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VIP Member
I’m at a loss regarding school closures. Youngest daughter we are currently waiting on a referral for ASD possibly autism since she was 3. Was finally getting somewhere when she started school (mainstream) in September. Referrals made through school for speech therapy (Bubble isolated so couldn’t attend this) and also paediatrics sent them questionnaires to complete (yet to know if this has been done).

So I’m now trying to home school a 5 year old with severe speech delay and behavioural issues that are extremely violent towards herself (Punches herself in the face, smashes head on floor, biting herself etc) and towards me (I’m not in the best health And undergoing various tests and scans).
I find it frustrating as if we had the diagnosis and mainly the help we so desperately need with her she would still be able to go to school this week- routine is key to her thriving in a day.

this whilst trying to teach my eldest who is 9 and is really struggling with school situation and also life stuck indoors with her sister the way she is. Last lockdown home schooling went well for all of about 3 weeks and then it was impossible.
Gosh that sounds tough. Do you not have a social worker? If so your kids could go.
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VIP Member
Son due back to school tomorrow (and me back to work) Still heard nothing from school so assuming it’s all systems go still unless Boris announces something more today. I’m south west and I know a few friends schools locally are opening so I guess our LA/council are going with the government recommendation.
I'm South West too and haven't heard anything either. One friends school is closed and another has written to say you have probably heard about the teachers union, we'll update as soon as we know.
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Just thought I’d jump on to ask others opinions - spoken to a Teaching assistant that works at the school my Daughter goes to. She said that they will have the windows and doors open all day as that is what they are obliged to do to be able to open. This morning it was -2 we’ve been told they are able to wear thermals under their uniform if we feel necessary? Surely this isn’t ideal in the middle of winter, they’ll get freezing cold and probably unwell? They have 4 huge windows in the classroom and 2 massive french door things, I want to send my daughter in with her fleece too and boots but have been told that isn’t part of the uniform so she can’t.
Also, anybody else think that by the end of today we’ll be fully locked down? Seems that the Facebook police think so?
I did mention yesterday but my children's school have done this since September. I was initially apprehensive about the idea, thinking it would promote colds but actually it's been fine.
My 7 year old has only moaned a couple times about being cold in class and they wear outdoor gear inside if needed. They've not had a single bug do the rounds and it hasn't made them ill either. The children adapt so well.
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I’m at a loss regarding school closures. Youngest daughter we are currently waiting on a referral for ASD possibly autism since she was 3. Was finally getting somewhere when she started school (mainstream) in September. Referrals made through school for speech therapy (Bubble isolated so couldn’t attend this) and also paediatrics sent them questionnaires to complete (yet to know if this has been done).

So I’m now trying to home school a 5 year old with severe speech delay and behavioural issues that are extremely violent towards herself (Punches herself in the face, smashes head on floor, biting herself etc) and towards me (I’m not in the best health And undergoing various tests and scans).
I find it frustrating as if we had the diagnosis and mainly the help we so desperately need with her she would still be able to go to school this week- routine is key to her thriving in a day.

this whilst trying to teach my eldest who is 9 and is really struggling with school situation and also life stuck indoors with her sister the way she is. Last lockdown home schooling went well for all of about 3 weeks and then it was impossible.
Is there anyway she could attend school on a 'waiting for diagnosis' basis?
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VIP Member
If they want her to have a CT within 24 hours, not a routine one, it must be something important. Therefore I would expect it to go ahead, although it may be even more limited as to who can go with her etc.
It’s routine (every 3 months) but believe they may have had space/opening hence the call. We knew of it to be happening for the last month or so but expected a letter with a date.
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VIP Member
If it needs to be voted in, which I guess it does. If he’s closing schools there no point in them going in for the next few days, it’s just impacting the problem.
I was meaning more shops, hairdressers etc really. I hope people don’t all rush out and panic buy 😔
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VIP Member
Not sure if I can say? She has 10k followers so I think I can. it’s someone called mandajane420_ not sure if her profile is public though.
Thank you- I thought it might have been someone else, who moves within that movement on Instagram.
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Giggling Squid

VIP Member
Is that what could happen? How will it work for walking a dog.. would going to work class as my one house leave for the day?
Exactly the same way it worked in March - 1 walk a day, or different members of a household walk the dog separately. Work, unless you’re key workers should be done from home or not done
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Mrs McCarthy

Chatty Member
Yeah that’s what I’m getting at. The OP was saying that they are lying saying covid is the death cause if people have other illnesses. I agree that pneumonia should have been recorded even though if asked we say my name died of cancer. In that very second it was the pneumonia that killed her, not the cancer. Even if she had only lasted another week, it was still the pneumonia that killed her. The same way it’s the covid that is killing people with other illnesses.
Well, my grandmother has had several bouts of pneumonia (she is in Russia, so there is no pneumonia vaccine). Before covid was a thing last year, the doctors warned us that they don’t know how many more pheumonia bouts can she have before passing away. They said it could be one or it could be 20. If she caught Covid and died, they would probably say that Covid was her cause of death, not the fact that her lungs are extremely compromised and even ordinary pneumonia could kill her. I don’t know if that’s right or wrong to them say that Covid killed her.
Fortunately with all self isolation and being very careful she hasn’t had one for a year, so hopefully we have a few more years with her.
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Depends on the school. Here they were taking in children where one parent was a key worker. Especially if nhs.
Our local authority has 3 category’s for key workers only children from parents of cat 1 and 2 are getting places and also vunerable children . We are a cat 1 and 3 family but as my youngest is being referred to specialist services due to effects from first lockdown he is getting a place , my oldest who is old enough to fend for himself will be staying at home.
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