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Happy Lady

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I wish GPs would go back to normal. There are so many people wanting to be seen by their GP now that a lot simply go directly to A&E and that appears to be where the problems in hospitals are. Please do correct me if I'm wrong though.

And I also think that critically ill patients should not have their appointments cancelled. Those with cancer, heart problems, knee and hip issued to name a few. People are struggling and need their treatments. Who is making the decision to put the jabs first, and how can they justify it?
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I didnt say anything about the world being shut down. I just said there are still some people scared to leave their house and I'm sorry it's so painful for you.
I know you didn't, but the point I'm making is that the world IS shut down if after 3 vaccines, people are still too scared to leave the confines of their homes. It's a level of fear that has been manufactured and didn't have to exist.

It is painful when that fear is so widespread that it does indeed start to place huge limitations on everyone's lives, limitations that aren't warranted. I feel sorry for people who are truly that scared, but I resent the fact that the fear is allowed to control everyone elses ability to live. I'm not blaming those people, but the government who made them that way in the first place and are still stirring the pot to ensure they stay that way.

It's horrific the panic that has been created, especially over a variant that is essentially the common cold and borderline criminal that they are still allowed to get away with this.
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Chatty Member
First time on these threads, feel I need somewhere to rant. My 17 year old daughter doesn't want the vaccine, her choice and I've never tried to sway her either way. My dad however is constantly on at us both about it, nagging every time he talks to us and has even said he doesn't want to be near her while she isn't vaccinated. She suffers with her mental health (CAMHS were involved last year) so I'm really worried for her. So sick of this shit now and I've told my dad as much, he tells me I need to watch the news and see how bad it is, lol. The funny thing is at the beginning of last year he was all "ah, its only a bloody cold, people are soft shits" 😂 not even sure I want my booster now.
Bit of a ramble but feel slightly better for getting that off my chest 🙂
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All I feel atm is will this ever bloody end?

my Little boy was 3 months old when we went into lockdown #1. He’s 2 next week and I’ll be having my second baby. Never thought for a minute back then when I had another we’d still be in this mess.

so much anxiety about being in hospital right now
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With everyone testing positive hopefully I'll be able to go London this and everyone will be stuck inside self-isolating so I can just get on with my day :ROFLMAO:
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My anxiety has been through the roof as well with it. I’m afraid another lockdown will send me into a mental breakdown again or worse even dead🙁
What's really helped me is to stop listening to the media, focus on the things that I can control rather than what I can't (which has helped with grounding me) and meditation. It's not for everyone but those things got me off my anxiety meds and now I just live for the day, tell myself I WILl have a good day and remember things I'm grateful for. I was just fed up of feeling like the government controlled my feelings amongst everyone else, when only I control those so I took back my own control ❤
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I’d also like to apologise to anyone who’ve I’ve had spats with previously. It’s not in my nature at all but I’ve had so much crap going on this year it’s really had an impact on the way I’ve treated people and made me into even more of a loud mouthed opionated cow bag than usual!

getting philosophical as it’s my birthday in nine minutes and I’ve been on the champagne

I’ll post on the other thread too

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Where is the public’s say on this? Have a referendum on covid restrictions and see how the vote turns out then 👍🏼
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With the last appointment I had it was mask in the waiting room and off in the chair. Then back on again as I was leaving.
Covid is a clever little fucker it knows not to attack while we get our teeth sorted ... But goes all out when walking through the reception 😁.
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Haaaa my Trust has just sent out an email "strongly advising" staff not to do any socialising outside of work due to the number of staff now off waiting for PCR tests.
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I watched a music documentary recently and UB40/ The Specials were in it - there were some really dark times in the 80s. Mass unemployment, industries closing left right and centre, poll tax, riots etc. I felt the fear and oppression again watching it, had forgotten how grim it was. How can this country still be in a shit state all these years on? I feel the anxiety rising again tbh
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They are creating a situation where the NHS will always be overwhelmed - with staff leaving in droves. And why is that? Sinister imo. It happened here - then they backed down on mandates because they'd lose too many people.
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Chatty Member
Do you work in education or NHS?
NHS, our stats show we have less than 10 patients with covid in (no further breakdown of if they are in BECAUSE of covid or if its a secondary thing) but our A&E dept is overrun and breaching every day with minor things because patients can't get to their GP. We regularly go on divert but all other local trusts are the same :(
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This will make for huge covid hospitalisation numbers.
Maybe just be aware when the scary figures start coming out soon that they're counting any admission who has had a positive test result within 28 days

In other news, there's still only 10 people in hospital WITH Omicron, and not one is on a ventilator. I'd love to know how many of those are vaccinated - I'd guess the fact were not being told means that they all are


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I’m struggling to feel less angry today.

I have done-everything asked of me yet we are back to “ the nhs won’t cope”

2 years later?

this feels like a regular punishment.

I do not want to meet outside in groups of 6 eating on the cold. I’m a social creature - this is feeling very wrong on so many levels.
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