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VIP Member
I agree - but a mass protest involving thousands of people, is beyond any hope of containing infection contamination. Clusters of irresponsibility is bad enough, but this off the scale. Many people attending the London protest will have travelled to get there - and returning to their communities to spread the virus.
It will be nothing short of a miracle, if there is no huge spike of infections / deaths in the next few weeks.
Yes I agree ,the same as the hundreds of people that were on the beach that the rescue took place from during the week.None from the local area apparently and all travelling back to their communities ,and going from the images we saw none were SD..
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It is a very small world....I knew him well. I am still devastated. I always think it was corona virus.
Sorry to hear that - also sorry for mentioning it here - it's definitely a small world, wouldn't have had thought someone might know him (due to the town we mean if we do mean the same person you'll know it is not exactly a big town!). I didn't know him well, (only spoke to him a few times at the local slimming world group back when I used to go) but he was of course very well known and I know many many people from town were shocked by it.
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VIP Member
Alok Sharma has tested negative ,I didn't think you still had to quarantine if you already had the virus ! It says it saves Bojo from having to isolate..
They haven’t been able to prove if you have it you are immune so you’d have to keep isolating
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Definitely to do with testing. No other country has had a spike. Our deaths are going down a lot now as well 😊
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I was messaged by my hairdresser yesterday to see if I wanted to be placed on a waiting list. It was a big, fat yes from me ✂😂
Yay!!! I didn’t hear from my hairdresser so I have messaged her . Did your hairdresser have a date to re open?
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VIP Member
Did they count them yesterday when there was only 170 something deaths?? Just seems like such a massive jump!!
I think there be's a bit of a lag in reporting them by the time they gather the numbers from the different sources ,there were 62,000 indirect deaths not counted from March till May .Sky news had a programme on about it a few nights ago
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VIP Member
Well neither government or the who consistant mask wearing.

Me and my kids wear masks when out.
I try do 1 big aldi shop once every 2 weeks.
Then use corner shop or supermarket where I work as top ups so staying very local.

I don't wear a mask at work and wondering of I should.
I'm ok on till as perspex screens
But maybe on shop floor I should .
Also it's been near impossible 2 metres apart from staff during this time as much as I try and when putting stock out customers get too close.
Not all customers wear masks.
No issues masks in hospitals or public transport that seems wise.

Going to order some nice cloth ones.
Your obviously quite worried about your family which is natural. As you are taking all these precautions I would definitely get yourself cloth masks to wear all the time at work. I wasn’t wearing one at the beginning but with more people out and about think it’s more important now. I have 2 reversible ones I always wear when out.
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In Scotland if we go into phase 2 next week we can see others indoors which will make a huge difference to everyone’s mental health and a turning point in seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, well for me anyways
I hope that’s the case for you that would be better! I’ve got a few family members in Scotland. We are just left to guess in England I think 🤣
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chocolate choux

VIP Member
I don’t understand the blanket 14 day quarantine for travellers coming from outside of the U.K./ROI. A German man on the news pointed out that he was travelling to an area that was very low risk so it seemed illogical that he’d have to self quarantine when returning to a relatively high risk area (U.K.). If the government is keen to get the economy moving again, wouldn’t it make sense to only enforce quarantine on people travelling from high risk areas?

Or is it largely to prevent people from unnecessarily travelling as few people will want to/can afford to self quarantine for 2 weeks plus whatever quarantine in the destination country?
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VIP Member
Its crazy how quick people are just going back to their normal lives. I dont think I'll be doing things I normally do til at least next year.
We’re due to go away to Malta in December and I’m ok about that as it’ll be a quiet holiday and still months away (6 months ago we didn’t even know what covid was so who knows what another 6 will bring). I definitely think it’ll be a while until I’m comfortable to go to a night club though. They’re definitely rushing it, I’ve tried suggesting planning it all but for next summer. I won’t be seeing him for a good few weeksonce he comes home if it goes ahead!!

Where? Surely wouldn’t go ahead anyway....

Don’t judge but I’d go away in a heartbeat if allowed to. Need some fun in my life all I’ve done is work and drink in the flat for 12 weeks. I think about my next rave on a daily basis :ROFLMAO: (Whenever that may be).
Greece - Crete and then drive to Malia!

Oh I would love a night out but I definitely don’t think I’d feel comfortable doing it for a while yet!! I think August is optimistic and it won’t go ahead. Also a massive waste of money if they get out there and have to distance/wear masks everywhere etc.
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I don't think they ever record care home deaths on a weekend because it's public health England who add them all up. The weekend deaths from care homes are added on the weekdays which is why there is that jump on a Tuesday. Even with the weekly jumps it's really positive that's it's the lowest weekend deaths so far.
Yes but there could be hundreds being kept alive on ventilators it's how many new infections will indicate the true figures ?

That looks so much better too though, at one point we were only testing those admitted to hospital and getting 4000+ positive cases. Now we test all with symptoms and are below 1500. Rate of infection does seem to be falling. I know they say due to asymptomatic cases it's more like 500 a day but on that basis if we had 4000 cases a day just in hospital at one point the asymptomatic cases would have been much much higher.

Things are going the right way at the moment it seems.
Hopefully ..the nxt few weeks will tell us for sure ..
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VIP Member
Sorry to hear that - also sorry for mentioning it here - it's definitely a small world, wouldn't have had thought someone might know him (due to the town we mean if we do mean the same person you'll know it is not exactly a big town!). I didn't know him well, (only spoke to him a few times at the local slimming world group back when I used to go) but he was of course very well known and I know many many people from town were shocked by it.
No it's fine, I mentioned him in the thread earlier because as soon as the corona virus hit the news I said straight away "that is what he died of".

He was such a great person, it was such a shock. His funeral was just beautiful 💗
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VIP Member
Anyone who is hoping to fly abroad this year , anyone not that concerned about airplanes due to the HEPA filters they have onboard
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