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Absolutely ludicrous if they close schools again, the amount of impact it has on children is worse than the actual virus.

Given the 2 recent serious case reviews of Arthur and Star, which their abusers took advantage of in lockdown I think it would be disgraceful if they closed schools again, and anyone who supports school closures needs to give their head a wobble. It’s about time this useless twatting government concentrated on what is actually important instead of putting all their time and effort into a virus that the majority of people will survive.
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but is there any business actually less essential than a nightclub?
tell that to the people who own them, or the staff who work in them?

the threats of lockdown and the constant doom-mongering is really getting to me lately, if having 3 vaccines isn't enough to end this madness what will be enough?! i know a few people that have tested positive and they've literally just got a cold! and in normal times they would either go about their day as normal or stay in bed if they felt ill. but now it's such a disruption on your life! i'm not downplaying covid. i know it can be bad, i don't want to catch it! and i know it's about passing it on to other people. but it's just depressing me how hard we're making life these days.
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100k by the weekend let’s see how healthcare copes
You keep mentioning all these crazy case counts like all of those people are in hospital. Counts really mean fuck all if they aren't, which they very clearly aren't. We shouldn't care if 10,000 or 5 million people have Omicron if they all have a case of Mr Sniffles.
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Aghhhh god I’m finding the run up to Christmas so draining this year. At least last year we actually had lockdown restrictions, this time around I’m absolutely fed up with my friends cancelling everything we had planned and basically self imposing a lockdown.. I feel lonely and only see my other half and parents now, not even colleagues after WFH was brought back in. It’s the time of year to be out socialising and doing nice things - I wouldn’t mind if people wanted to modify plans like meeting outside or going to a quiet pub or cafe, but out and out cancelling everything? Stuck working from home now and have no plans to leave the house now before Christmas 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s depressing AF. Sorry to moan, just needed to get this off my chest 😂
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100k by the weekend let’s see how healthcare copes
Cases DO NOT matter. Hospital admissions and deaths do. South Africa are literally saying it’s highly contagious but a cold so why are we all getting in such a flap about everything. Equally every man and their fucking dog is testing almost daily it feels at this point so of course we’ve got more cases than ever!!!!!!
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Chatty Member
Do colds kill 100k people a year? Is there 'long cold'? Where the impact of a cold stays with you for years leaving you with damaged heart and lungs?
Good question! I’ve never thought about this before but if everyone was testing regularly for the common cold and everyone was ‘cold tested’ on hospital admission/during hospital stays, and any death within 28 days of a positive ‘cold test’ were counted in the same way that Covid deaths are then I imagine the answer to “Do colds kill 100k people a year?” would probably be ‘Yes’.

“Is there long cold……..” I believe there is, yes. More commonly referred to as post viral fatigue. Viruses and the immune system response they trigger can and do cause other longer lasting issues. They’ve never been made such a fuss of previously though.

They tell you if it’s the new variant
Is this for anyone testing positive in a PCR?
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Chatty Member
Javid ends by saying the government will not extend mandatory vaccination to any professions other than care workers and frontline NHS staff.

And he says he would never support the sort of “mandatory vaccination” policies implemented in some EU countries.

I suppose he's referring to legislation in Austria making the vaccine mandatory next year.

However what he's doing is all just smoke and mirrors

You don't need to make it a law you just need to increase restrictions for the unvaccinated to make life incredibly unpleasant

Take away freedoms and still tell people they have a choice.
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
My brother and wife are meant to be coming to ours for Christmas, theyre not vaccinated and my Dad is clinically vunerable, what do we do? 😕
I'm unvaccinated. My dad (vaccinated) and I are both CEV and I have continued to see and live with him at various points throughout the past two years and neither of us has caught COVID.

Please just enjoy your family together this Christmas and stop living in fear.

The vaccine does not stop you from transmitting the virus anyway!

ETA, to hopefully give you more reassurance, my 11-year-old son had COVID and I obviously cared for him and also didn't catch it.
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2 weeks? We've heard that somewhere before.
Who bets that it will be 2wks, then they'll say schools are the driving force so they'll close, then we'll be blagged off with the whole 2-3wk lag, so better have another 2 weeks.

It's about time that they realised that people are dying and suffering because of these restrictions.
The older people I work with are already worried they'll be stuck in again. They won't make it through another lockdown

I'm assuming Rishi has also found more money to bail out hospitality and the chain that works with them, along with all the other services that won't be able to run
The thing is the last lockdown was to get "jabs in arms". Will that be the excuse forever? Millions have complied. Those who do not want the jab will not be forced by neverending lockdown threats, seems the govt want everyone to turn on the unvaccinated to "make them get it". Nobody should be forced.

I got mine for "freedom". Now I feel like why bother. Doesn't meant freedom at all. Changes absolutely nothing when the rules change every 30 seconds....for a cold 😫
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Iconic Member
The golden bullet Oxford vaccine….

0.000% protection against the
omni…macaroons 🙄 variant.
Basically, you’ve been sold a donkey.

according to sky news this scary new variety pack leaves patients with, “milder ‘head cold’ like symptoms”
Anyone wondering if it’s a fucking winter cold. Omni-fucking normal winter cold??
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
exactly this. I live alone and have been working from home since March 2020, I’m allowed to go into the office but there is never anyone else there. I end up sometimes working up to 14 hour days and don’t leave the house sometimes for days on end

im going to be much less dramatic than I was the last time around on here but I sometimes do wonder how I would survive another lockdown
Just remember you have us here to talk to at all times. You are not alone and this too shall pass ♥

People slate Tattle, but honestly, if I hadn't found it pre lockdown, I'm not sure I'd be here.
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They need to stop testing unless you're ill enough to need hospital care ,how many people are off work with no symptoms but a pos test ! The only thing people have is the offer of a vaccine there is nothing else we can't sop the world forever.
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Maybe you dont mean it like this but I'm one of those people and I'm sorry it's painful for you. Trust me it's painful for me too.

