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What a disgusting remark ! keeping the vulnerable safe has to be a priority..
I think the point is that those shielding aren’t the only vulnerable ones in all this now. People are losing jobs businesses are collapsing some self employed people have been totally forgotten in all this too. The financial and mental health fallout from this year will be horrific. My partner will probably be re-furloughed and his workplace are also cutting jobs, all agency staff have already been given the boot so now the more experienced workers are on the chopping block. Hopefully his will be safe but... it’s very unnerving especially as there doesn’t seem much hope of me being able to find work with how things are going and having been a sahm for the past few years, it’s why the thought of a second lockdown is terrifying, it feels like it’ll seal our fate. Local lockdowns seem utterly pointless anyway yet will cause more damage to the economy. At some point things need to start resembling some sense of normality, it’s happened with previous pandemics, what’s so special about Covid? Now significantly less people are dying, we really need to start considering all kinds of vulnerability caused by this pandemic. Health is important of course, but so is being able to keep a roof over your head, stability for the children, not being stuck with your domestic abuser (dv reports doubled during lockdown where I am) and staying mentally well.

FWIW I’m still hand washing, distancing as much as possible and wearing a mask to the shops and wherever else requires it. Having these thoughts and feelings doesn’t mean I completely disregard things like that.
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Thought this was a good post from Simple Politics to demonstrate how despite more testing positive, hospital admissions are still falling:
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Now BBC saying cases are leveling off in their latest article.

Honestly do feel like the media are just trying to cause mass uncertainty.
They are just reporting what is happening. The figures are from the ONS, the media haven't made it up. A novel virus and global pandemic is going to have ups, downs and unexpected turns, it doesn't follow a neat little pattern.
Looking at the infections or deaths every day or even week isn't that helpful in isolation, its like being on a diet and weighing yourself ever single day. Getting obsessed with the number and deflated because you have gained weight from one day to the next, when you've just drank an extra glass of water or something.
Longer trends are more stable.

I would honestly advise anyone stressed out by all the coronavirus news to just tune out a bit. You don't need to see every little update and you will be much happier for it!
Btw I don't mean you specifically, I've just seen a lot of people pretty stressed and anxious on here recently.
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I reckon the gov are ploughing ahead with their initial plan of herd immunity, but just limiting the spread by keeping certain things closed to 'see how things go'

I am very happy to see that decline in people in hospital suffering with Covid though, that is very positive. Still no hospital admissions from the Aberdeen outbreak. Hopefully our lockdown is lifted next week.
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2nd person has died with the plague in China since Sunday ,they've put restrictions around their home, that country needs some serious disease control :cautious:
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I really do think we’ll return closely to the old normal one day. I think some things will always stay with us like increased hygiene (not a bad thing) and more people able to work from home. I just refuse to believe we will always have to social distance & go into lockdowns. Pandemics have happened before more than once and long ago and we weren’t living with social distancing from them. I do think that it might be more common to see people wearing masks during flu season or on public transport but I think that will be out of choice, I don’t believe they will be mandatory. I just hope it doesn’t take too long, most other pandemics have been 12-24 months so I am desperately praying that by next year this is not resulting in so many deaths and that we don’t have to live with this fear.
I agree! I think some things are almost good to come out of this - more awareness of peoples personal space, increased hygiene both personally and in public places, greater work flexibility etc. I'm also not a big toucher so have loved not having to hug and touch people. But i do look forward to life being normal again and I believe it will and we will almost forget things were ever like this (i know we never fully will BUT we'll adapt again and it will be like a really really shit long dream)
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Do you ever walk into a room,
and you know there’s been an argument because you could cut the tension with a knife,
but you really only came in for a hobnob so you walk awkwardly to the cupboard, get your biscuit and leave mommy and daddy to fight...
best thing to do in that situation is take the whole packet so you dont have to go back in. 🤭
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Countries like Sweden who had no lockdown and have actually seemed to ride it out so to speak, I am interested to know what happened to their vulnerable population?

I also feel uncomfortable with the survival of the fittest but I am also EXTREMELY uncomfortable with millions losing jobs, futures ruined etc. This isn't about people ignoring hygiene it's about whole industries barely able to make money because of restrictions due to social distancing.

