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Active member
Thank you so much.

I remember swine flu well, it was on the news a lot but I don’t recall panic buying, all the talk of death as the sheer panic. Times were easier back then, my kids were little and I could keep them safe at home.
I’m not sure at all why swine flu wasn’t as frighting as this? Was it not as contagious?


Active member
Beauty UK show that is taking place in MAY has now been postponed... Thought this would all be over by then?! (sorry about beauty updates, it is my line of work)
Do you think it’s just a precaution? I thought it would be over by then also 😱
Like others have said we can’t compare two countries. China -highly highly populated and live so close together.
Italy has high number of elderly


VIP Member
Will Boris self isolate? He was at an event 4 days ago with Nadine Dorries...
Carrie is pregnant
"If you are pregnant you are more vulnerable to getting infections than a woman who is not pregnant. If you have an underlying heart or lung condition, such as asthma, you may be more unwell if you have coronavirus.

Some babies born to women with symptoms of coronavirus in China have been born prematurely. It is unclear whether coronavirus caused this or the doctors made the decision for the baby to be born early because the woman was unwell. As we learn about the risk of pre-term birth and coronavirus infection, we will update this information"



VIP Member
View attachment 93782

The aintree surgeon is a cancer surgeon honestly can't believe someone so high up and educated would be so stupid to potential endanger hundreds of already very vulnerable people
I'm sure being a top surgeon he wouldn't of gone to work if he wasn't well (with any illness) or against government advice. If he had surely staff or his boss would sent him home?
Advice at the time was no need to isolate if you have no symptoms. I think it should of been that everyone even without symptoms should of self isolated to be honest.



VIP Member
Re the hand sanitisers I posted a link a few pages back- which were still in stock just more ££ from a french company.

Merci Handy.

(Don't work for them, saw it on another site and I bought for my sister as soon as I could.)


VIP Member
Just seen that Sainsbury’s have no online delivery slots until the end of March in my area (zone 2 in London). Other than a couple on Sunday. Tesco do - I wonder if Sainsbury’s have taken them offline for some reason.


VIP Member
With regards to swine flu how can you know it effected more people as we are only a few weeks into this so no one can have any idea what the final numbers of people who catch it/ die etc will be. From what I am reading this will be an issue for months ! And if they use to severe measures it will create a second wave in the autumn 😬


VIP Member
We have to get the kids to do it 6 times per day on top of after toilet trips and sneezes etc. Feel like all I’m doing is sending them to wash their hands 😂
Do they actually wash their hands with soap? I've a feeling they just antibac at ours!