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VIP Member
My friend just received an email from her kids school to say they're open tomorrow and children are expected in(primary). Maybe not a lockdown after all 🤷‍♀️


VIP Member
If they close schools from Wednesday/Thursday though,
For the schools that are still open do we send the kids in until wednesday/Thursday? Or if its announced schools will close should we just keep the kids off from tomorrow? So confused and don't know what to do and it will no doubt be made more confusing after boris has spoke as they have a habit of not being clear and confusing people
Id send myne, shes been upset enough over missing friends


VIP Member
I just really need to rant 😂 My partner works for a large construction firm as an office based staff member (Quantity Surveying). During lockdown 1, he was allowed to work from home but during the summer had to go back 5 days a week when cases were low. He didn’t mind as working from home in the summer was tough.

During lockdown 2, he was allowed to work from home 2 days a week, 3 on-site, up until Christmas break. Cases are now sky high in the South East and his work have refused to allow him to work from home at all, 5 days on-site. They are telling him he’s a ‘key worker’ as he’s in construction 🤦🏼‍♀️ but can do his job perfectly fine from home.

I am work from home permanently as my work do not think it’s safe for me to return to the office. I’m literally not going out, so little exposure to catching COVID, accept from my partner now mixing on a site of over 600 people who travel from all over the UK to work there.

I am young, fit and healthy but my friends who have caught COVID recently have been really poorly which has just made me worried about catching it, if I’m honest. I don’t really know what I’m getting at and I really appreciate I’m in a privileged position to be working from home in a safe job but it’s really annoying me how companies are just point blank refusing to let employees who can work from home, work from home.
This is so similar to our situation - Land Surveyor in the South East!


Well-known member
Sorry to go off topic slightly. Are parents sending thier children to nursery, if they are open?

My three year old is due to start later this month, on thr one hand I'm worrier about her catching it (though they are mainly outside) and feeling guilty as I am a sahm so she could be home with me. On the other she has barely interacted with another child this year except for a few times restrictions were relaxed and I think it will do her so much good with her confidence and mental health.
My 2yo starts nursery tomorrow


VIP Member
Mine is opening tomorrow, only one in my local area too. They’ve said they don’t want to do online learning unless Gov forces them too.


VIP Member
I’ve just seen someone on Instagram with a few thousand followers claim that the new covid strain is a result of everyone who took the flu vaccine back in September (lots of people didn’t get it till November but ok). She is basically saying that people were injected with this new strain when they had the flu vaccine. Apparently we are all ‘silly cunts’ for not knowing this so called fact that she pulled out of her arse. These people spread more fear and misinformation than anyone. You have to laugh at the ridiculousness they spout sometimes.
Who was that?


VIP Member
at no point did I argue that HC was essential, that’s not part of my comment at all.
However I don’t work for them, my livelihood doesn’t depend on them staying open.
My initial comment, using HC as an example, centred purely around what is considered an essential retailer so this whole thing is a straw man really


VIP Member
If they have had a test and it had come back as positive in the 28 days prior to them passing away then it will be classed as a covid death regardless of whether it was or wasn’t. If you look into the PCR test used to ‘detect’ covid, it wasn’t actually created to be used in the way that it is being used now. It is possible that the people signing the death certificate thought they were covid positive hence for writing it on the death certificate.
I don’t recognise you from these threads before. Thank you for all of the info you’ve given tonight. It’s been really interesting x


VIP Member
I’d like to see more concrete plans for the vaccine roll out. Use the army. Use Nightingales. Use Supermarket pharmacies (they do the flu jab). Use GP surgeries which for all I can gather really haven’t done all that much the last 9 months. Send the Army door to door if they need to. Close schools for a month, reduce the number of shops open and throw every spare resource at mass vaccination and supporting the NHS. I am thankful we’re not at war if this is the leadership we show - Churchill must be turning in his grave!
I saw that in Israel they already vaccinated over 1 million people. I am in Canada and we are not doing great so far with numbers.


VIP Member
I see the conspiracy thread is giving this one a good thrashing - especially by one person on their fourth or fifth alias 😂😂C’mon sheeple, why don’t you believe that someone has gotten hold of a timeline (in a typeface from the 90s by the look of it) where the “elite’s”dastardly plan is itemised month by month for our benefit🙄
How else can an 80's has-been fund his very modest lifestyle , remember his famous Wogan interview where he claimed to be the " son of God" it must be true because most have the same reaction whenever he appears 🤦‍♀️Jesus Christ ! 😂

Chance would be a fine thing to even get anywhere near a vaccine!
Boris has been quoted as saying millions will be vacced before April ? don't tell us you don't believe him 😂
I'm on stand by if schools are shut my stepdaughter has to come to me ive got the pleasure of having a week off so I will be looking after. She's at the barbie doll age 😞


Iconic Member
Would you say that a business selling home improvements should still be allowed to enter people's homes to measure up for a quotation? Lots of home improvement companies out there still booking in quotes.
Yes. Once they’re following up to date health and safety recommendations they should be allowed to continue to work


VIP Member
They really have! I think it’s because it’s a public service and the government put a lot of emphasis on ‘protecting the nhs’ as they knew we’d struggle due to how notoriously underfunded we’ve been for I’ve no idea how long.
Thats incredible! It’s so good to hear that this isn’t the case in all countries!
I'm still in the UK in NI but they carried on here that’s what I meant by the different stance on things