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VIP Member
What a disgusting remark ! keeping the vulnerable safe has to be a priority..
Even the scientists acknowledge that actually there has to be a balance.

Otherwise we would still be in full lockdown until it is gone.

If we consistently prioritize the vulnerable, everyone else is f*cked. There has to be some give and take, it can't just be one group get priority over everyone else whilst the world falls apart.
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Are we meant to hear an update on beauty tomorrow? 🐛 😭
As if. Be 5pm Friday if lucky. I really cannot fathom why they can't open. The revenue in beauty is millions. They have more PPE than most open sectors.

Oh wait it's for women. Men can have all their stuff done so no bother (I'm female btw lol)
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I don't see it as any different to a large nursery or reception class personally.
My sons reception class was free flow for 60 kids, 3 rooms, lots of hard to clean items.
At least in soft play, if you cordon off the ball pool, everything else is generally large, plastic and can be easily and thoroughly wiped.
I know plenty of others don't share that view and in normal times they are disgusting but I think they'll be cleaner now than they have been before.
I've seen a kid throw up in a ball pool and the parent cover it over with the balls and walk away without reporting it so I made a big deal about that.

I've seen toddlers pissing themselves and parents not report it for cleaning and someone changing a shitty nappy on the equipment.

They are grim and should be closed permanently
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😷 Just thinking this emoji must have climbed the ranks dramatically in the most used emoji league tables for 2020 😂
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Iconic Member
Depression now affects 1 in 5 compared to this time last year when it was 1 in 10 😔 cases have doubled. The lasting effects of this are going to be terrible.
hmmmmmm, see I find these stats a bit frustrating, so many will suffer from short term situational depression in the next few months, so mental health services that are already overstretched will be close to breaking point because everyone who feels a bit lost, upset or sad, which is NATURAL,
Will now diagnose themselves as “depressed”

My god now they think they've found a link to covid in the rising cases of kids with T1 diabetes it destroys the insulin making cells 😬
jesus monga you really are a fucking ray of sunshine 😆
are these “facts” or “thinks” ?

can we just try NOT to scare each other with stuff like this unless it’s backed by data 😆 There are so many who are about to send kids back to school 🤦‍♀️
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Did the food shopping yesterday for the first time since the mask rule was ‘enforced’. Bit of a mix bag in terms of who was wearing a mask and who wasn’t, but what bothers me more is seeing people wearing a mask but with their nose poking over the top. For no real reason except it just looks a bit silly and kinda defeats the point. Either wear It properly or don’t wear it at all in my opinion.
Bit like men wearing pants with there dick hanging over the top of it or wearing a bra with your nipples hanging over the top 😂
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I’m a TA and husband is a primary school teacher. We are both keen to go back, nervous but happy! Every single teacher we know feels the same. Unions don’t necessarily speak for us all.
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I know it's all very serious etc but whenever anyone says we are approaching winter or whatever in an ominous way I can't help but think of the whole game of thrones 'winter is coming' thing 😂😅

Maybe Boris and co should use this as their new tagline? STAY ALERT, WINTER IS COMING.

Maybe throw in some white walkers for dramatic effect?
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Also add ‘Stay Alert’ to that list. Stay alert of what, Boris? Maybe you should be more alert when doing your hair in the mornings💁🏻‍♀️
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My town is now an area of concern (near the bottom on the last very long list i saw) and my workplace is the test centre. Yes more positive cases come as more get tested but the death rate is still staying so low!! With my job role I expected to know and hear of a wildfire sweep of cases and deaths but we've had barely any. Not saying it's not there but outside of Docs/Nurses (also have nurse friends who are confused as the local hospital has never been overrun by corona cases) my role would be exposed to the majority of cases and the last recorded we were informed of was in May. What we have seen, however is a huge spike in mental health and anxiety reports inc suicide unfortunately which seems to be ignored. Standard govt ignoring MH though.

I really don't understand the agenda. It's still a virus with a 99.6% survival rate. There are no special bins for masks etc for an apparent wildfire virus so what am I missing?

If we have a local lockdown and I can't get away on my staycation which is the only thing keeping me going at the moment I don't know what I'll do.
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Beauty salons are open they’re just not allowed to do any treatments on the face
Unless you're a male in a barbers. Then beard trims are ok. I've also seen many, many barbers advertising with photos of men having facials, face waxes, steaming treatments to the face with nobody wearing PPE (so not the barbers etc). Nothing been said about that though up the top!

Sorry the way women are still at the bottom of the pecking order for anything in 2020 causes me rage 🤣
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At this point I’m not even worried about the actual virus. I still only know 2 people that’s had it. Lockdown hasn’t financially affected me personally as I’ve worked throughout. But I’m worried about the long term effects on people - physically, mentally and financially.

My dad is now the only person on furlough at his work because he refused to leave the house until there was a vaccine. He’s slowly starting to come round to leaving for a walk etc but he point blank refuses to go back to work. What will happen then? They can’t keep putting him on furlough. He’s already had loads of time off sick so I fear that redundancy will be coming for him. He still doesn’t know of a single person that has tested positive. All he stalked about since February is the virus and how many people have died, I fear he won’t let us go near him for a very long time.

My stepdad is self employed and his biggest customer is the NHS - the practices that he works for have been closed or have massively reduced their operations so he has no work coming in. What will he do?

