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VIP Member
I agree, I do think the protests are necessary (look at the movement that happened and the results already) but I would be lying if it didn’t make me wince about the thought of covid and the transmission
Most people at the protests here are wearing masks, if they keep that up hopefully it will be ok.
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We’re due to go away to Malta in December and I’m ok about that as it’ll be a quiet holiday and still months away (6 months ago we didn’t even know what covid was so who knows what another 6 will bring). I definitely think it’ll be a while until I’m comfortable to go to a night club though. They’re definitely rushing it, I’ve tried suggesting planning it all but for next summer. I won’t be seeing him for a good few weeksonce he comes home if it goes ahead!!
Yes I deffo wouldn't go in a nightclub or anywhere where you cant social distance. Its just not worth it IMO.
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VIP Member
As a hairdresser, I’m not sure other hairdressers can be giving a definite date....we only know as much as everyone else!

I go to people’s houses, I don’t see how it’s going to be possible for me to get back to work, safely, if I worked in a salon I would be in control of infection control and cleaning, but as it is I will be going into multiple peoples houses, not knowing how clean it is.

Also with PPE, would I be expected to provide ppe, there’s already a shortage of PPE, and with every barber and hairdressers needing it, as well as dentists, people using public transport it’s going to be impossible 😩
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VIP Member
Ive just realised in a sweat shop far far away, there are probably some 13 year old kids making fucking Donald Duck & Co face masks to sell in store as soon as they open.

depressing thought.

also realised I’m out of coffee.
Not related.
That's a good point ! will those poor people that supply these chains be forced back to work in cramped conditions, with no thought for their safety . While it will be good in financial terms, it could be detrimental in terms of the virus /death rate in their country.
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VIP Member
Is there any news on travelling in July? I can't find anything on google
Jet2 have now cancelled all flights until the 14th July. Not sure if that's on FCO advice, lack of hotel co-operation or just being cautious. I think other airlines will now follow suit
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Iconic Member
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VIP Member
I work for the NHS but I’m on maternity leave at the moment. I’ve been offered an antibody test because I’m still staff. I feel a bit of a fraud but my manager has told me to have it done. I think they are actually struggling to fill all the numbers tbh.
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VIP Member
Where i live we have had 492 confirmed cases out of a 396,000 population. So I'm guessing it's not here.

Reading our R being higher just scares me because I have been clinging to the hope of things opening and my life coming back, I'm just so scared of the idea we will end up locked down again here and I'm not sure i can do it again 😔
Same in my SW county it’s 400ish Positive out of 277k So the risk is lower imo. If you look at the SW graph it’s been consistently low with a slight peak so I think it will just take us longer to taper down.

I can’t cope with another lockdown and that’s a fact. Il have to see my boyfriend. Both of our mental health is struggling now after almost 3 months.
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VIP Member
Have you all had the antibody test?
I’m a nurse and was redeployed to ICU, my hubby is a Dr, both been working throughout. Neither of us has had any symptoms, so we’re obviously both curious.
My trust did random testing last week to sort out the logistics and then it should hopefully be up and running this month for all staff testing
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VIP Member
Protests are important - but we are still on lockdown because of a pandemic.
The lockdown has only been partially lifted - we are not living our normal lives. I can’t go to work, and I can’t visit my dad who is in his last days in a nursing home.
Huge sacrifices are being made, people are losing their jobs and not seeing loved ones at the end of their lives.
I do not believe there is any justification for any mass protest during this.

Does that mean everyone beyond six people gathering, were issued with a £70 fine?
It does, the police are very strict in our town ..we have regular checkpoints around the place ,where we be asked where we're going on a regular basis ..
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VIP Member
Oh cool thank you! Where do you guys get your masks from? I don’t own one
Shops like ASOS and pretty little thing are doing “nice” reusable ones. My mum also bought a pack of 50 disposable ones on amazon for about £8
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VIP Member
Anyone seen this article about R number around the UK? Very interesting. I wonder how we've passed the peak if the R is still so high across the UK. I get so confused with science as it is, can someone explain?:oops:
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New member
I'm a bit iffy, all of my kids have big years ahead but i'm shielding, which has just been extended to end of July. Except my son is meant to go into his new secondary school for the first time with 10 others in his bubble and a teacher (with no learning support or help that he was meant to have as they scaled back all support at the start of this) surely if i'm shielding he can't go? - feeling super guilty and stressed and like my kids are going to be way behind, but on the other hand. I'm tempted to hide them away till next year (i think itll be around for a while yet).
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VIP Member
The R rate is exponential though so if you have an R rate over 1 things could rise really quickly is that not the point so the low number of cases could turn into a lot of cases very quickly ?
It could but it doesn't seem to have so far. SW is still the lowest rate - its it's just not shrinking as quickly as they'd like but rather staying flat right now.

1 study says it's below 1 and 1 says it's slightly above so unless we actually start seeing a big increase in cases I'm not worried about the R rate apparently creeping up right now because the official advice is currently it's still below one. Doubt they'll actually lock whole areas of the country down again anyway 🤷‍♀️
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VIP Member
Is there really a lot of talk though? I can’t find a single reputable source reporting that.
I don’t think people would report it at this stage anyway as it’s an uncertainly but I posted earlier that a doctor had also said this to me also so I suspect it’s conjecture between medical professionals at the minute.
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