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The Spanish Flu was very, very different in how it impacted upon the body, never mind the fact that healthcare systems have developed so much in the last 100 years. The numbers have continued to fall and most of the days where more deaths have been reported are mainly ‘older’ deaths that have been reported later on.

I know people find it hard to find the positives within this situation for so many reasons but it becomes infuriating every time we see positive trends or news, it always seems to be ‘well this is happening, let’s see in 2 weeks, still too many.’ - I’m just editing to say I feel like this could completely be perceived wrong and this isn’t aimed at any person in particular. We all have our own reasons for feeling frustrated/worried about the virus but I feel personally like the negativity is everywhere, not just on this thread, even from some family members.

The deaths will always trail behind. But less people are needing intensive care for it. More people are getting help sooner. Less people are being infected, even with increased testing and the eligibility for testing being opened up to everybody. Less people are having to go to hospital.

It is truly heartbreaking how many people have lost their lives, lost somebody they love and care about, but this lockdown is now going to be worse for some of our lives going forward than the threat of the virus ever was.
I read the quote ‘ The cure could kill more than the cause’ 🙁
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Oh i don't know then, our school are saying it has to be the whole family. Assuming they have all had contact with the child who attended school with the suspected case
I just assumed that was the ruling as they have an nhs style flow chart with it on, maybe not then?
I would think the whole family ,different for an adult they can self isolate in the home but not possible for a child..

I wont be celebrating until it's zero, i know the sentiment is a positive one but those 55 people will have had families who will be absolutely devastated right now and there is nothing amazing about that :(
Of course deaths decreasing is a good thing but still 💔
We've had zero for two days now but it's the rate of infection you go by not the deaths they've said 🤷‍♀️
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things are pretty normal here again, playgrounds open, stores open, parks packed.
it’s like it never happened.

if numbers stay low I don’t think it’s a bad thing 🤷‍♀️
Can't wait for our playgrounds to open ,I've one literally across the road .I'm always 2 breaths from letting the kid squeeze through the fence 😬 but I'll hang on now ,hopefully it won't be long🤞
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Does this mean the South West could face stricter lockdown as well as the north east compared to the rest if the UK?
I've read they think that the NW's R rate is over 1 too.
I imagine if it comes to that they could tighten restrictions in some areas and not others. London appear to be doing alright atm but I know cases here are going up (NW)
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The communication hasn't been great at our school either. They did start up the zoom catch ups but only 3 weeks ago, the last zoom meeting we were sent the details for 3 or 4 mins before the meeting!!
I've had 1 phone call from the head teacher to check we had received our free school meal vouchers, 1 from year 4 teacher and nothing from year 2 teacher. Other local schools are doing weekly phone calls, online lessons, newsletters etc.
Ours isn't even a big school, must be 50-60 pupils max
Yes I have heard other schools in our area doing phone call check ins and I know the school 5 mins away has had online assemblies and class video groups. They also made stationary from the school available in the local co op if anyone needed jotters or glue sticks etc

I can't believe our head teacher hasn't done a newsletter or a single checking in email in 11 weeks !

There are several online challenges happening in our local council etc and the school has not promoted them to us for the kids to take part. I'm on the PTA and we decided a few weeks ago to use our FB page to share these things and trying and get some of the kids involved as the school weren't doing it.

I feel bad moaning as I'm sure my kids teachers are working hard but I feel so disappointed in the head and the senior team for a seemingly complete lack of leadership.
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I dont think ours will be. They just keep pushing it back.
Can you imagine if no school whatsoever now until 2010 though?! I know they’re getting certain years back, but those with kids not in those specified years, another 6 months at home!
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They haven't specifically made sex illegal though they are just making the 6 people outside and no two households inside thing legal I'm guessing because they are expecting people to start taking the piss now things are lifting ?
Isnt the law something like 'two people cant do any activity inside the house of another person and cant stay overnight' so not specifically but it sounds as if too many people have been going from one house to another and staying over for whatever reason. This is an additional change in the actual legislation, not just the guidelines.
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I honestly don't trust what anyone says, whether from hospital workers opinions, the government or even WHO. Just going to wait to see what happens and not even worry about a "second wave" right now.

