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Piff paff puff

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No one is listening anymore, even my pro-independence friends aren’t listening to her ‘advice’.
We’re having a Hogmanay party with at least 15 people from well over 3 households, how do you like that Sturgeon 😉
She'll be livid you'll all be having a great time 🥳😂
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The vaccinated spread the virus more slowly. He doesn't get how viruses or vaccines work, does he?

View attachment 928703
Conversely, someone who is vaccinated might be more likely to be out and about spreading the virus as they feel fine. Whereas someone unvaxxed might be feeling the effects and staying home as they feel poorly ?
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No one is listening anymore, even my pro-independence friends aren’t listening to her ‘advice’.
We’re having a Hogmanay party with at least 15 people from well over 3 households, how do you like that Sturgeon 😉
Sturgeon basically said that the SNP want to do more (lockdown) but can't as they don't have the cash.

So if we were Independent you'd it then would you? So that's the end of devaluation. Next debate all the opposition have to do is remind voters that only Boris stopped a Scottish Lockdown - spectacular own goal by the one policy party!
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My friend (24) has tested positive for covid and she’s describing it to be the flu. She’s so weak she can barely lift her head up from the pillow, she doesn’t have to energy to eat and she can barely move to go to the toilet. She’s also double jabbed.
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It is indeed. Its just frustrating when the government are saying however many people died with covid then the media scream it out to scare the crap out of everyone (then get the ventilator argument crew out in force), when the actual numbers are probably lower. We will never know and I accept that because it really could, and does, send people crazy. My happy energy is more important than wondering about useless arse Boris 🤣
The ventilation argument got worse when it came out that it was just number of people in beds CAPABLE of ventilation. Not that they actually were receiving ventilation.

It's the same as the with/of argument.
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The golden bullet Oxford vaccine….

0.000% protection against the
omni…macaroons 🙄 variant.
Basically, you’ve been sold a donkey.

according to sky news this scary new variety pack leaves patients with, “milder ‘head cold’ like symptoms”
Anyone wondering if it’s a fucking winter cold. Omni-fucking normal winter cold??
Exactly what I said. And the winter cold also spreads like wildfire. Back in full office days, one person the other side of the room sneezed and by hometime everyone had it. Wasn't any mental reaction then of closing the offices! You just got your lemsip and tissues and got the F on with it
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Very telling that the government manages to find the money for endless covid tests, paying peoples wages through lockdowns and millions of vaccines but has left the NHS and other services such as education and social care to struggle on bare bones for years to the point where a relatively mild virus pushes things to the brink of collapse.

Just shows that when push comes to shove they can find the money, they just don’t want to put it where it’s truly needed so that society as a whole can benefit and thrive. I’m dreading another decade or more of austerity, tax increases and cuts to vital services whilst the rich carry on with life unaffected. Everything feels so shit right now.
I'm dreading the April increases already. National Insurance, council tax etc all going up by god knows how much. Ah well I shall try to remain positive and focus on what I can change - which is only how I let things affect me ❤
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It's to slow it down apparently ! They saw their highest cases on record yesterday .
Well then they already have a problem then don't they.

Looks more like just another attempt by the French to upset neighbourly relations for the sake of it, to me.
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Honestly it’s borderline tyranny 😂

The mad thing is though, the Scots really listen to Nicola. Having moved from England to Scotland recently (and in Scotland a lot during lockdowns), I found compliance with masks, social distancing etc to be much higher in Scotland than in England.
It’s cold for most of the year, keeping their faces warm 😂
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Chatty Member
How likely do you think it is that this lockdown will go ahead?

Im really anxious about it. I think if he said 'right we are locking down now for 2 weeks' I'd prefer that to the current leaked information about what might or might not happen.

Its the mixing households restriction that would bother me, I dont want to be isolated and cut off from the world again.
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And I'm one of them. PCR came back positive

Still only got mild cold symptoms
Hope you feel better soon. I had it 4 weeks ago. On the bright side, like me, you've just won yourself a 6 month natural immunity vaccine passport - think of all the places you'll be able to go! :ROFLMAO:
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The isolation needs to ends. The country will grind to a halt if the amount of cases go as predicted.
Definitely! People moaned that it didn’t make sense when the summer rules came in and you didn’t need to isolate if in contact with a positive case but look at the opposite- disrupted school, public services, the hospitality and travel industry down the pan.

France have lost me as a potential tourist with a few thousand to inject into their tourism industry. We were planning a 3 week road trip in 2023 but Macaron the Clown 🤡 can fuck off if he thinks I’m spending a single Euro in their country now 🤜🏻
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I’m a civil servant with no practical skills, and we are being drafted in to work at the vaccine clinics. They must be desperate 😂
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Aside from his tiresome narrative that everyone in the UK is thick and/or a racist gammon, I think on the whole most people ARE careful.

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The government just don’t want to admit that they need to recruit a LOT more nhs staff and build new hospitals. Nothing will eradicate it and it will take years for boosters etc to get levels down to how the flu naturally spikes up and down. Only one virus has been eradicated in history and it took many years.

it is here forever and along with other viruses that thrive in winter it will cause huge winter problems. There’s always problems in acute settings at winter every year, even pre covid. Throw a new virus into the mix that gets worse at winter, the crisis every year will get worse. We have needed new hospitals and new staff for years! The government admitting actually it is here forever and we need to be equipped to deal with it is them saying they do need to invest in the nhs which I can’t see happening tbh.

i can’t see many people staying away from family if they try to enforce any rules this year, especially after bojo and his party 🤣
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My brother and wife are meant to be coming to ours for Christmas, theyre not vaccinated and my Dad is clinically vunerable, what do we do? 😕
Honestly up to you, viral load is the same regardless of vaccine status and transmission
vaccines only help reduce the severity of how ill you are

so if your dad is up to date with jabs and feels comfortable socialising then Ul be fine
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Got my booster tomorrow morning. Bit apprehensive after how poorly I was after my second. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly
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VIP Member
The government just don’t want to admit that they need to recruit a LOT more nhs staff and build new hospitals. Nothing will eradicate it and it will take years for boosters etc to get levels down to how the flu naturally spikes up and down. Only one virus has been eradicated in history and it took many years.

it is here forever and along with other viruses that thrive in winter it will cause huge winter problems. There’s always problems in acute settings at winter every year, even pre covid. Throw a new virus into the mix that gets worse at winter, the crisis every year will get worse. We have needed new hospitals and new staff for years! The government admitting actually it is here forever and we need to be equipped to deal with it is them saying they do need to invest in the nhs which I can’t see happening tbh.

i can’t see many people staying away from family if they try to enforce any rules this year, especially after bojo and his party 🤣
NHS staff are leaving aswell in droves. My friend being one of them (with a supermarket she now works for paying 50p less an hour than she got as a nurse - with overtime she will actually take home more!)

She said she's gonna train in botox etc as will earn tonnes more than the NHS paid her. I see many going the same way. I knew nurse pay was shocking but not THAT shocking.
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This is the highest case day ever, they have ammo to lock us down at this point and the fact they haven’t just proves to me they aren’t really that concerned about Omicron but need to appear to be doing something in the meantime.

I don’t want another lockdown and I think they’ll avoid it at all costs purely down to not wanting to pay for it. At the end of the day, they’re still the Tory party, covid or not.
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