Maybe not quite as dramatic as the above but for a lot of people covid is not just a cold and never will be 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've lost people to it, my husband is higher risk, I have family currently positive and I'm now terrified to leave the house in case I catch it (and get ill from it) and give it anyone else.

It's shit and I hate it and just wanted to say to anyone feeling like me at the moment, I'm sorry - it's awful ❤
I'm really sorry you have lost anyone to it, really I am. But I do stand by the fact that for the very vast majority of people, it isn't a leave your house and die death sentence and it doesn't justify shutting the entire world down like this. Ofcourse it is real and ofcourse people will die, but that happens with every virus, even the common cold or flu kills some people.

Is it a life worth living if even after 3 jabs you are to scared to leave your home? Everything in life carries some risks, you can't hide from it all.
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Chatty Member
I am shattered, I am 7 months pregnant with our second child, fatigued from working allllll the way through the pandemic (both key workers, my lockdown highlight was our nursery staying closed even to key workers due to staffing issues but being expected to juggle my job as a social worker with an 18 month old toddler!!!) i am desperate just for a ‘break’ - my son (now 3) was due to stay with my mother in law this weekend so that my husband and I could have a weekend just us to do some wrapping, housework and maybe a meal out for the first (and last!!!) time in years, but have now cancelled due to covid cases rising and the risks in 3rd trimester. We are meeting MIL in a park instead to exhange gifts. It’ll be nice…But it’s no kid free roast dinner in a nice pub that doesn’t have chicken nuggets on the menu 😂

I just need a bit to time to myself - I have had no social life since this started. Part of me is dreading maternity leave now - with my son I had PTSD and anxiety afterwards and became a bit of a hermit. My resolution this baby was to get out, not cancel those coffee dates, not put too much pressure on myself to do baby groups etc but do things for me to look after myself as well as baby. Now I feel like I’ll end up being petrified of bringing the virus home to a small baby 😩

part of me very fed up of the restrictions and inconsistent nonsense messaging from the government…and envious of friends I’ve drifted apart from who are carrying on as normal now and I find myself wanting to do the same. But then I feel fearful I will end up being one of those (or a member of my family will) who I’ve seen contrwct the virus and become seriously unwell/chronically unwell with long term complications.

feelingsorry for myself today!

trying to do some housework with 3yo ‘helping’ but it takes ten times as long and my back is killing!!!
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VIP Member
according to sky news this scary new variety pack leaves patients with, “milder ‘head cold’ like symptoms”
Anyone wondering if it’s a fucking winter cold. Omni-fucking normal winter cold??
Tested positive on LFT Monday after the starting of cold like symptoms. Confirmed by PCR same day.

I now can breath through 1 nostril but 1 is still blocked (I have issued with this side anyway from multiple broken noses). Feel a lot less wooly headed than yesterday.

Slight cough but mainly because I am mouth breathing and get a dry throat which I then have to clear.

All in all very mild cold symptoms.
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No I live in a council house and work minmum wage and so does my husband. Don't have a lot of money but I'd rather have a good mental health wellness than need to spend money and be fearful of restaurants, pubs and shops shutting down? I find people are just obsessed with spending and eating.
I’m sorry but people aren’t obsessed with spending and eating. People do it for socialisation, for fun (not a crime to want to have fun😂) or because you know what they bloody well want to go for dinner and shop. Just because your mental wellness doesn’t depend on it doesn’t mean everyone else is the same as you.
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Chatty Member
Very telling that the government manages to find the money for endless covid tests, paying peoples wages through lockdowns and millions of vaccines but has left the NHS and other services such as education and social care to struggle on bare bones for years to the point where a relatively mild virus pushes things to the brink of collapse.

Just shows that when push comes to shove they can find the money, they just don’t want to put it where it’s truly needed so that society as a whole can benefit and thrive. I’m dreading another decade or more of austerity, tax increases and cuts to vital services whilst the rich carry on with life unaffected. Everything feels so shit right now.
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Chatty Member
Sorry I can’t find the posts now where I was quoted but I just wanted to say thank you to those of you offering me support. I do have a good network around me but I feel like everyone else has so much going on in their own lives I rarely speak up (story of my life). I’m single for Christmas this year which is really getting to me as last year even though we were in lockdown it felt like I finally found somewhere I belonged. He was a nasty piece of work who cheated on me with at least 4 girls it turned out but still… I’m alone again. This year has been horrific as I also had to have emergency gynae surgery as well as covid that turned into long covid, coupled with lockdown and isolation…

on another note entirely it looks like the private sector are operating as normal, ive booked tonight for breast surgery in 2 weeks time (please no judgement - years of starving myself due to mental health problems have left me this way)
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God I’m bloody depressed. Yeah I know people have it a lot worse that me but just gotta rant. Just been told I’ll be working from home for the foreseeable future just as I signed to contract to my new flat which is in a city miles away from where I currently live just for this job. The head office for my job is meant to be incredible. I honestly feel so disappointed
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