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VIP Member
I don't agree that we SHOULD be congregating anywhere unless for a good reason but I'd just hate it if there is a spike because I just know they're going to blame the protests primarily. They definitely will be a factor, but so will all the other cases of gatherings going on.

My only qualm about it, is that due to the protests we won't really know just how much the government guidelines alone are effecting the numbers (being able to go to see family in the garden, to the park, beach etc) as this will effect them too and make it hard to see whether the newest lockdown revisions are actually a good idea. I always thought being able to meet family again would influence it as I doubt people will stick to the 2m distance if they're 2m away from people they've not seen in months.
I think their PR team are already at work ....There was already spikes happening before the protests ,so it looks like a natural progression of the way things will be once people are out and about again..and we know most are meeting friends/family indoors so it's all gone to pot tbh..
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I'm pretty sure the talk of a second wave does not mean a small spike. So the second wave wouldn't have occurred after easter or VE day parties, that would be a spike during the first wave. The second wave would be months away from now. Chris Whitty and Valance have said a second wave is extremely common with any new virus, it isn't purely based on Spanish Flu.
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VIP Member
Has anyone heard why zoo’s cant open at the along with Alton Towers etc next month? Is it due to worry in transmission to animals?
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I wonder if areas where the R is rising and in the South West specifically where it looks like it is now doubling rather than halving, if they will halt the reopening of certain places?
It doesn't look good for the tourism industry in the SW opening back up in line with the rest of the country.
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Why are only hospital deaths been recorded at the moment? 55 is amazing but says hospital so where's the figures from the care homes?
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Are the schools in England back full time ?
Depends entirely on the school. 4 primary schools in my town, one is open to 2 days per year group, 1 not open yet at all, one only open to keyworker children and one is doing part time morning or afternoon for the selected year groups, with an hour in between so classrooms can be deep cleaned.

Our school has been brilliant with home learning, weekly newsletters, weekly contact with teachers, weekly work set both online and tasks to cater for those without internet access. Videos and pictures have to be sent to teachers each week so they can see what work is being completed and then alter the learning for each child. Home deliveries of workbooks and reading books.
My year 1 child has been given some year 2 work in both maths and english because they've seen from videos and photos he needs moving on. They won't be teaching the curriculum in my childs school when it opens, that's one of the reasons i would rather have him at home because i know he would become really bored doing the tasks in school, he just doesn't suit that style of learning, he needs to be challenged constantly. Home learning really suits him, i feel really grateful that the school's are not fining parents keeping their children at home and that they've given parents the option. I do feel for those children who don't suit home learning in years 2-5 though, i feel like it should be on an all or nothing basis personally.
I know some parents are really struggling mentally and their children would benefit from being back but don't have the option because their child isnt in one of the listed years.
Our school has said it wont open for years 2-6 this academic year, so those parents won't even have a choice.
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They're supposed to be strict here. At least I think so. I was shocked to be honest. I went to a different store to usual so I'm hoping it was just there and it's not like that at my usual store but it was absolutely shocking. Nobody gave a shit! Tried to keep my kids close and put my youngest in the shopping trolley even though he hates it and screamed half the time, then people just kept getting really close anyway. Few times we'd be stood looking at something and someone would reach right over me and my kids. Is it that hard just to wait 2 minutes? :rolleyes:
Yes there is only so much the government can do when people dont take a blind bit of notice. There was a survey a week or so ago that said 30% of people with symptoms arent even isolating. Why the hell not?? And at the start of thectestvtrack and trace people weren't isolating if they had been in contact with someone who tested positive! The supermarket is horrific whenever I've gone. People ignoring the one way, people getting up close etc. Our r rate isnt dropping because of this, more than because some young people least at risk from the virus have a protest.
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VIP Member
So how many of you are back at work?

I’m self employed and work from home anyway but only able to work 50-60% of my normal hours due to a, home schooling and b, not able to do my usual work as it involves having customers in my house which I can obviously no longer do.
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What are people’s thoughts on holidays abroad? A few weeks ago I thought there was 0 chance but I’m seeing Ibiza clubs etc stating that they are opening and people on social media seem convinced they are going!

Despite how quickly our government are relaxing the rules, I can’t see other countries welcoming UK residents when we have the highest death rates in Europe ??
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VIP Member
Has anyone heard why zoo’s cant open at the along with Alton Towers etc next month? Is it due to worry in transmission to animals?
I wonder if for places like alton towers its not being able to clean the rides, seats/handles/railings inbetween use? Same possibly for zoos, i know my kids have their face right up against railings and glass when we visit zoos and aquariums. I know you would hope parents would remind children not to do those kinds of things but we all know what kids are like.
Are parks/playgrounds open yet for anyone? Our local ones are all closed still.
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Woman desperate for a big mac..... It was only a matter of time.

How desperate do you have to be to do that?! 😂 I don’t get the hype with McDonald’s however if I change it to a chocolate shop for example if I was refused entry I’d go somewhere else. We’ve got about 4 McDonald’s very close to each other!
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VIP Member
Yep, I mentioned this yesterday in a little rant. I wouldn’t choose to send my child back if school opened up to his year because luckily I’m not forced to do so, I can keep him at home for the foreseeable. However, we’ve been accessing the work set by school every day so far and I ensure he posts regularly on his class blog to stay in contact with his teachers. Now that’s being taken away from us it’s left us struggling as he needs the work for motivation and seems to think he can argue with me when I try and set work 🙄
All we get every few weeks is a BBC bitesize link sent to us.

I know her teachers are really busy but 🤦‍♀️
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