We may go to the zoo this weekend to do something normal. They are limiting people and you have to book a time slot online. Also a one way system and we would wear masks.
Now's the time to act when the going's good ,if another wave comes in later it'll mean being stuck in for practically a year or maybe more ..
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When will the sex ban between various households be lifted?

Asking for a friend Boris
It’s not really a sex ban but it’s just the ban of 2 people from different households being within 2 metres of each other. So I guess whenever that gets lifted it’ll be shag city all round :ROFLMAO:
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I believe so. Don't think there's any major news or announcement though. Just seems strange to have the 3 of them doing it tonight
I’m hoping for more info on schools re opening for additional year groups , although I don’t think it will be that .
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That is exactly what our school have said. I think they are relying on other parents reporting photos to them which show social distancing not taking place. That is a recipe for disaster in my opinion however i do understand for the teachers they dont want to be putting themselves at any more risk than they need to be.
Oh of course I understand, but just seems drastic. We do see my parents as they have had to be our childcare throughout so not sure how to move forward, as we still need them!
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You’re saying even if you test negative you are still treated as postive ??
No, if you have had it and recovered and you them come into contact with someone else who has it (via track and trace) or show symptoms you would need to isolate again as even if you have had it they cannot be sure you are now immune.
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Hey all
Canada poster here, lol. Ventured out this morning to Homesense, Marshalls, and Winners (TK Maxx). Thought I would treat myself to some candles. Anyway, what an utter waste of time! The shelves at Homesense were BARE, it felt eerie, you could almost hear an echo in the store. Marshalls and Winners were a bit better but no candles, and still pretty bare. I would say half of the people were wearing masks (I always do)?
I’m so desperate to go to homesense here in the uk!
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What are people’s thoughts on holidays abroad? A few weeks ago I thought there was 0 chance but I’m seeing Ibiza clubs etc stating that they are opening and people on social media seem convinced they are going!

Despite how quickly our government are relaxing the rules, I can’t see other countries welcoming UK residents when we have the highest death rates in Europe ??
i don't really know tbh. A lot of me wants to go cause I want a holiday but I don't want to risk spreading it. There aren't many cases in my area so that is ok but i'm more concerned about travelling to an airport and then on the plane. I'm not too concerned about me getting it. More spreading.

Although the friend I'm going with is a paramedic in london and she doesn't seem concerned and is happy to go so idk if that is any help cause it was to me lmao
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New member
Sorry if this has already been discussed but does anyone think the shielding in England will be extended now that Scotland and Wales have extended theirs?
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Chatty Member
They are talking about fast tracking opening hospitality and beauty so I think they will announce meeting in homes soon. They can't open retail and pubs but still not "allow" meetings indoors, it doesn't make sense. I think they will announce it in the next few days to be honest.
I really hope so. Selfishly it's my daughters first birthday next month and it would be so lovely to celebrate with the grandparents inside if it's raining
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The problem with the US is that the rich can basically pay their doctors to do what they want them to do and prescribe what they want. They have one of the highest healthcare spending per capita in the world due to the worried well demanding medications. If Trump wants his doctor to say he hadn't got dementia he will say it or be sacked and replaced by someone who will.
Yep. There were rumours that his doctors lied on his health check when he first became president.
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Oh bless you. This sounds a bit like me. My in laws arent following the rules and it's sickening.

In some countries they only have to distance by 1m so don't worry if grandma got a bit too close. In theory for your daughter to catch covid from her she'd have to have coughed in her hand and then touched your daughter's phone with that hand.... Small chance but in really OCD and anti bac gel my bank card/phone/keys after I've done the weekly shop so know how you feel X
Thank you, it’s so frustrating isn’t it when people just aren’t following rules and thinking of others.

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