Maybe the future is more financial support for vulnerable people? I don't know. It's obviously highly emotive but as a healthy person in my 30s with a mortgage, 2 young children and a workplace that is unable to operate fully because of social distancing measures I am completely terrified for the future.
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The long term effects of this terrify me. People’s health if they’ve had covid, those who’ve not been able to get treatment for other conditions, people who have found their mental health suffering, people who have that still to come, job goes on. Back when we went into lockdown I thought life would be normal by the end of the year or at least very close to it. I can absolutely see now that even if it went away tomorrow the consequences will be felt for years. I can’t think anyone hasn’t been effected some way or another now. Difficult times to be living in and something I hope we never see to this scale again.
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Am I the only one struggling to reintegrate back into society? Nobody around me is taking it seriously. We went to a park and literally nobody cared so we won’t be going to that particular park again. I know they’re kids but it was bad there. My friend has invited me and another friend to her home (not the garden as work is being done there) and I’m just not comfortable with that (not even sure if that’s allowed) I’ve voiced my concerns and she’s respectful of them. I’ve been to a cafe and sat outside. They serve you outside and I felt ok doing that. And we’ve been to local woodlands and quiet parks etc. I’m the first one to say we have to live with this virus and do our best but I’m struggling with that. I have a four month old so that plays a part in it. I’m so glad I’m on maternity leave and not at my teaching job yet as I think that’ll leave me terrified too. As hard as lockdown was with the children at home I think I’ve enjoyed keeping us cocooned and now it’s starting to hit me more.
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From my experience there’s a bigger delay than people realise, if you account for an average 10 days of being asymptotic then generally 2 weeks before a persons condition deteriorates enough to require hospital admission...ICU treatment can be anytime from a few weeks to longer.

I’d also say that many in the shielded category most likely to experience severe disease/death, myself included, who are lucky enough to still be working from home (but unlucky enough to be most likely to experience severe disease 🙄) are still keeping physical contact to an absolute minimum.

Just another perspective to consider 😅

Numbers have been up for longer than 10- 14 days. I would expect a least a small rise in admissions.

I do appreciate what you are saying about high risk or shielding individuals, but then some people on here also like to make the argument about how ANYONE can end up hospitalised or dying from covid and you never know because it's just SO deadly ... so it can't be both ways.

Anyway, was just giving a perspective as i'm just sick of people taking any positive data and making it fit a negative narrative tbh. I feel like there are some who genuinely won't be happy unless we do have a huge second wave and end up back in lockdown 🤷‍♀️
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That's what I was saying we need to work with it not against it or else we'll always be in lockdown ( unless it's gone ) going back to a Normal life will not solve any of these issues ,infections will rise lockdowns will occur .There is no going back to the life we had that is a fact we're living it ..
Sorry but I just wholeheartedly think you are wrong.

There's been pandemics before and throughout history and life has gone back to normal. Things will go back to normal and probably sooner than we would think if only because money makes the world go round. Whether you think that's right or not, it's a fact.
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Wow. Actually somewhat speechless. I knew it was bad but not quite this bad.
So basically nearly all of the recent deaths were just normal deaths and tried to palm as covid because they had it at some point.

Like georgethecat said, people mixing up and down the country and deaths dropping, dropping even more by that chart. People are just gonna be like F this and stop being ruled as it were. I feel this way tbh.
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I really, really, REALLY wish the media would stop with the fucking scaremongering hysteria.

They’re getting their clicks, congratulations!!!
but they’re working people up into a fucking state daily.
this continuous panic since early March will have more people in their doctors office or grave than the covid number 19 will 😐

I’M NOT saying don’t read and listen to what’s out there 🤦‍♀️
but please, we all need to remember we are being fed the narrative the want to feed us,
And that will always be the narrative that gets the most clicks.

I’m struggling with the news right now, I can’t be the only one?
mainstream media seem to have become as bad as the daily mail for click bait sensationalised headlines
You are not the only one.

I really want to stay informed and when I look at the actual numbers I feel positive.

But now even reading the BBC who I would normally trust, I find the narrative switches so much at the moment in the media that it really effects my mental health.

I'm trying just to focus on the numbers at the moment in an effort to stay informed but sane.
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Asking if you wouldn't hug a grandparent until a vaccine, or similar, is found is a complete over reaction in my opinion. If you would be happy living life like that then all credit to you, but that's not living in my opinion.

Being asked to make concessions for a relatively short period of time is all well and good, but no one can say that that's 'living', and you can't expect the majority of people in the world to continue existing just because there are some vulnerabilities when vulnerabilities exist in other aspects every day but they've always been part of our lives so we don't over think them.

Aberdeen is locked down and it's beyond frustrating to be back in that position, but it's even more frustrating to be told that the new infections rate is dropping, no one has been hospitalised as a result of the outbreak, and yet we might be getting it further extended. And that all started because a small (in the grand scheme of things) group of people didn't socially distance and went to pubs etc, and yet everyone in the city is feeling the punishment as a result. It's just not feasible as a long term option to be stopping and starting at a moment's notice because a few people get infected.

I'm not saying there's not a need to be cautious but there's a difference between cautious and over zealous, and there's a massive difference between any form of living and merely existing.
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