Imagine all the people sinking into depression and feeling suicidal, the people with cancer that hasn’t been caught because they’ve been turned away from appointments, the people experiencing complications from other illnesses. People with anxiety shutting themselves away from the world because going out in public with all these restrictions is too frightening, how will they cope when we go back to normal?

There will be no community spirit, in the shops people jump out of the way to avoid each other. I hate wearing a mask because you can’t figure out each other’s facial expressions, it’s very dehumanising and I hope that masks aren’t here to stay when it’s all over.

I just feel incredibly sad for what the world has become. The amount of people out of work, the amount of suicides, the amount of illnesses getting worse because of this whole situation. The effects will be felt for years and years.
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Yeah I am not downplaying the seriousness of this, but I do think people need to be realistic in terms of restrictions/lockdowns etc. If and when infections go down, and as the current death rates and hospital admissions continue to reduce we shouldnt let the threat stop us from getting back to normal.

The loss of jobs and the depression statistics are incredibly worrying.
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I have just seen an image of someone’s a level results. They got A’s in their mocks, was predicted an A*, what grades did they end up with? CBB.

What an utter shambles these poor kids.
I feel so sad for the current A Level and GCSE students. It’s so unfair.

Luckily my son took his 3 years ago. His school always made the mocks much harder so that they did more work for the actual exams. Sadly this year that will have backfired on them.
For example, in his mocks I think my son got BBC, for his UCAS predicted grades he was given ABB. in the actual exams he achieved A*AA. I dread to think what he’d have been awarded if he was in this years cohort. I really feel for them.

Universities seem to have been forgotten in all this but I suppose that’s because they’re businesses now.

We think the majority of his uni teaching from September will be online with the occasional small tutor group session. So basically like Open University but not paying OU prices!
Plus we’ve had to pay for his first terms accommodation already and guarantee we will pay for his flat for the rest of the academic year.
If most of his course will be online then his flat will remain empty and may only be used for when he has the tutor sessions. No idea if those will be weekly or monthly yet. If monthly then he may as well stay home and just use his flat like hotel accommodation for the odd day he has to physically attend uni.

How the students are expected to achieve a First Class Degree in these circumstances is beyond me.
It’s all such a mess. 😔

Our children’s generation will be paying for this pandemic for the rest of their lives.
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It would be beneficial ( hopefully) if Boris did an update, with stats, forward planning info, quarantine situation, vaccine update, schools etc etc. There hasn’t been any update for a long time. He needs to show his face before he goes on his camping trip.
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Something that always used to surprise me before all of this was how little people washed their hands. I lost count a long time ago of the number of times I've been queuing for the toilet and people have walked out without washing them. If they're happy doing that in public (with an audience), what are they like in private?

I know that it's on another level now but we shouldn't have to be running campaigns to remind people of basic hygiene measures.
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VIP Member
My brother n step dads results have come back already (not even been 24 hours) both negative! :)
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My background is simply that I look beyond the tabloid headlines and read up on scientific studies from more reliable and trustworthy sources, which has led me to the conclusion that coronavirus is now no more serious than any other form of flu for the vast majority of those who catch it. Yes, it's sad what happened to your Dad but his experience sounds very unusual and the vast majority of people who catch the virus will have such mild symptoms that they probably won't even know they've had it.

Within the past day or so we've discovered that the coronavirus death toll has been overestimated by over 5,000 people and the true number of deaths occuring now is barely into double figures per day. Yes, it might have been understandable to worry about catching the virus back in April when deaths were thought to be over 1,000 a day but now, when you're 5 times more likely to die of flu than coronavirus, why are people still panicking?
Ah, so it’s an opinion that is no more educated than anyone else’s...with the exception of microbiologists, virologists, and the vast swathes of the population, myself included with clinical training 😂

Yes 5,000 was knocked off the total. So anyone in a coma due to Covid for more than 28 days doesn’t count. My dads experience was unusual, he was one out of two who survived in our large local ICU.

I generally think it’s the right of everyone to live their life as they see fit. However, during a global pandemic if you are taking excessive risks because you wrongly consider it the flu and contract and pass on the virus to more vulnerable people then you are selfish beyond belief.

We are approaching winter, I sincerely hope you never have to experience what my family has.
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Well-known member
I know this is a forum where everyone is entitled to an opinion but your opinion is not very helpful and personally I think you should head over the conspiracies thread instead!

YOU are lucky you don’t feel scared, YOU are lucky you don’t know anyone who has been affected by COVID and especially lucky to not know anyone who has been affected badly. Just because it hasn’t affected you doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be taken seriously by anyone else.

I sincerely hope that despite you assuming everyone is overreacting that you still follow social distancing and wear a mask etc so that your opinion doesn’t affect anyone else.
It's nothing to do with luck, it's about having a proportionate attitude to risk. We can catch all sorts of viruses from other people but prior to March we all simply accepted it and didn't stop that risk from going out and doing the things we enjoy. No-one ever said "I'm never leaving my house because I might catch a cold", did they?

Sadly I've realised now that some people actually enjoy living their lives in fear and, not only that, they want everyone else to live their lives in fear too. There's really no point in engaging with these people any more.
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Wouldn't it be super helpful if, you know, the govt would actually explain to us all what these tests mean?! 😫
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