed
Yes, go get tested. Better to know than to sit wondering why your food suddenly tastes all weird.
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What was the new testing strategy they were to try in the schools where you didn't need to isolate just take a daily test ,could it be that ? Williamson said it was to cut down on staff shortages .
That seems like what they’re trying to get her to do. I don’t live in the UK so wasn’t aware that was a thing at all.
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Iconic Member
It is true the BBC filmed there a couple of days ago.
as they did at the Nightingale, set up like active hospital wards when they were nothing more that warehouses at the time.

A temporary morgue was built at my local hospital and it did give me the creeps when I saw it, but then so did the Nightingale and it turns out that may have just been a big old PR stunt given the London one at least was never used and is only just having fairly essential plumbing work done! The temp morgue was removed some time in the summer but it was in the car park and not really taking up any room so I’ve no idea why it was dismantled, surely we don’t just have the equipment for temporary morgues sitting around in a warehouse somewhere waiting to be used?

I think the government’s bad handling / lack of transparency during this has played right in to the conspiracy theorists hands and does make me question stuff. There is definitely a lot we’re not being told but I also don’t for a second think they’ve somehow bribed all of these NHS staff to lie about how bad things are (theyre fucking awful every winter so covid is the straw that’s close to breaking the old, battered camel’s back).
totally agree with this
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The new thread is up and running.

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Word on the street is that keyworkers are being clamped down on for school places. Probably to relieve pressure on schools from part time key and critical workers sending their children in when they are home etc.

ETA: Also evidence being more thoroughly checked... not sure what that means though.
We had an email late yesterday evening from the head of the academy. Basically said that 2 parents (or one if a single household) would need to be a keyworker to access childcare and only then as a very last option.
Ours is also doing the booking on a week by week basis and must be booked in advance. They're doing sessions, morning and afternoon so people who work part time can only have them in for the hours they are actually working.
Thought it was a bit strict as yesterday there was 1 child in the whole of reception in school on our teams meeting and 3 in the whole of year 2. Hardly bursting at the seams!
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Happy Lady

VIP Member
Everyone has a unique NHS number and has done for years. I even know mine off by heart because I moved house recently and it makes things like changing doctor and dentist easier if you know it. Now I know the government's Excel skills are pretty shocking as we saw late last year, but seriously all they have to do is start a new table in their existing databases listing NHS number, date and make of first covid vaccine, date and make of second covid vaccine. When you see how much data, photos etc the GP or hospital already store on you, adding a couple of simple vaccination dates should be simple. They do not need a fecking dedicated app, with all the conspiracy baggage it comes with, to keep track of simple stuff like this.
Whenever anyone is given any sort of innovation it is recorded in patients notes as a matter of course, including batch numbers, dates, etc.

They're already ahead of you Kev 😂
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My mother in law received a phone call from her GP surgery at 5pm yesterday she was booked in and received the covid vaccine at 8am

Interestingly (to me anyway) she didn't need to wait the 15 mins afterwards in case of allergic reaction as she received the astra zenca jab, she was told its only the pzifer jab where you need to wait.
They checked her medications on the phone yesterday and were doing both astra zenca and Pfizer jabs so obviously the surgery are making the decisions as to which jab they are giving people
That's interesting, I will post my Mother's experience later today.
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Well-known member
Feeling fed up today. I'm not usually a curtain twitcher but my make shift office downstairs on the sofa (I had surgery last week and I'm on crutches) means I can see the main road from where I'm sat. Workmen all arrived in a van - no social distancing, no masks and my neighbours are out there with them. God knows how many households there are. I'm not bothered that they're having work done as it's still allowed but I can hear them chatting away about how the virus is a hoax etc. Meanwhile, I'm sat in here as a vulnerable person and have only left the house once a week (at most) since March.

We're supposed to be getting married in July. We're hoping for 50 people but seeing the blatent disregard from the rules from people (especially MIL) just makes me think that people just aren't listening. I don't know how to feel about the wedding, we're still planning as normal for now but who knows if we're planning for something that may not even happen.
A friend of mine from across town (haven't seen her in months) has been sending me pics of workmen fixing her road for the last 4 months. Same no social distancing, chatting in groups, sharing juice bottles etc. She keeps threatening to tell their boss, but they told her they get tested every week? Dunno if thats true or not.

Also keep planning your wedding like its going to happen. Because it will at some point and it helps distract you from feeling so crap. Plus side is that when it does happen, it will go so smoothly and no last minute stress because everything has been done already - its just a case of calling people up and saying right, its going to be on X date.
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Happy Lady

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Looks like Letterkenny hospital is in a bad way too they've had to call in staff and open extra beds ambulances have been lined up all day .
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Also to add my school still isn’t doing live lessons - so I am having to teach subjects this doesn’t help either.
Do they offer any kind of video instruction?

Ours are doing video instruction, activities and then a live catch up session with what’s effectively a “call centre” to the teachers When they’re not live.
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So Morrison and Sainsbury’s are going to challenge people without masks now? I think it’s time tbh. I understand some people can’t wear them but I would say 99% can and most are taking the piss. I do wonder how they are going to police it and who will take the brunt of the anger from customers.. most likely poor staff on minimum wage.

we definitely are too soft though there’s none of this exemption stuff in the US is there? People are turned away or asked to leave without a mask
Costco here (Canada) started doing that. They stopped allowing exemptions for masks. People have been arrested by police for not complying with rules on private property. Some retail stores also have outsourced security to deal with it.
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I read somewhere, on here perhaps? About people volunteering only so they could get the vaccination and then never to be seen again. I’m wondering if that’s why they would prioritise staff over volunteers for spare?
Maybe but I kind of meant after volunteering for 1 day first time 3 days second time and being booked for 2 days next weekend it might be considered. I would have not boasted about it but I can see there are people who would do that
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